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  1. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Other than almost getting his head blown off the other day....Its all lining up nicely for Donny.
  2. Kermit McDermott


    Anyone with such a deep knowledge of outer Mongolian grind core bands can't be called stupid.
  3. Kermit McDermott

    European and local elections 2024

    Gavin looking very Peppery around the bonce.
  4. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Imagine being stuck protecting that prick all the time.
  5. Kermit McDermott

    2020-21 Football thread

    Former England goalkeeper, Dave Spunk was there.
  6. Kermit McDermott


    Jaysus, Enoch grew his hair long while he was in da joy.
  7. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Id say they are printing up the merch already. Americans never miss an opportunity to sell shite to people. "Use promo code fight fight fight for a 10% discount"
  8. Kermit McDermott

    People Who Died Died on July 6th, age 77.
  9. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    He has the luck of the devil. And of course He made sure to get that defiant photo op image for the media. Even more fuel for his campaign. November is looking grim.
  10. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

  11. Kermit McDermott


    Ah, he's sound & can be very funny, but, old school. No filter.
  12. Kermit McDermott

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    The Mission - Tower of strength (1988) Produced by John Paul Jones Simple minds would be a fair guess...
  13. Kermit McDermott


    Learned colleague: Male Nurse : Female
  14. Kermit McDermott


    I recently heard one of my learned colleagues having a conversation speculating about a certain part of one of the Indian nurses anatomy and wondering if there would be " a bang of curry off it"
  15. Kermit McDermott

    Thread for Current pop songs you like

    Katy Perry is back with a video that goes straight for the JUG- ular.
  16. Kermit McDermott

  17. Kermit McDermott

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    @GPThumped picture of a hippie hippopotamus
  18. Kermit McDermott

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    I don't mind it, but I'd say if you listened to it too much you would end up with diabetes.
  19. Kermit McDermott

    The WTF Thread