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  1. muffin

    Voices that put your teeth on edge.

    I second Cathy Davey..Her voice actually makes me feel a bit sick.
  2. muffin

    Favourite holidays

    Ice hotel in Kiruna up in Northern Sweden. It was just so different to anywhere I'd ever experienced before. Amazing.
  3. muffin

    Identifying songs

    cpr has some application on her phone that, if you play 10 seconds of any song, it's gives ya the song title and artist. I'll ask her what it's called!
  4. muffin

    Customs charges?

    When I got hit with it, the dude that delivered it told me I had to pay it and took the money there and then. Don't know what happens if you don't have the money on you.
  5. muffin

    move me to a new country.

    I second Berlin..either that or Paris.
  6. muffin

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Oh o.k...
  7. muffin

    I have the horn for...

    He is yummy in that video...nom nom nom..
  8. muffin

    I have the horn for...

    because I've been watching parks and recreation and a LOT of snl. wonky eye and all..
  9. muffin

    I have the horn for...

    Is that ter wan from the city?not that I ever watch that or anything..
  10. muffin

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Re: Meeting People Dude, seriously what are you looking for? People are trying to give you advice, even though they don't know you. You're asking for suggestions and then when anyone gives you some, you just poke holes in them. Maybe the advice isn't what you are looking for, but at the very...
  11. muffin

    Ham Sandwich pregnancy story on TLC

    Re: Ham Sandwich do Lionel Ritchie I don't really understand it..Is it meant to be an abstinence-promoting-condoms-don't-work scare tactic or what?very very weird..
  12. muffin

    Buseireann - The last straw.

    Did ya get the inspectors name? Was it the same inspector that told ya no and then a different one who got you on the bus or the same guy?
  13. muffin

    I have the horn for...

    so true..
  14. muffin

    The Snapper is on this Friday

    a1 Sharon.
  15. muffin

    the apprentice

    Which one is Paula? and the wan that was Project Manager tonight is a pain in the hole..and don't even get me started on that ponce that designed the shitty box..peanut head.
  16. muffin

    the apprentice

    Yeah but look at her face...eurgh..
  17. muffin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Am about halfway through. It's deadly. It's all done with like little snippets of interviews, rather than a full on narrative. Am really dug into it. Plus I think I'm developing a big crush on Dan Akroyd cos everyone just seems to talk about how lovely he is.
  18. muffin

    food/shit question

    Congrats flashback!
  19. muffin

    School question

  20. muffin

    School question

    He wishes..More like