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  1. The

    natural family planning

    So you ARE only 16, damnit, I should have guessed
  2. The

    natural family planning

    well what would these boy pills do?? Kill sperm or something.
  3. The

    natural family planning

    ya I know, I'm just saying for me personally, it would scare the bejaysis out of me. My friend had this implant thing, which I presume is simiilar to the injection but you could leave it in for 2 or 3 years I think. wasn't supposed to stop her periods but it did for around 5 or 6 months, she...
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    I want to go just out of curiousity, but I'm pretty sure he won't show up. Pete Doherty in Cork, hmmm...... I just can't see it happening
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    Pamela or Yasmine

    I love Pamela Anderson.... I really do, I think she's fecking great. As for Carmen and Yasmine, they're not that great
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    natural family planning

  7. The

    Coronation St

    why is Sally going to lose it?? I don't know what her problem is, she's so shocked that her 16 year daughter is getting laid, it's really not that exciting, bit of a stupid story. Also she's very mean to Craig, I mean she doesn't seem to remember he has had a pretty hard life, she should try to...
  8. The

    Sexual harrasment or not?

    I'm sure nothing major will happen to him and he can go back takling about what a legend he is after it has all blown over
  9. The

    Sexual harrasment or not?

    I'd have to say that that would definitely come under the heading sexual harrassment in my books. I mean what did your friend think was going to happen?? that she'd laugh it off or something... That being said I think girls get away with murder in schools. Any male teacher in our school was...
  10. The

    bitches of thumped

    I've failed as a woman, i wear heels once a year and that's it. Hate them, they hurt, whats the point in that.
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    ice skatin

    love ice-skating, it's very addictive. To watch that is, I've never actually attempted to ice-skate myself, I have a fear of one of those skates being embedded in my face
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    Cadbury's Creme Egg Bar

    I was sceptical about their existence but I just bought one in Dunnes. I will let ye know if it's any good
  13. The

    keane - not just music for bedwetters

    bass players are capable of saving the worlds biggest problems, they just can't be arsed
  14. The

    rod y gab

    all of ye are really good at answering questions
  15. The

    keane - not just music for bedwetters

    come here, I was watching the grammys the other night and Keane were being nominated for stuff... I didn't think they had made it that far afield. Nominees for every category were U2, Kanye West, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent ....and Keane.
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    Question for the ladies (or some tuned-in fellas)

    eh..I'd say this is valid, if she has a lot of stuff going on she may not want to be trying to sort stuff out with you on top of it
  17. The

    Check out Pantone and Snaky's laydeez

    they look like a bundle of laughs the pair of them......ah, aren't they lovely though
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    Leaving Cert '06

    One thing I regret about Leaving Cert is not going down to pass maths. i did alright in the end but it caused me so much stress, I didn't have a clue what I was up to half the time, went to Bruce to get a grind and he was able to beat it into my head a bit but I wasted so much time on it, I...
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    eh..can I have two packets of meanies and 30 jellies like. Gimme some white mice too.
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