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  1. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    well,if thats the way you wis to look at it ... fine. I have no idea who done it. I'd just like something better than 'everybody says so' to make me believe it was the IRA and not just idle speculation. If i DID find out it was the IRA, then I'd say much the same sinn fein did recently in...
  2. C

    freak out with my geek out

    i actualkly bought a dell so I have it running side by side with a four year old mac. even with that age difference, the mac still runs smoother and doesnt throw itself off the network and back on again like the dell does. plus in a year or twos time nothing will run on the dell machine
  3. C

    cleaning your monitor from the inside ...

    yes, a brand new invention that cleans your computer monitor from the inside ... amazing
  4. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    there have been rumours that south armagh, who never agreed with sinn fein on the peace process, had somethign to do with it. still though we dont actually know what the story is. we cant say SF was aware of whos involved and I believe we'll be going backwards if we go down the unionst 'no...
  5. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    spiritual tramp - i dont know why you show such agression. I'd like to know what the proof is plus I'd like to know what you mean by drug running?
  6. C

    vinyl to mp3 what do i need

    You'll need: 1) sound software for your computer's OS 2) a soundcard (you have one if theres a headphone and mic in things on your computer) 3) Your stereo grab some sound recording software off the web, then connect your stereo headphonejack or sound out to the sound in...
  7. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i'd be just as grateful if you could point me in the direction of the reasoning behind that. I dont buy anything the ruc say unless they back it up with some evidence. theyve much too much a shady past. Also, the bank robbery wasnt staged to make shinners look bad. It would though...
  8. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    I'd say they did it so people would add white van and south of the border and come up with IRA. I'd bet money someone from the british government/NIO had something to do with it. I doubt it would have been the first time.
  9. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    everybody says lots of things, doesnt make it true though. didnt that van have a norn iron reg? I know they wouldnt have to be real but Im certain they reported that at the time
  10. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    I sincerely believe that the IRA, as it would have been known to the nationalist community, would have gone away, but almost certainly something else will fill the void. the inla, real ira, cira etc are all there already working on a fecken headstart.
  11. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    what bugs me is paisley's dastardly plan to return to a NI government ruled by unionists with no real nationalist competition. It'd be back to square 1. you wouldnt need to be a great guesser to know how that would work out in about 60 years time.
  12. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    ah, i dunno. if the IRA didnt do this (and my gut feeling is they didnt), then what the fuck is going on and why are people letting it happen? Im just thinking of sf's rise in the elections and how the other parties wish that the shinners would fall off the face of the eath, and then paisley...
  13. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    i am a sinn fein member. i was just making the point that scapegoating republicans is obviously much handier for people to do rather than look for peace. Im interested to see how this whole thing is going to pan out now those interested in stopping sinn fein seem to have a way to kick us out...
  14. C

    Anything broken?

    ive given up on using the events feature when not on a windows pc running IE - its a pity that even the web is governed by microsoft;)
  15. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    according to SF:
  16. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    do the IRA still have that kind of power after almost a decade of a ceasefire? I dont know if they do. Anyway, it was obviously Mi5 - as in the same people behind the dublin/monaghan bombings. blair needed to move the process by hook or by crook - criminalising the republican movement via a...
  17. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    how is alienating the republican movement by blaming them for something when theres nothing to back that claim up going to help the peace process? answer: it wont. in fact it'll probably just open the gate to more killings if the IRA give up on the peace precess - considering neither of the...
  18. C

    the iRA and the Bank Robbery

    What do you reckon, and why? like is the RUCs word good enough, or do you think this amazingly fits well with the recent Paisley claim that the iRa are nothing more than crims and need humiliating? I was talking to a local politician who assures me that the PSNI would never lie, and he...
  19. C

    computer building thing

    isnt there backup firewire drives running some version of linux around for just that purpose? I heard of them somewhere