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  1. Mark King

    room of sorrow

    ..robin hoods, chilly willies, mr. freeze, rasberry duramies. one of the above is fictional....
  2. Mark King

    room of sorrow

    funny feet, hiawathas, little devils...emmm....
  3. Mark King

    room of sorrow

    This is what makes Grogan's the greatest pub in the world - if you spill your pint, even if there's only a little bit left.. they'll give you a new one for free! (well okay, i'm not condoning everyone to go to grogan's and guy one pint and drink free all night by continually spilling the last...
  4. Mark King

    room of sorrow

    Or finding pubes in your ice cream. Or a sticking plaster in your soup. Or a pair of spectacles in the swimming pool... :( it has happened to me one occasion, when having afternoon tea at a friend's ma's house, that i noticed a pube in the sugar bowl. true story.
  5. Mark King

    New Noise Music Collective contact

    PM'ed ya
  6. Mark King

    Room of Doom

  7. Mark King

    room of sorrow

    poverty mans inhumanity to man ozone layer war catching pubes under foreskin
  8. Mark King

    what was number 1 on the day you was born?

    wow! can you give me his number? i'd love to meet him. this song has for years been a favourite of me and my friend ger brady. we would always call to alert the other if we heard it on the radio. then a few months back i found out it was number one when i was born. a coincidence? could it have...
  9. Mark King

    what was number 1 on the day you was born?

    i share my birthday with prince and tom jones. double huzzah!
  10. Mark King

    Pink Floyd "Live in Pompeii" dvd

    I despair for the human race, I really do. Fogarty, you started this you sick fucking bastard.
  11. Mark King

    Pink Floyd "Live in Pompeii" dvd

    for the love of god, pete... LOCK IT!!!
  12. Mark King

    Pink Floyd "Live in Pompeii" dvd

    I used to share with a guy who played this video constantly at ear splitting volume while he smoked with his wanker mates. My bedroom was next to the sitting room and one night it actually came to fisticuffs. Days and weeks and months of this turgid dross coming through my wall sent me over...
  13. Mark King

    what was number 1 on the day you was born?

    As heard every day for 20 years on Larry Gogan's Golden Hour.... Sugar Baby Love by The Rubettes!
  14. Mark King

    Room Lovely

  15. Mark King

    Room Lovely

    the holy trinity: taytos, mars bar, pinta milk.
  16. Mark King

    Butt of the Joke

    Fudge Tunnel Pope's Colon (I was in 'em... .|..|)
  17. Mark King


    it was great. never saw or heard them before saturday night and i loved it. really good fun, rocked like the bejesus, funny as hell. no irony in that room - cowboy hats, devil signs, wrap around shades, pointy-toed boots, guitar solos standing on monitors, thin lizzy tribute section! but...
  18. Mark King

    happy birthday psychotic no 2 !!!

    i hope you're joking that edel is just 21. if not, i feel really... fucking... old.. .
  19. Mark King

    Boxes needs bassist

    Doing doing ba-doing babip a boing! Diggata boing bee ba boing! Hi everybody. Look no further! I'm Mark King out of Level 42 and I'm joining Boxes!!! Boing dingitty boing da doing boing!