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  1. E


    Yes, my prolife views are strong - as are your prochoice ones. My view wasn't going to be shifted, and I certainly had no intentions of trying to shift yours. My 'personal theories', such as they were, were about nothing to with abortion, but rather the psychology of voter choice. I do not hold...
  2. E


    Arguably. Though not me personally.
  3. E


    It's not a better or worse way, it's simply a way. There's no point in railing against it. People have a vote, and can do with it as they please. Yes 78% did. But 'moral issues' was the single most cited concern - albeit barely, I think Iraq and the economy were at 21% each. I can understand...
  4. E


    The fact that you say that 22% of Americans - and we are talking about supporters of every candidate here, pro-life Bush supporters, pro-choice Kerry supporters, etc. - are missing the point demonstrates that you don't understand what motivates then. I've discussed voter choice elsewhere, but...
  5. E


    I have a theory about voter choice, and that is that there are two different models that people use when coming to a decision - a rational one or an emotional one. People who use a rational model can't understand how some people can prioritise one of may issues above all others. Ditto...
  6. E


    I didn't imply that it was unfair that Kerry was 'wicked smaht' (You were saying something about my spelling?). What I said was that he originally had difficulty connecting with voters. A given rule of politics anywhere is that an intelligent politician who wears his intelligence easily will...
  7. E


    As a pro-lifer, I obviously don't feel abortion should be legal. I also think that the death penalty should be illegal. Of course, in the US you have a division between State law and Federal law, but as far I'm concerned, both should be illegal. Of course, it's not that simple - there's very...
  8. E


    As I've said above, I didn't agree with the Iraqi invasion, and I don't agree with it now. You're right that abortion wasn't a headline issue, but that's because those who do prioritise 'moral issues' (i.e. pro-lifers, pro-choicers, pro-gay-marriage, anti-gay-marriage, etc.) were already to...
  9. E


    I don't buy into this notion that "Kerry-Is-Bright-Bush-Is-Thick". Both are intelligent men. Now I would agree that Kerry is exceptionally intelligent, although this may have been a handicap in a way as he initially had difficulty establishing a rapport with the voters, whereas Bush had a more...
  10. E


    Good point... Kerry's obviously a very intelligent guy and an excellent debater, but he has learnt his trade on the floor of the senate which by its very nature tends to be further removed from the immediate concerns of voters than maybe a congress rep. or a governor might be.
  11. E


    I think you're right... 'Outsider Psychology' .... Think Michael Lowry in North Tipp ... The Dublin papers did more for his vote than a year of canvassing....
  12. E


    Well specifically abortion - I'm pro-life. People have mentioned the death penalty and gay marriage. I am in favour of Gay Civil Unions - I think they would be a big step forward here in Ireland. I'm against the death penalty and I always have been. I hope that Bush does not renege on his...
  13. E


    It should be noted that 'moral values' was the top issue amongst respondnts in the exit polls last night - so therefore, yes, for a lot of people the candidates stand on moral issues was an important factor in their voting choice; similarly for many others it wasn't. A vote cast for either...
  14. E


    I never said said anything about dead innocent Iraqis - I'm not sure where you get that quote from. Background? I've no background... I'm not a member of any party or organisation...
  15. E


    And you haven't met one now either.
  16. E


    You could well be right. As I've said above, I don't think America should have gone into Iraq. The priority now is getting America out of Iraq - and ensuring that Iraq becomes a stable, democratic country - and in fairness, John Kerry may well have been the better candidate. Ditto for economic...
  17. E


    And what precisely is so 'loopy' about what I've said?
  18. E


    They're not patronising sympathies. As for the rest, is there any chance of less hysterics?
  19. E


  20. E


    I didn't say Bible. I'm not religious. As regards the economy, I was probably actually closer to Kerry's way of thinking. I think Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy were inopportune, as while such tax cuts can help stimulate growth, it's my theory that they can only do so in a stable, confident...