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  1. I

    Jaysus cycling!

    this will be useful but will it be absolutely shite for that money?
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    Jaysus cycling!

    i was seriously debating whether to get a subscription after sunday. When they cancelled the british superbikes in Brands Hatch due to snow i really thought we'd get some extra footage of the Ronde, but nope just repeats of more mo mo bikes. At least we got to see the muur, but then they did a...
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    Jaysus cycling!

    yeh its shit, an hour of the race, then an hour and a half of something else and then the last half hour. so when the last half hour comes on you haven't a clue of the shape of the race then it ends and you feel as if you didn't even see it. anywhere online that it is streamed??. i used to...
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    catholic tat ideas.

    the last supper in our house
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    Name oootini's turtle (head)

    pavee lackeen
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    Jaysus cycling!

    this sunday! also ghent wevelgem and paris roubaix, its a good week:) anyone ever make it over to see this??, didn't get my act together in time this year but definitely have to do it, stood on the champs elysees last year for six hours and it was great but i wanna get to some of the classics...
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    Photo Challenge: Bokeh OR Shallow DOF shots

    i dunno if this is right but maybe?
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    Jaysus cycling!

    cycle sport has as its favourites: Stuey o grady Cancellara Boonen Big Magnus Juan Antonio Flecha Ballan George Hincapie Roger Hammond Vladimir Gusev Leif Hoste but its a mad race so theres no way i'd bet on it. remember the train barrier incident, was that last year?
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    Jaysus cycling!

    we should organise a massive rain dance the night before for some more of this sort of thing. Can cancellara take paris roubaix again?? YouTube - 1994 Paris-Roubaix
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    Random Photos

    trees from glendalough
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    Jaysus cycling!

    its €2,750. there's one priced nearer €2 000 but has shimano 105 stuff rather than ultegra, so i think while im borrowing money i may as well go for the better model. Finding it hard to get an exact weight for it but it has to be lighter than the ocr 3 im riding at the moment. i saw somewhere...
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    Jaysus cycling!

    steady pace and eat/drink little and often while riding
  13. I

    Jaysus cycling!

    ah yeh been doing kilakee for years just not so much lately so ill have to get back into the hills. Buying me a new bike soon so it ll be a good excuse :) think im gonna go for this maybe the 200kms will be a better target, my da did it a couple of times so i cant let him have that over me...
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    Jaysus cycling!

    lovely thanks, something to aim for i think
  15. I

    Jaysus cycling!

    when is this on? the 100kms one like??
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    The Tin Drum (film)

    sexy scene in a spud field too...rrrrrr!
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    Stay Home-You're not gettin paid for this Friday

    i didn't plan on calling in sick but i woke at around 12 so what can you do...bonus.
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    Quotes from your parents

    the girlfriend's mother was telling me over christmas that a car full of yung-ellas pulled up beside her... from the car "do you know where we can get a blowjob *snigger snigger" gf mother "take the next left and theres a garage straight up the road"
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    Quotes from your parents

    my mother, angry on finding out that her sister's husband had an affair mother: "ahh! i'd love to just fist him" me: "surely you mean punch" mother "what??" worst thing i ever had to explain to anyone..ha ha..
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    night shifts

    thanks all, the decision has been made for me... i didnt get the job, better off i reckon but still woulda been nice to be offered it and then turn it down. got the old "...thought you were a great candidate but we didnt think you were right for this particular role..." i wonder did i make a...