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  • Users: Skink
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  1. Skink

    Philip Glass is 70 today

    Glass sucks ass. apart from earlier stuff. and string quartet for that dracula thing. Musical wallpaper! Not gonna be in Dvblinia for that Living Music Fest this year but looks pretty poor. John Adams...
  2. Skink

    Leechrum fest...

    Wondering if anyone has a contact for this? much obliged
  3. Skink

    If anyone's around London Thursday or Saturday...

    ... the expatriated N,N- are playing a couple of gigs: Thursday: at the Hope and Anchor: Saturday: at the Wilmington: Both round Islington - chairs! Liam
  4. Skink

    Classical musicians and the classical "scene"

    western art music so-called has the benefit of few hundred years of (state/d) 'History' to justify it. music as edifying for the intellect (moral) rather than dirty for losing the run of yourself (immoral). sum grate tunes tho!
  5. Skink

    justin broadrick's Final support sunno))) on tuesday(oct 17)

    saw Sunn o))) lastnight in London. expected a lot and was even better. surreally good. people in the audience staggering out shellshocked afterwards. Burning Star Core played too who was also savage
  6. Skink

    Estel, Party Weirdo, Ewa Gigon - Sat 16th Sept, the Hub

    Re: Estel, Party Weirdo, The Stolen Pony - Sat 16th Sept, the Hub saw party wierdo in east Berlin recently in some underground place. very good. ladyfest festival. they charged us a quid for their cd even tho we knew them from Dublin. rock n roll
  7. Skink

    Life fest ticket fr sale

    a bit cheaper than pm if yr interested
  8. Skink


    catholic church. i'm on bass too
  9. Skink

    Thurston Moore sells out and buys in....

    Society is a whole; it makes me. Lie to my friends!
  10. Skink

    Thurston Moore sells out and buys in....

    1. The world is everything that is the case. The world is all that is the case. 2. What is the case, the fact, is the existence of atomic facts. What is the case -- a fact -- is the existence of states of affairs. 3. The logical picture of the facts is the thought. A logical...
  11. Skink


    Yeh Times Fly is prob their best alright
  12. Skink

    Steve Reich coming to ireland

    Proverb was dire. They should have just done the whole of drumming
  13. Skink

    Steve Reich coming to ireland

    Yeh! i was up in the balcony and couldn't figure out whether I was hallucinating that or not. The head seemed to be shakin at a ridiculous rate. Was at the Reich seminar on Sunday. Down to earth although quite conservative. He has no time for free jazz
  14. Skink

    Steve Reich coming to ireland

    yup. Feldman on Friday was kickin also
  15. Skink

    anything good happenin tonight?

    The National Concert Hall is gonna be savage tonight and reasonable price
  16. Skink

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Ulysses is quality. Fuck the idea of it and read it instead
  17. Skink

    cosmic trigger - robert anton wilson

    Pity about the Uri Geller stuff at the end of the book. Bend that spoon! But... there IS no spoon... Sex Drugs and the Occult is good as well
  18. Skink

    "Anti-semitic band" in The Lower Deck

    they should play in the Foggy Dew
  19. Skink

    Savino NEWS

    good luck with EP anyway
  20. Skink

    Savino NEWS

    used to play with eponymous J.Savino when band was called BIKE. maybe rename (((b)))IKE in keeping with the ethnicity of today's posting