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  • Users: ci
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  1. ci

    Endstand tour may?

  2. ci

    The Skies Collide... Next Wednesday, March 1st..

    So Jills birthday eh? COME ON TA FUKK LIKE.
  3. ci

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    the sunday mirror- headline "Nazi band get the boot," with a picture of GBKs lead singer in Corpse paint. Dont have a link though, sorry.
  4. ci

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Plug got pulled... article in one of the Sunday rags, interview with Lower Deck owner and RAR. Pictures too.
  5. ci

    So need some advice???

    Hammer. Definitely.
  6. ci


    Big mouths, little brains.
  7. ci

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    Do you have to be a ucd student or anything though...
  8. ci

    Children Of Fall - Bonjour Tristesse

    Deadly/crap... any reason?
  9. ci

    Children Of Fall - Bonjour Tristesse

    I've been checking this band out for the last while- only discovered them a couple of weeks ago... sure they're only deadly.... when did they play Ireland last?
  10. ci

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    Sorry for being so unashamedly emo... i gave it up for new years though.
  11. ci

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    aha... says you boss... says you...
  12. ci

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    I meant in terms of bookshops/record stores.... Not whining, reminiscing is more the word....
  13. ci

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    Fuck.... what does Dublin have now? SFA.... Losing it's coolest ever bookshop/recordshop.... erk... It was amazing while it lasted, heres hoping you guys get something deadly going again soon....
  14. ci

    its not quite cricket Dribbling doesnt get much better than this
  15. ci

    its not quite cricket - Ninja Training Camp them there ninjas got skills. - WTF?? what. the. fuck. indeed..
  16. ci

    its not quite cricket

    Google video search is occupying too much of my time lately... so many random yokes on it.
  17. ci

    ok just read it on metal ireland

    Please let this be true..
  18. ci

    Person Wanted To Share Two Bedroom Apt Just Off Thomas St.

    Ill ring you about this tomorrow... If it's still going?
  19. ci

    What movie did you watch last night?

    1984 got it for a tenner in chapters yesterday.... deggely.
  20. ci

    PUGET SOUND R.I.P. ashes to ashes 06

    No. Fucking. Way. I was just listening to the album today, first time to put it on in yonks