Zombie apocalypse becomes reality in Miami as naked man eats another mans face.. (2 Viewers)

Marijuana Didn't Trigger Miami Face-Eater's Munchies

By Natalie Wolchover | LiveScience.com

Toxicology tests are complete on the body of Rudy Eugene, the infamous Miami face-eater, and only one drug showed up in his bloodstream — marijuana — with no trace of MDPV, the active ingredient in bath salts.

Pot has been known to cause the munchies, but could it really have triggered Eugene's frenzied, near-fatal biting attack on the face of fellow homeless man Ronald Poppo? At the time of the May 26 attack, doctors said Eugene exhibited "paranoid delirium," a hyperexcited state induced when a drug overdose increases the body's concentration of adrenalinelike hormones, essentially sending survival instincts into overdrive. Overdoses of cocaine, amphetamines, bath salts and LSD have all been known to trigger paranoid delirium. But pot?
It definitely wasn't the pot, doctors say.

"Some people have said, 'Well, it must have been the marijuana that triggered Eugene's behavior.' That, in my opinion, is outrageous, and out of the question. Marijuana will not cause this type of behavior," said Dr. Bruce Goldberger, professor and director of toxicology at the University of Florida.

Goldberger said that although a significant amount of research has found a link between marijuana use and the onset of schizophrenia or psychosis in at-risk individuals, this isn't what happened to Eugene. "This behavior exhibited by Eugene is well beyond the scope of someone suffering from acute psychosis," he told Life's Little Mysteries. [Could Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage?]
Instead, it was probably bath salts.

Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Bruce Hyma, who led the toxicology tests, was able to rule out the presence in Eugene's blood of at least six chemicals commonly found in bath salts, according to news reports.

However, Patrick Kyle, director of clinical chemistry and toxicology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, said Eugene might have taken synthetic, bath salt-type drugs that simply are not yet known or tested for in toxicology labs. With new chemical variants cropping up in the illicit drug market all the time, laboratory standards "cannot keep up," Kyle told Life's Little Mysteries. "I don't believe the laboratory could confidently screen against all bath salt-type drugs."

There are hundreds of synthetic amphetamines (the technical term for the drugs found in bath salts) currently on the streets, Goldberger said, adding, "We may never know what triggered this."

But the bottom line is, it pot couldn't have triggered the attack. "Some media is reporting that pot isn't ruled out [as the cause of the attack]," Goldberger said. "I don't buy that. That's like talking about, 'If you take LSD, it stays in your body for a lifetime.' It's one of these misleading things you hear about drugs."

SOURCE: http://news.yahoo.com/marijuana-didnt-trigger-miami-face-eaters-munchies-161730689.html
I disagree with the premise of the title of this thread. The cannibal was alive at the time of the eating. A real zombie wouldn't start eating until after he's been plugged seven times, autopsied, and his body disposed of.
I disagree with the premise of the title of this thread. The cannibal was alive at the time of the eating. A real zombie wouldn't start eating until after he's been plugged seven times, autopsied, and his body disposed of.

But are zombies dead?
Traditionally in Haitian voodoo the zombie is a reanimated corpse. The more contemporary zombie, since the Romero films, seems to have a more ambiguous status. However even in Romero films such as 'Dawn of the dead', and the remake, a person 'infected' by zombie bacteria/virus/whatever generally becomes very ill and ultimately 'dies' before soon reanimating as a mindless zombie. So I would say that in theory and in practice, death is a necessary condition of being a zombie.
Traditionally in Haitian voodoo the zombie is a reanimated corpse. The more contemporary zombie, since the Romero films, seems to have a more ambiguous status. However even in Romero films such as 'Dawn of the dead', and the remake, a person 'infected' by zombie bacteria/virus/whatever generally becomes very ill and ultimately 'dies' before soon reanimating as a mindless zombie. So I would say that in theory and in practice, death is a necessary condition of being a zombie.

I thought it was the case in voodoo that the 'zombie' was never actually dead,instead they were given drugs that caused people to believe they were,then at a later time the witch doctor 'brought them back to life' and so cemented his position.The film "the serpent and the rainbow" gives this version of events.I believe the drug used was scoplamine (probably the wrong spelling)
Sadly the story doesn't live up to the promise of the title.

‘Zombie Apocalypse’ In Georgia: Naked Cannibal On Bath Salts Threatens To Eat Police At Golf Course
By Amanda Remling

Following reports that a man ate his 40-pound family dog and another man in China chewed a woman's face, the latest "zombie" news is that a naked man high on the street drug "bath salts" threatened to eat police officers on a Georgia golf course.

Twenty-one-year-old Karl Laventure was suspected to be on bath salts when he ran out of the woods at a Liburn, Georgia golf course -- naked. According to the Daily Mail, Laventure appeared crazed, "swinging a club around his head and screaming."

Police were called to the scene, where the situation became even more bizarre.

"He came running at us out of the woodline," explained Officer Ross Hancock of the Gwinnet County Police Department. The officer continued that police attempted to subdue the man with pepper spray, but it seemed to have no affect on Laventure.

"He didn't even wipe his eyes, he just kept them open," Officer Hancock said to WSBTV.

Police then used a Taser on Laventure, who went down, but quickly got back up. According to Hancock, they had to use the Taser five more times on the 21-year-old to get him down. Even after being Tasered it took several members of the police department to handcuff Laventure.

It was while being handcuffed that Laventure began to yell, "I'm'a eat you. Four Four. Oh God. Don't make me eat you."

"He was still talking gibberish, still cussing, still saying he wanted to eat us, eat other people," Officer Hancock continued.

Fox News reports that paramedics were able to "bring him out of his haze" with medication. After admitting to smoking a joint that was sprinkled with bath salts, Laventure slipped back into his bath salt state, lunging at police officers.

Karl Laventure was arrested for disorderly conduct and disrupting a police officer.
Described as a Vampire attack.

Vampire Attack in Corpus Christi?
teen bitten on neck as he walked down the street
Jim Forsyth

Is a vampire on the loose in Corpus Christi?

Police say a 16 year old boy was walking down Shoreline Boulevard near Corpus Christi Bay Wednesday night, when he accidentally bumped into a man, who turned around and bit him in the neck.

"Apparently he left a bite mark and broke the skin and took some skin off," Senior Police Officer Julia Hernandez-Garcia told 1200 WOAI'S Michael Board.

The teenager was taken to the hospital by his mother and was not seriously hurt. The suspect, described as a Latino male in his early twenties, ran away after biting the boy's neck.

"This is a very unusual case," she said. "I've been here for 27 years and I've never heard of anything like this."

Read more: http://radio.woai.com/cc-common/mainheadlines3.html?feed=119078&article=10248491#ixzz202MqcSgg
Even experts question claim that Rudy Eugene was not on bath salts

By Susannah Bryan, Sun Sentinel
7:01 p.m. EDT, July 6, 2012

Rudy Eugene was not on "bath salts" or synthetic marijuana when he chewed the face off a homeless man in May – if you believe the toxicology reports, that is.

Scientists and skeptical observers don't.

Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti is just one of the doubting Thomases who think the so-called "Causeway Cannibal" was on something not caught by either of the two labs that ran the toxicology tests.

"We are not testing for everything that may be out there," said Dr. Barry Logan, one of the nation's leading toxicologists.

Video: Human remains found in Davie, Coconut Creek

That's because they can't.

Clandestine labs are using more than 100 chemical compounds to make synthetic marijuana, but even the most sophisticated lab can only test for 17, said Logan, director of Forensic and Toxicological Services at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, the same lab hired byMiami-Dade Countyto help test Eugene for bath salts and synthetic marijuana.

Bath salts, also known as synthetic amphetamines, are also hard to track for the same reason.

There are hundreds of bath salt compounds out there, but toxicologists can only test for 40, Logan said.

"This is always a moving target," Logan said. "As soon as a test exists for something, there are new compounds waiting in the wings. We are always a step behind."

Even Logan was surprised when Eugene's drug scan found only traces of marijuana.

"His behavior was consistent with someone who was delusional and hallucinating, which would be consistent with bath salts," Logan said.

The report released last week by the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner contained this disclaimer: "Within the limits of current technology by both laboratories, marijuana is the only drug identified in the body of Mr. Rudy Eugene."

Experts say there is no question Eugene's behavior was drug-induced – and not by marijuana. But it's hard to prove because even the most sophisticated labs cannot test for every compound.

"We are not incompetent," said Dr. Bruce Goldberger, professor and director of toxicology at the University of Florida. "We have the tools, we have the sophistication and know-how. But the field is evolving so rapidly it is hard for us to keep track. It's almost as if it is a race we can never win."

Goldberger thinks Eugene was on a drug far stronger than marijuana the day of the attack.

"To say marijuana could have induced this behavior is simply outrageous," Goldberger said. "No matter how sick mentally or physically a person is, they don't go around eating people's faces, or barking at police, or eating a dog, like what happened recently in Texas."

A Waco man who tried to eat a dog on June 14 told police he was high on synthetic marijuana at the time.

Users say they are drawn to fake weed because it gets them high and doesn't show up in most drug tests.

One chronic pot user said she'd been smoking synthetic marijuana for two years, then was rushed to the emergency room when she tried to stop cold turkey.

The hospital tests found only traces of marijuana – just like with Rudy Eugene.

Ann Howard, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Corrections, said probation officers have the option of testing for designer drugs.

But the tests are expensive – anywhere from $200 to $300 for synthetic marijuana and up to $500 for bath salts, Goldberger said.

Probation officers may not test everyone, but they will target high-risk candidates, said Jim Hall, director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Substance Abuse at Nova Southeastern University in Davie.

It's for their own good, he said.

"These are the guinea pig drugs of 2012," Hall said. "The people using these drugs are risking their lives, their minds and their kidneys. Some of these people have had to be put on dialysis for the rest of their lives."

Oakland Park resident Jimmy Hewett says his probation officer had him tested for synthetic marijuana after he was quoted in the Sun Sentinel saying he smoked the stuff.

A judge issued a warrant for his arrest after he admitted using the designer drug.

Because it is openly sold at gas stations and convenience stores, Hewett says he didn't think he was doing anything wrong.

But on July 17, he will have to answer to the court. The charge: Violating probation.

[email protected] 954-356-4554
Another case.

Cops: Naked man shot after attacking dog, resident

A Miami man — naked, no less — was shot after he jumped the fence of a Little Haiti home and began choking a Rottweiler. The dog's yelps awakened the homeowner, who came outside and confronted the attacker. The intruder, who was later identified as Jeffery Delice, 20, turned his attention from the dog to the homeowner. Delice jumped on the homeowner and began choking and biting him, Miami police said.

Fearing for his life, the homeowner fired his gun twice, hitting Delice once. "The person was naked, on the front porch choking his dog," said police spokeswoman Napier Velazquez. "That's when the resident shot him in the foot." Despite being wounded, Delice did not give up the fight. The homeowner, who police did not identify, fired his weapon a third time, but this time it jammed.

Finally, the homeowner was able to pin Delice down while family members called police.

When officers arrived, Delice tried to bite them, too, police said. Delice was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was treated. Expected to make a full recovery, Delice now faces several charges, ranging from assault, resisting arrest with violence, to lewd and lascivious behavior and animal cruelty.
'Zombie invasion' to hit north-east forests

Three forests in the north-east of England are to hold "zombie running" events, where people are chased through the trees by costumed "flesh eaters". Originating in the USA, the sport involves avoiding zombies along a three mile (5km) run with obstacles.

Alex MacLennan, from the Forestry Commission, said it was one of the "strangest" events it had ever hosted. Runners must reach safe zones and keep tags on their belt, which represent lives, to complete the challenge.
Vid at link.

Museum explores the science behind zombies
2 February 2013 Last updated at 00:04 GMT

The Science Museum in London is holding a number of events which explore the science of consciousness through the example of a zombie outbreak.

Among the experiences on offer at the 'ZombieLab' is an Academy which teaches people how to act like a zombie. There are also tasks that people can undertake to prove they are not a zombie.

Dr Anil Seth, Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, hopes the events will make people think about what "consciousness really is".

Video Journalist: Tom Beal
Spoilsport Minister.

Quebec cancels zombie-themed emergency training

The Quebec government has stepped in to scrub plans for a zombie-themed emergency training exercise. Participants at an annual symposium on civil security had been planning to use a hypothetical living-dead attack to test emergency preparedness. Such a theme has been used elsewhere. The logic behind it is to use something that could never actually occur, as opposed to a flood or an ice storm, because that way emergency-preparedness officials might think of new problems and solutions.

Video: 'Canada will never become a safe haven for zombies', John Baird assures Canadians
News of the plan had elicited considerable guffaws this week, along with some complaints about wasteful government spending.

So now the provincial cabinet has stepped in. Public Security Minister Stéphane Bergeron announced in a press release Thursday that he has ordered a change of plans: The new scenario will simulate a flood. “I thought … the theme of the workshop had taken on a greater importance than its goal and that it was better to change it,” Mr. Bergeron said in a statement. ...

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