Mumblin’ Deaf Ro – New LP & Gig News

Mumblin’ Deaf Ro sends word of his forthcoming album & his first gig in a while, this Friday in the Supafast Building.
First, the album:

We recorded the music for the new album in three days last week with Jimmy Eadie.  It will take a bit more time to add vocals and do all the mixing, but so far the album is sounding very promising and I hope to have it out in August.  It will be called ‘Dictionary Crimes’ and the track listing is:

Cheer Up, Charlie Brown
Sister Ill, Better Now
Cade Calf Call
The Harm
Little Mite
What if my children get bullied?
St Christopher’s Water
Being Bill Cosby
The Birdcage
My New broken leg

The album is done on two acoustic guitars and a bass, with drums on three songs.  Don’t let that fool you because it’s actually quite involved, musically speaking.  The whole album is themed on ‘the family’  – I’ll explain a bit more about that when the album comes out.  The album is being released in conjunction with the ‘Popical island’ label – home to Groom, Walpurgis Family, Yeah Deadlies, Land Lovers, Big Monster Love, Squarehead and of course Tieranniesaur.

A song from the album will be on a soon to be released Popical Island compilation.

Next, the gig this Friday March 9th:

Location is a place called the Supafast Building which is a gallery space just off Capel St. As you come from the bridge its the first right and about 40ft down there’s a big green door.
GSTAR 8.15 – 8.45
MUMBLIN DEAF RO 9.45 – 10.15
WAYNE SOPER 10.30 – 11

Doors are from 7pm till about 12.(aiming to have music stopped around 11.30pm). Admission is €5 

More as we get it…

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