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  1. timbot

    Bloody Chuggers

    I agree but the mind-boggling rudeness that some show would not be tolerated if it weren't all for charidee...I can only imagine if say insurance salesmen used the same technique that they would be run out of time. Also, when you sign up to a certain number of these donations can you get a...
  2. timbot

    Bloody Chuggers

    These bloody chuggers! They do my head in... Waving at you and pretending they are your friends, grrr...
  3. timbot

    Amusing rhymes in songs

    We're like two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl That line really grinds my silly
  4. timbot

    Amusing rhymes in songs

    I really hate songs with lyrics like that. Atmosphere have a track called That's not beef, that's pork that has some lyrics that I quite like though:
  5. timbot

    Office-Speak phrases you hate

    Action I do hate. Mixing metaphors is pretty much de rigeur. I was in a meeting where a manager managed to use the phrase "World of Pain" compare the decision on which server to use as "Sophies Choice" and likened the project to George Foreman.
  6. timbot

    Spencer Tunick wants YOU in the nip

    That's pretty much exactly what I suspect is going to happen to me - a combination of nerves, cold and biology...
  7. timbot

    Spencer Tunick wants YOU in the nip

    N'ah, it says on the email they send you that tattoos and piercings are A OK
  8. timbot

    Lee vs. Eastwood

    Well, this is what all of post-culturalism is about isn't it? If there were never a voice from the other ethnic groupings then that is a form of insiduous oppression. Just like hiring men and women and only promoting men. So that argument is a bit disingenuous.
  9. timbot

    General Gripes

    I agree, what did the kid's weight have to do with anything?
  10. timbot

    Something Stinks

    Actually, legally the guy has recourse. Where a pattern of behaviour (of any type) has been established and unchallenged for a length of time then the manager cannot issue any kind of disciplinary action without first notifying the staff that they are planning to do so. It is usually used in...
  11. timbot

    Lee vs. Eastwood

    I saw a good point in the paper on this though which is that Hollywood films tend to be pretty light on the historical accuracy so is that really a valid excuse? But in general I think that Lee is getting angry at the wrong person here...
  12. timbot

    Washing your hands

    I have that little fungus fella and I have gone through two bottles of 25 euro stuff to try and kill him and no joy. Anyone know how to get him good before it spreads to my brain?
  13. timbot

    Happy Birthday Froog!

    I see you trolling your way through the MIA thread to celebrate! Happy Birthday!
  14. timbot


    Practice what you preach and be more polite...
  15. timbot


    I think Sunshowers is the best song she did. Apart from that she is a bit meh. Nothing to do with her being a woman, just not a great songwriter/singer/rapper...
  16. timbot

    Solar energy

    Harsh buzz when you are in the situation though, not only are you being electrocuted but some guy is smacking you with 2X4
  17. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Ah come on, those cheap flimsy pint glasses are made to be disposable but regular venues have sturdy plastic pints that are not glass, shatterproof and can be re-used. Chips don't have to come in that little plastic container, they can come in a paper bag or something instead. And yes, of...
  18. timbot

    Miss Universe Ireland

    Ah, the moebius strip that is Thumped
  19. timbot

    Miss Universe Ireland

    Seconded. Why waste your life watching something you are not enjoying?
  20. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    One thing that struck me is that while Radiohead attempted to tour in some kind of eco-friendly way and alot of people got the Dart out instead of a taxi (I was there on the Saturday night) there were still plastic pint glasses all over the place, food wrappings thrown around and everything. I...