Ungdomshuset Evicted (1 Viewer)

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Hi needle, I'm not a punk, squatter or autonomen and have never been to Ungdomshuset. I do however have critical support for their campaign to win back their house and for full disclosure I am a libertarian-socialist.

Hey, just a few questions and general wondering cause I dont really understand this, so no disrespect intended, but seeking answers to questions a lot of people would ask.

From looking ahead through your post you are pretty insulting, this cavaet doesnt really excuse it. Hopefully in your reply you can leave out the insults/assumptions/inuendo.

2) Why should the guys squatting there get it for free, or a different location for free? That really does not make sense, it's like when I hear of rich businesses getting tax breaks, that makes no sense - it's the other extreme - and many of your members would be against those tax breaks for businesses, so why should you get a free house?

Why shouldnt they get it for free? They expropriated the house from the government, they are revolutionaries who believe that the means of production should be expropriated by the workers for the creation of an egalitarian society, private property as enshrined in law doesnt justify itself for them. The house wasnt being used, there was a huge social movement that wanted a house to put it's ideas into action - so they took it over, fixed it up and ran it collectively. To contrast it with big business getting tax breaks is absurd, that happens because we live in a bourgeois democracy which obeys the laws of capital.

3) To the retard who said he hopes some "pigs" die, are you just a moron? That's all I can say, some poor fecker doing his job to provide for his family and some little idiot who hates his parents and wants free stuff urges for his death. At the end of the day, it's a job, my god you're a sap! I know most would not agree with that so again I apologise if it seems unfair to paint you all with the same brush.

You're calling someone a "retard"? Nice one..
If the police attacked your friends, destroyed your house and stuck a national flag (a flag which stands against everything you believe in) on the roof of said house how would you feel? Someone saying "i hope a cop dies" on the net when they are enraged is hardly a statement to be taken too seriously. But congratulations on your strong moral stance, I assume you get equally enraged when people are murdered by the gardai?

4) How many of you guys get unemployment benefit? If any of you do, and are protesting about the government or police blah blah blah, again you're biting the hand that feeds you!

Would you not make the same argument if these people worked? "oh, you're supporting the system". Would you rather that people starved? The reality of the society we live in is that you must sell your labour in order to be able to eat, socialise and have somewhere to stay. Living outside of that is a very difficult thing to do as capital controls all aspects of our lives, any examples of alternatives are usually crushed quite quickly see hungary 1956, paris 1968, free derry, catalonia, etc.. The idea is to organise as workers & unemployed for workers self-management of society rather than to live outside the system.

5) Why do you feel you have a right to a building that was not built by you, intended for you, paid for by you or was upkept by you? The word bum comes to mind.. if there are 3000 people rioting about a building, why don't all of them get a job, save up 1000 euro each ( i.e a months work at a low paid job, by the way) and you guys would have 3 million euro to buy many a building to squat in? Again, I'm thinking bum. If you don't want to conform to a capitalist or retail way of life, thats fine, but one month's work by 3000 of you guys and you could buy your buildings and go about your way of life. Not too hard.

Some people do buy social centres the way you said, others prefer to just use abandoned buildings. The building actually was handed over to the youth of copenhagen and has had a long history of being used by the labour movement in the early 20th century.

6) If you are so against the type of policies established, why do you use public transport, hospitals, school or colleges and many other things? Again you seem to pick and choose what you will take and then anything that seems like hard work, you revolt and say you're against it.

What are you on about? There is nothing essentially wrong with hospitals, transport and schools etc. I have no idea why you would think we are against them, we would argue that they should be run for public need and not the profit motive though. By this I mean that the workers should have democratic control over hospitals, transport to run them more efficiently and in the interests of the public at large and not just those who can afford it. In spain the workers collectivised hospitals and public transport and ran them efficiently for the benefit of all, the lesson is there.

I dont know where you get your bizarre idea that it people are against the state and capital that they must live outside of society, the idea is to change it - not leave it behind.

7) Protesters in Dublin who are planning to meet in Stephen's Green, are you not that bright?

I have no idea what that means, do you not agree with the democratic right to protest? Spreading the struggle of ungdomshuset internationally through solidarity actions is a great way to put more pressure on the danish government to back down.

In a country with free education, medicine, free legal advice, low crime rate, freedom of expression, unemployment benefits, college grants, and courses that pay you to learn, you are the richest 1% in the world!!!!! You spoilt little brats, how dare you pretend you live in some fucking police controlled, repressive regime?! You are free, and you moan by creating obstacles, some things could be better, but we work to make them better, how many of you have actually voted? Some of you may have, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say a lot of you have not, so shut up or vote.

Free education, unemployment benefits and all the stuff you listed are things that were won through struggle over the last 80 years, the idea that we should stop pushing for better lives because we live in the west is absolute crap. While we may live in a western country there are still huge contradictions within our society, the gap between rich and poor is huge and growing, our healthcare system is in tatters, trade unions are being destroyed through social-partnership, immigrant workers are being massively exploited, our transport system is fucked, gardai act with impunity, corporations like shell can act outside the law and lots more.

Wether or not people voted is hardly important and certainly doesnt remove their right to protest. The democratic system is much bigger than our parliamentary democracy which nearly half of the electorate dont participate in anyway.

8) Final little thing, you hate things oppressing your way of life, or artistic expression, yet some of you and many people who admire you guys take drugs, what bigger way is there to lose control of everything than by letting some shit pill control your body? But sigh, the police are soooo much worse..

What a bizarre statement. From my experience of punk/squatter communities there are very few people with drug problems and people are very open about addressing such problems. Ungdomshuset actually had a no-drugs policy, maybe you should stop smoking crack when you post on the internet though.

The I.R.A justified butchering and maiming innocents for a so-called cause, STOP THIS FUCKING MADNESS, this is an unwritten history which will crawl up the walls and stain the very surface of any type of society you are trying to create. You will not be remembered in any good light (well maybe joey, the little angry 15 year old who gets 50 euro a week pocket money, who has just learnt the name Chomsky and Marx and feels he is a real Man, and can unshackle the chains of his oppressive leafy cushioned life, he only has two choices of cereal in the morning (his parents are real mean bastards!), HE might remember this event). So treat these so called pigs in a way that you want them to treat you. Grow up retards.

There's the word retards again. The IRA's so called cause was a reaction to an imperialist military occupation I believe? Not the best course of action I believe but not really relevant to this discussion either way.

As for treating pigs in a way you want them to treat you, doesnt really work they have a specific job to do and care little whether you are a pacifist or an autonome. I might counterpose that the police should treat us the way they want us to treat them. If they shoot gas then they shouldnt be shocked if they get a cobblestone in reply.
Needleinthehay does make one valid point that you are ignoring - You say you believe the squatters have more right to be there than the group that bought the building. Why? What rights have thay above the actual owner of the building - (regardless of who the owner is)? They were there long enough that they could have regularised their position - why didn't they? If the building was such a resourse why not do the sensible thing and secure it's future rather than whinge now when the real world catches up?

Hi Mormon. Dunno if you've read the history of the place but the building was handed over the the squatters movement in the mid-80's. After a fire in the mid-90's the government tried to take it back claiming the squatters couldnt fix the building and exagerating the costs involved. The squatters fixed the building but a politician went ahead and sold the building to a christian-cult.

So they arent actually squatters so much as the rightful owners of the building but even if they werent I would still support their struggle to defend a building which they have put to use for public interests. If you have bourgeois values you might think that property rights are more important than the way the building is used.
Hey, just to answer those questions, does it really matter who I am?


Home Page: http://www.iamdonalcorcoran.com
needleinthehay, if you expect to get answers you shouldn't begin by calling people retards.

it's shit that ungdomshuset has been evicted; really shit when the building's sole purpose for so long has been such a positive one.
Has there been any instances in the past where the Danish govt have capitulated on a stance where popular support went against them and led to civil unrest/pressure?It'd be interesting to know whether the protests would lead to an overturning of the verdict...
Hey, just a few questions and general wondering cause I dont really understand this, so no disrespect intended, but seeking answers to questions a lot of people would ask.

1) What the hell is cultural about ruining a school in the process of rioting, how do you justify that as cultural?! How is this nothing but pure hypocrisy?

2) Why should the guys squatting there get it for free, or a different location for free? That really does not make sense, it's like when I hear of rich businesses getting tax breaks, that makes no sense - it's the other extreme - and many of your members would be against those tax breaks for businesses, so why should you get a free house?

3) To the retard who said he hopes some "pigs" die, are you just a moron? That's all I can say, some poor fecker doing his job to provide for his family and some little idiot who hates his parents and wants free stuff urges for his death. At the end of the day, it's a job, my god you're a sap! I know most would not agree with that so again I apologise if it seems unfair to paint you all with the same brush.

4) How many of you guys get unemployment benefit? If any of you do, and are protesting about the government or police blah blah blah, again you're biting the hand that feeds you!

5) Why do you feel you have a right to a building that was not built by you, intended for you, paid for by you or was upkept by you? The word bum comes to mind.. if there are 3000 people rioting about a building, why don't all of them get a job, save up 1000 euro each ( i.e a months work at a low paid job, by the way) and you guys would have 3 million euro to buy many a building to squat in? Again, I'm thinking bum. If you don't want to conform to a capitalist or retail way of life, thats fine, but one month's work by 3000 of you guys and you could buy your buildings and go about your way of life. Not too hard.

6) If you are so against the type of policies established, why do you use public transport, hospitals, school or colleges and many other things? Again you seem to pick and choose what you will take and then anything that seems like hard work, you revolt and say you're against it.

7) Protesters in Dublin who are planning to meet in Stephen's Green, are you not that bright? In a country with free education, medicine, free legal advice, low crime rate, freedom of expression, unemployment benefits, college grants, and courses that pay you to learn, you are the richest 1% in the world!!!!! You spoilt little brats, how dare you pretend you live in some fucking police controlled, repressive regime?! You are free, and you moan by creating obstacles, some things could be better, but we work to make them better, how many of you have actually voted? Some of you may have, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say a lot of you have not, so shut up or vote.

8) Final little thing, you hate things oppressing your way of life, or artistic expression, yet some of you and many people who admire you guys take drugs, what bigger way is there to lose control of everything than by letting some shit pill control your body? But sigh, the police are soooo much worse..

So there we go, they're my comments and questions. I hope you will answer truthfully and can help me understand why such actions have to be taken. My god lads, they are people you are hurting, these are not robots, the police involved are men and women, they are parents and children, for fuck sake they are people, and what kind of ideology justifies hurting another person, it sounds like the past. The I.R.A justified butchering and maiming innocents for a so-called cause, STOP THIS FUCKING MADNESS, this is an unwritten history which will crawl up the walls and stain the very surface of any type of society you are trying to create. You will not be remembered in any good light (well maybe joey, the little angry 15 year old who gets 50 euro a week pocket money, who has just learnt the name Chomsky and Marx and feels he is a real Man, and can unshackle the chains of his oppressive leafy cushioned life, he only has two choices of cereal in the morning (his parents are real mean bastards!), HE might remember this event). So treat these so called pigs in a way that you want them to treat you. Grow up retards.

Right, assuming you're actually not someone taking the piss, which for some reason seems quite likely to me (probably cause I've been tempted myself at times) I think I can sort you out here.
Basically, you're a moron. You've come on to a forum, making your first post there whilst saying you've been reading the forum for a while, and you've asked a bunch of questions. The questions are fair enough. However, you have then gone and qualified each of your questions with your own opinions, and your own opinions are based on what are quite obviously totally ludicrous assumptions you have made about the people that use this board.
And not only have you made ridiculous assumptions about these people, but you've even been so stupid as to essentially generalize ALL the posters here into one category of people, a category which you appear to have constructed based on your own biased notions of what kind of people post on a board like this.
In short, the opinions you have expressed on the board about the kind of people that post here are based on evidence you've made up in your own head, and you've not taken this into account when making your posts. In fact, I get the impression you firmly believe that your beliefs about this board are right, which unfortunately for you is bollocks.
So, I reckon you can either try and get used to the fact that all different kinds of people doing all different sorts of things and thinking in all different sorts of ways post here, or you can fuck off.
Then again, you might just be Oly taking the piss.
Then again, you might just be Oly taking the piss.
it doesn't seem like oly's work to me, he doesn't call everyone cunts or make references to his cock and/or balls to back up the argument. definite bang of bog standard internet moron off it.
Has there been any instances in the past where the Danish govt have capitulated on a stance where popular support went against them and led to civil unrest/pressure?It'd be interesting to know whether the protests would lead to an overturning of the verdict...

It's how they won the house in the first place, a strong militant and somewhat violent automen movement.
Oh and whichever Irish person was lifted and deported well done you made the 9 o clock news.
hello, thanks for writing back those who disagree with me and and are trying to show me the different sides of all of this, as i said before, i am not anywhere near an expert on this topic. Before i write any questions, i do apologise if you feel i unfairly labelled or insulted any one who did not deserve it. I did swear and call people names, i was angry at the posts which so easily wished for violence and death, these posts were from people who were not really involved and it made me angry to feel no person was disagreeing with them. I know my original post would contain a lot of stereotyping and general references that none of us like to be hit with and accused of. I do not understand the emotion behind this event as i am not experiencing it and therefor an outsider. I will not back down on some on the comments that i made, any violence towards a cause is not the way and never will be. I also disagree with believing a person is entitled to money such as the dole if they do not contribute to society, it is a gift from the rest of society, i would say this regardless of who or what you are. To do with the police, yes i understand that there are corrupt parts, we have seen this time and time again. But would you agreee that this corruption is everywhere in society, from police to priests, from business to charity, from emo kids to punks? The fact that such organisation was obvious to many watching the riots would lead me to argue that there is some type of violent element in your community who did urge people to use violence. Obviously i would not argue that you should stand and be beaten up by anyone, we should not lie down and be forgotten, but lighting cars on fire,throwing bricks, vandalising a school ( why? ) are not defensive measures. I really respect the fact that many of you guys are thinking and looking for alternative ways of living, the idea of an alternative society is possible, but i just do not agree with some of your ideas and solutions. But it is sooooo much better having a conversation, even it is a bit hostile, with you friends then having another empty talk about nothing with someone. Since most of us I think are from Ireland, we can talk easily about our common experiences and our differences. I will not judge you guys again, i will not make that mistake again, but allow me the same respect.
Hey again, just to respond to a few of the specific remarks made towards me. I have apologised for name calling. But how come you give out to me for doing it when i explained my reason for doing so, whilst in the mean time TheDonal and Nooly share a jock mocking my online name, W assumes im on crack in his or her argument and people saying a few times that i am a moron. how is this now hypocritical? where is your reaction for those insults/name calling. You preach your message of different thinking and respect for it, yet many of you do the same. I believe in right to protest, but there is a line that one can cross where it becomes a danger and in that moment the police are tasked with protecting the public. An example that shows how both sides are wrong was the reclaim the streets parade. The police who were involved in the specific crimes committed there were disgusting, removing identification and beating heads, the main police man involved is also rumoured to use such violence on his wife, which if true, he is a disgusting pig, a weak pig. But that protest had no right to reclaim the streets. The streets of Dublin were never ours, we got the footpaths or shit little areas at the side, streets were made for horses, they should reclaim them not us. They had more rights to them then we did. So thats way off the point, but the point is we cannot blanket an entire police force nor blanket your entire community with one single opinion based on experience or ignorance. I will look forward to talking more, slan
But that protest had no right to reclaim the streets. The streets of Dublin were never ours, we got the footpaths or shit little areas at the side, streets were made for horses, they should reclaim them not us. They had more rights to them then we did.

You need to do some research comrade, that party/protest you are referencing was done with the unqualified endorsement of the Irish Horse Welfare Trust. Those with authority within the equine community relayed the feeling of the overwhelming majority of horses (and many donkeys as well) that they did indeed want the streets reclaimed in their name. This message was passed to the humans who work in solidarity with these animals (no offence meant) in the aforementioned Trust. This was the message that mobilised people to take to the streets, and the police knew this but rather than have those horses currently enslaved within their ranks for way below minimum wage hay rations get wind of it and revolt too they turned their batons on those of us who were willing to stand up for the voiceless community forced to live in fields and on windswept hills the length and breath of this island.

(by the way, if the streets are not ours, who exactly are you saying do they belong to ?
Apart from the horses obviously.)

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