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    night shifts

    thats the spirit andy, some encouragement :) ah bollocks now im back to square one that makes it sound like the next year of my life will be an endless night in coppers
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    night shifts

    have a job but just a public sector not very challenging or career orientated position. Don't do it seems to be the general consensus from people ive talked to. it probably would turn me into a maniac
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    night shifts

    computer stuff monitoring networks/servers and things. they couldn't give the exact shifts as yet but basically it's 24/7 so i'm guessing the night shifts would be on rotation so i wouldn't have to do them every week but still i dunno if i wanna be getting home as others are going to work
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    night shifts

    did a job interview today, went well, job seems to be what i want to do etc etc but it will involve shift work, some being night shifts, 3 nights on 4 days off kinda thing. ive never done night they make you go mental??
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    Jaysus cycling!

    yer only man
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    Jaysus cycling!

    cold isn't so bad once the rain stays away ill be happy
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    Jaysus cycling!

    yes yes...its fantastic! few km's after work i think to break in the new helmet purchased after the car hitting me incident at the weekend... is it to stay like this until saturday?? supposed to be cycling in meath near tara on saturday morning and im looking forward to it
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    Scutter or any other bikers....

    sorry mammy
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    Jaysus cycling!

    happened me today on leeson street, riding in the cycle lane alongside traffic and mr mazda 323 thought he'd like to see what a tall person on a bike looks like bundling over the handlebars so he drove into me but sure it was all a bit of a laugh because "he's a cyclist too" i'm so sick of...
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    Slomatics/Gruel. Dublin 25/1

    lovely lovely, its been a while sincin' i seen the slomatics
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    Random Photos

    froggy in my garden today
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    The People's Car
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    Dead Pool for 2008

    im young but riddled
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    Dead Pool for 2008

    can you pick yourself and in the event of a victory leave the money to some one else? writing my will at the moment and wasnt sure what to put
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    Random Photos

    a lamp on the quays
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    Random Photos

    a slovenian fly
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    hands down the worst interview EVER to air on tv!!!

    ha this thread reminded me of this guy :D
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    Random Photos

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    Happy Birthday to Juno, nofriendo on 20th June 2007

    happy birthday dave
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    Myths we tell ourself

    That aussie rules was born from gaelic football