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  1. T


    not due to drivers. I’m in germany, where shelves are full and trucks are whizzing. seems like a pure supply shortage problem.
  2. T


    did we mention fizzy-drinks-gate yet? the outline of it seems to be that the two plants that make most of the commercial carbon dioxide in britain were days away from closing down...
  3. T


    tried to order an amp from thomann a couple of weeks ago and they eventually refunded me and basically said the amp just doesn’t exist anymore. there’s a warehouse somewhere in china with a million of them, but they won’t be available to consumers for months and months, so thomann just dropped...
  4. T


    not directly brexit-related, but just a passing thought about the madness of the UK. boris has just announced, as part of his reshuffle, that Anne-Marie Trevelyan is their new trade minister. from the same family (by marriage) as the infamous charles trevelyan, he of the corn. 175 years on and...
  5. T


    england is a strange place
  6. T


    cummings is a weirdo but he does give a good quote. the mark e. smith of accelerationist hyper-thatcherite managerialist techno-catastrophism, don’t you know
  7. T


    nephew of Sir John Laws, Lord Justice of Appeal, interviewed by grand-daughter of Lord Robertson, judge of the Scots High Court of Justiciary, and grand-niece of James Wilson Robertson, colonial Governor-General of Nigeria
  8. T


    imagine going back to 2016 and telling everyone that one of the things they’ll be arguing about in norniron in 2021 would be something called a “chilled meats grace period.” it sounds like a melvins album title
  9. T


    seems more of an analogy than a comparison. though you need to already have a fair bit of contextual knowledge to even understand the analogy. how many normal schmoes even know what “socialism in one country” is a reference to? may as well have called him a zinovievite or an anti-revisionist...
  10. T


    someone *has* to start a cornish-language erasure covers band just so it can be called cornish erasure
  11. T


    decent chronological rundown of the DUP meltdown here, by Vincent Kearney. If Jeffrey Donaldson manages to get himself crowned leader next week, he’ll have a hell of a clean-up job. the shinners probably can’t believe their luck: right now, they are the ones that the british government is...
  12. T


    There’s a story about dissident writers in Poland in the 1970s who thought that there must be two people, both named noam chomsky — one is an academic linguist, the other a political activist. because it just didn’t seem possible to them that this could all just be one guy. I feel a similar...
  13. T


  14. T


    Arlene is gone
  15. T


    I was thinking that it’s an interesting long-term branding choice they made going with calling it GB news rather than UK news or some other variation. the reference is ultimately geographical, not political. so no problems if the UK falls apart.
  16. T


    jesus she’s terrifying. like a thatcherite robocop
  17. T


  18. T


    well, sure I’m just waiting for what seems like a fairly likely collision between american social-justice-y habits and the reality of the fun trench warfare of norniron politics
  19. T


    so... we all know that it is often the case that political trends and tendencies that begin in the USA end up being adopted, in various ways, by people in Ireland — or Europe more generally. BLM and #metoo are only the most recent obvious examples, but there are many more. I was thinking about...
  20. T


    so, these loyalist riots. they’re going to go on a bit, and at the end they will have achieved... nothing at all. twenty years ago, they might have been able to leverage something like this into some kind of political concession. now it will just trundle along for a week or two, and then both...