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  1. GUILTY!

    Citizen Fish-Galway-29th March

    Yeah, this was such a seriously fuckin good gig. I absolutely love citizen fish, so much fun to watch. Think they enjoyed it a lot too. Great crowd as well with lots of new faces and everyone gettin along and having a great time. New first impressions songs were brilliant!
  2. GUILTY!

    Rebellion Festival - Blackpool

    Aye, a bunch of us from all over are going to this. I can't fecking wait, such an amazing line up. Last year was great craic!!!
  3. GUILTY!


    Look, I know well that isn't what they're going to say, I'm not stupid. But it's what will basically be implied by their arguing for giving him the right to speak. And yes I know Irving doesn't openly say this sort of thing either, he's cleverer than that, but holocaust deniers and those who are...
  4. GUILTY!


    But at the same time Alex it isn't going top be a bunch of boneheads showing up on Thursday and seig heiling, it'll just be the usual lit&deb tossers saying "free speech should be given to those who openly advocate the mass murder of billions of people".
  5. GUILTY!


    I get what ye mean about using this as some grand snare to lure out closet fascists, but I still don't think it's worth it for a second. The Celtic Wolves'll probably be scared to show up for one, so at very best we'd have a bunch of bedroom nazi losers who pose no real threat. Irving is, sadly...
  6. GUILTY!


    I have no idea what you mean. I don't know anyone called skippy.
  7. GUILTY!


    I'm just out of a politics lecture and at the start of it the head of the university literary and debating society came in to tell us that internationally renowned scumbag fascist dick and holocaust-denier David Irving has "expressed an interest in speaking at NUIG". There's a debate next...
  8. GUILTY!

    The Story of Stuff

    Everyone stop what you're doing and watch this for twenty minutes. It's so, so good. Changes the way ya look at the world.
  9. GUILTY!

    Beanz On Toast

    This is my younger brother, the bass player-Ian's band. Great bunch of lads with tonnes of talent and amazing potential. Should be class seein em at the punx picnic!!
  10. GUILTY!

    restarts / paranoid visions / excuses

    Thats' what ya get for having a real job haha! I too shall be at this. That's the plan anyway. Can't wait, should be mad craic!
  11. GUILTY!

    the Oi! thread

    HEART FULL OF PRIDE!!! YESSSSS!! Can't wait! :-)
  12. GUILTY!

    Cut The Reins

    That's more than enough of your slanderous defamation of my upstanding character mike-ster!!! You're only jealous that Janer, me, Laura, Fionnan, and all the other cool REAL punx'll be busy listening to my far better CD collection while you're off having an early night coz of work in the...
  13. GUILTY!

    FEE activist 'manhandled' by minister at NUI Galway protest

    AHAHA this is hilarious! Yeah that's me (Ben) alright! Surely ya could've known it was me and not Alex, Dan-sure my patches are cooler :p I'm on the second page of the Irish times today givin that bollocks a good shoutin at...wonder if the grandparents will recognise me lol. Right, so I...
  14. GUILTY!

    gawd bless the recession!!!!! New shitholes

    Bohs Punks-just saw on your yoke there that The Partisans are gonna be coming!! That's DEADLY!!!! Ah jesus I can't wait for that! AND La Fraction!! I love both those bands-Recession or not, 2009 looks feckin good already!
  15. GUILTY!

    Horror Business Dublin City

    Jaze, fair fuckin play man! I can't wait to get a look at it and waste my college grant on music as all punk students are required to do! Me and the lads were in tower rex and the secret bookstore the other day when we were up at iT! and they were both severly lacking any decent quantity of...
  16. GUILTY!

    Inner Terrestrials return, November First

    This was a great gig. I fuckin love Inner Terrestrials, so so good. Missed the Freebooters to my disgust-Irish public transport will do that to ya-but my housemate says they were amazing. It was hands down the best I've ever seen Droppin' Bombs, feckin brilliant stuff. That "bouncer" (???) was...
  17. GUILTY!

    Jorg Haider outed by 'gay lover' after car-crash death

    Ahahahaha, I just read this know. Priceless. Fuckin racist cunt, it's great he's dead. I hope his last moments were agony. Hopefully their electoral share plummets over this next time round. 30% is faarrr to high for the likes of his ilk to be getting.
  18. GUILTY!

    Strike Anywhere + loads more 29/9/8 Galway

    I had so much fucking fun at this. Absolutely great bands and an amazingly cool crowd. Such a fantastic night. And I got to talk to Strike Anywhere! Class buzz. Some chap from Kilkenny put up a big review of the gig and a loada good photos here:
  19. GUILTY!

    Straight Edge article in the Irish Times today?

    Was gonna reply to this nonsense but AnarchoBob stole my thunder and all my points. Well put though!! I also continually have to clarify the fact that while I'm sXe and won't change, I completely don't in anyway care what you personally choose to do. While having to do this never bothered me...
  20. GUILTY!

    paranoid visions + the restarts 24 / 1 / 09

    DEADLY!!!!!!! Great start is right. Can't fuckin' wait!!!