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  • Users: herv
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  1. herv

    new autechre

    heheh, no such luck bucko, not in our house...
  2. herv

    new autechre

    yeah, it wasn't bad, i had a tough time trying to avoid the olives though, kinda hindered my enjoyment somewhat. how long is this going to go on?
  3. herv

    new autechre

    sorry about the delay, was doing the washing up. i like it very much. as regular as my bowels. you going to snares tomorrow tom?
  4. herv

    Swedish Snus - Calling any Swedish People

    brown stuff dribbling down your teeth wurrgh
  5. herv

    Paul Smyth Solo gig Thursday & New release

    I can testify, this is an amazing recording. wasn't it due to come out on spitroast?
  6. herv

    Swedish Snus - Calling any Swedish People

    They may help you avoid lung cancer, but they sure don't help against getting cancer of the mouth and severe gum rot.
  7. herv

    Betamax Format Single Launch @ Lazybird This Sunday 20th March

    yay for putting stuff into shops on the dinner time
  8. herv


    q. what did the shoemaker say when he heard snares was coming to town again? a. awl right!
  9. herv

    Betamax Format Single Launch @ Lazybird This Sunday 20th March

    If it isn't now it will be in the next 2 days or so. We'll let you know.
  10. herv

    uh-oh. st patrick's day..

    coincidence. :)
  11. herv

    All Tomorrow's Parties this April- soundest one ever

    ohawwwa john foxx better than jamie foxx metamatic is one of my fave albums, wonder will it be electronics or solo piano?
  12. herv


    tea out my nose onto the screen .|..| .|..| .|..|
  13. herv


    Careful now.
  14. herv

    What do yous think of Shagging?

    dick spit
  15. herv

    What do yous think of Shagging?

    or in my hair. i just washed it
  16. herv

    Stupid things you have done recently

    Got up late for work. Decided to get a taxi. Half way to work realised I had no money on me or no money in my account. Had to borrow a tenner from the receptionist. although tom booking 4 places for ATP and asking 5 people is probably dumber than that.
  17. herv

    zod competition

    I had a pair of Joe Bloggs baggies with rather brightly coloured back pockets. That summer I went to Irish College in the west where I was instantly nick-named "rainbow pants"
  18. herv

    Venetian Snares/c64 and Rothko/Julian Fane

    well, come to our fantastic zod records night on saturday the 19th for plenty of snares related mashing! woooo its gonna be deadly more info at: Love h. xxx
  19. herv

    Miriam Ingram

    ah here, it was recorded to one crappy minidisc mic.... you should have heard the origional track before mastering... weedier than a dockleaf at a spelling bee.
  20. herv pricks

    I keep getting one from a guy called Mark O'Connor. I know a guy called Mark O'Connor. That is so sneaky.