Recent content by Duffman

  1. D

    Hope St

    i find it helps me to breath with ease when giving your ma one. . ooh look . i can do it backwards .aswell your mother would be . proud of me. my grammer is not the point at hand now is it.
  2. D

    Hope St

    i use cream as toothpaste and your ma's nipples as a toothbrush.
  3. D

    Hope St

    hay i was only sharing a moment relax ur cax you realy should use some form of lubricant k1 jelly perhaps.
  4. D

    Hope St

    the best meal i ever did have was in a bar in Guatamala, the rain was heavy but my hunger persuaded me to venture out. under the rusty ceiling fan i ate a delightful tray of caviar.
  5. D

    Hope St

    she is our presadent you ignorant so and so follow the thread blah blah blah i dont like ma jokes
  6. D

    Hope St

    who else would it be i ask you keane=skill
  7. D

    Hope St

    yeah and give oul mary his spot on the pitch ha ha ha ha chuckle chuckle
  8. D

    Hope St

    every one i talked to said keane played the best how can such a judgement be passed with only ten minutes of play 8 minutes of which he spent shouting at people
  9. D

    Hope St

    no he doesnt but he told me yer ma does while working on lee- son street.
  10. D

    Hope St

    thats strange i heard he cant have kids cos of a groin injury he got i supose fansap will take responsibility for that one aswell you're such a scarred little nerd arent you fatty
  11. D

    Hope St

    Hay fansap i was in the same class as the duff man but he left after the junior so we never realy talked. i remember the days of hiding behind the prefabs admiring him from on far. such thighs id never before seen on a young man. marvelous!
  12. D

    filthy rumours

    Oasis are playing wittness
  13. D

    Herv at Lazybird

    Oasis are playing wittness
  14. D


    Oasis are playing wittness :)
  15. D

    One Good Band So Far...

    oasis oasis oasis oasis oasis oasis oasis oasis OASIS OASIS OASIS OASIS............O.............................A......................................S.......................................I...................................S.............etc.