Für Immer

Für Immer: TimeLossMemory Project

Für ImmerFür Immer are hosting a free all ages show this Thursday in St. Mary’s Abbey, off Capel Street.

Für Immer are hosting a free all ages show this Thursday in St. Mary’s Abbey, off Capel Street.

Für Immer are a group that specialise in live music and video, they perform in galleries around Dublin and for Chapter and Verse they would play for 60 minutes accompanied by animated and live action videos. Für Immer will explore the nature of time loss and memory as concepts without recourse to any formal academic pursuit but rather by experimenting with performance as experience, repetition as performance and experience as repetition.

We will host a series of performances across the summer months in different but geographically close locations where we invite an audience to attend a live audio visual display centred on the themes of time, loss and memory. Each performance will change. Pieces would be added and subtracted. Music and video which were pairs would be split apart, while others which were separate would be joined. The audience would be faced with the question of change; change and loss. Will they notice? Will they remember? Agreements and disagreements between each performance would extend the experience from the confines of the early Thursday evening into the social memory of the audience. They can come back seeking clarification and find that more subtle changes have taken place. Across the brief time that lapsed between shows the memories themselves would shift and flow as much as the pieces. By the end of the summer, die-hard members of the audience may believe they have sound knowledge of the performance only to find that once again the solid foundations of their memory have been lost, drifting past as surely as time.

The evenings will be a mix of gentle electronic and acoustic pieces with avant garde images of nature, animals, our city and simple geometric patterns. Examples of our work can be found here:

[youtube url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzTBFgjGkLo&rel=0 ]

Für Immer: TimeLossMemory Project
St. Mary’s Abbey,Meetinghouse Lane,
Off Capel Street, Dublin 1
6pm-8pm, Thursday, 29th of July 2010 

This a FREE all ages, dry event. Admission is by invitation only and is limited to an audience of 50. For an invite email [email protected] with the title TimeLossMemory.

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