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  1. Galway Steve

    YURT - EGE ARTEMIS YURTUM ( 2009 ) - full album download.

    Like this a lot. Deadly stuff!
  2. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Good game, Fabergas was lucky to get away with the handball alright, he didn't do much for his case after on Sky Sports either"Could the ref have given a handballl against you?" Yes possibly"! Missed the first 10 mins so didn't see what happened Nasri. I thought we looked fairly solid at the...
  3. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Depressing stuff yesterday.
  4. Galway Steve

    World's Greatest Living Guitarist Announced

    Ha, nicely spotted Inspector Gazuedo! How thick must you be to get it right in the first sentence and wrong in the second!
  5. Galway Steve

    World's Greatest Living Guitarist Announced
  6. Galway Steve

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Earthless - Live at Roadburn... all hour and a bit of it. Deadly!
  7. Galway Steve

    inishowen guitar festival

    Hadn't heard anything of this until now. Pity, would've liked to have gone to a day of it. :mad:
  8. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Arsenal team: Almunia, Sagna, Gallas, Vermaelen, Clichy, Song, Denilson, Fabregas, Rosicky, Nasri, Arshavin. Subs: Fabianski, Silvestre, Eboue, Traore, Ramsey, Walcott, Bendtner The Verminator is on. Come on you Gunners!
  9. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Wenger said Song looked tired in his last game plus flights from Angola to Cameron then to London, so I'd say doubtful for Sunday, maybe might give him a run out though. Here's hoping Vermaelen pulls through!
  10. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Doesn't give a pub name. Presume it would be a ticketed event or something. Just spotted it online this morning.
  11. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Anyone going to see the weekend game in 3D?
  12. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Kept an eye on the live text alright, said it looked like calf problem? Clichy seemingly had a bad game, was booked and Fabergas "wasted" 2 free kicks according to SkySports. Richard Dunne was booked for an outburst after Campbell clipped his heels in extra time and he got no free kick.
  13. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Anyone see the game? I couldn't get a decent feed online so it was impossible to watch. Worth watchin the highlights?
  14. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    I think everyone who passed on him is regretting it now. He's doing great this season.
  15. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Arsenal team in full: Almunia, Sagna, Gallas, Vermaelen, Clichy, Denilson, Ramsey, Fabregas, Rosicky, Eduardo, Arshavin Substitutes: Fabianski, Campbell, Traore, Eastmond, Nasri, Walcott, Bendtner
  16. Galway Steve

    Dr Feelgood: Oil City Confidential

    Got a copy of the Wilko Johnson best of Back in the Night a while back, tis only savage! Should be a good watch.
  17. Galway Steve

    Cut The Reins

    Tis a shame lads. Look forward to hear the new bands too though!
  18. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Ha ha, cheers. Delighted to be here! ;o)
  19. Galway Steve

    The talking about Arsenal FC thread

    Didn't really feel we were in it today. Thomas was very unsettled first half but seemed a bit better in the second.I think Fabianski can get stuck in Training Ground Mode some days, with the punching and what not, seems like something he likes practicing? Fingers crossed for the next few games.