Zombie apocalypse becomes reality in Miami as naked man eats another mans face.. (1 Viewer)

Good News: People Eat Other People on a Pretty Regular Basis
By Dan Amira

In just the past week, a naked man ate a homeless guy's face in Miami, a New Jersey man threw his intestines at police, a Canadian porn star killed a man and ate parts of his body before mailing other parts to government officials, a Maryland man killed his roommate and ate his heart and brain, and a Staten Island pizza parlor owner nommed a dude's ear. It seems clear that this sudden burst of zombie activity points inexorably to the beginning of the end for mankind. But we started to wonder this morning — from inside our fortified, WiFi enabled, mountainside bunker — whether the only thing that's changed is that, in the wake of the headline-grabbing Miami incident, we've suddenly started paying a lot more attention to zombie-esque stories than we had in the past. After digging around, we found that while the frequency of cannibal stories over the past week is unusual, this kind of stuff happens fairly regularly. Here is a rundown of what we've found from just the past six months.

May 25
"Police in southwest China have detained a man suspected of murdering more than a dozen boys and young men, chopping up their bodies and selling the flesh to unsuspecting consumers, reports said Friday."

May 8
"A Swiss politician has been accused of advertising for cannibals to kill and eat the mother and daughter of a policeman friend going through a 'tricky' divorce."

April 14
"Police have arrested three people for allegedly killing at least two women, eating parts of their bodies and using their flesh to make stuffed pastries known as empanadas that they sold to neighbors in their northeastern Brazil city."

April 7
"A 79-year-old man accused of killing his wife ate some of her flesh and was found sitting in a rocking chair in their Shrewsbury apartment, covered in blood, a prosecutor said Friday."

March 27
"Russian police have arrested a man who admitted killing at least six people before eating their hearts and livers, media said."

March 26
"A Russian man killed a drinking partner after he and his friends ran out of snacks at a vodka party - then sold the leftovers as pork at a market. The 35-year-old admitted stabbing his fellow drinker, 41, to death before slicing flesh off the corpse, which he cooked and ate, police said."

March 24
"Serbian gangsters allegedly beat a traitorous associate to death with a hammer before cooking and eating his remains in Spain, police said."

January 27
"A Florida man has been arrested for allegedly hacking to death a Connecticut man and eating the victim's eye and part of his brain."

January 12
"Police say a man in Indiana accused of stealing a car threatened to hunt down and eat his arresting officers, their families and police dogs."

In a weird way, it's kind of a relief. The world isn't ending! People actually eat other people all the time! Of course, the bad news is that people eat other people all the time.
Anyone finding that M&Ms ad with the hostage situation where the baddie threatens to eat one of the hostages a bit close to the bone lately?

MIAMI, Fl. – After the news of the zombie-like attack in Miami just over a week ago, the Center for Disease Control was prompted to formally announce that there is no known “zombie virus”.

According to the Huffington Post, “zombie apocalypse” was Google’s third most popular search term six days after the story broke.
Helping feed the fear of a spreading zombie-like disease was the story that followed just days after of 21-year-old Alexander Kinyua of Maryland who allegedly admitted to dismembering his roommate and then eating his heart and brain.

Within the same week, the story broke of the Canadian porn actor who is accused of killing and dismembering a man.

The scare prompted some pranksters in Miami to post this video where at the end, the mischievous fake zombie gets the tables turned on him.

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According to the Blaze, CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield has reported that one of the citizens chasing the fake zombie appears to be carrying a gun. The “fake zombie” was apparently able to scream to the crowd that this was just a prank as there were no reported injuries.

Zombie Bullets: US ammo producers cash in on Zombie Apocalypse fears

A weapon against zombies is being sold across the US after a series of cannibal attacks shocked the country. The largest independent producer of bullets in the world says their Zombie Max ammunition is a response to the flesh-eating crimes.

Hornady Manufacturing Company, an American maker of ammunition and hand-loading components has decided to cash in on current zombie terror.

Zombie Bullets are designed for those who want to be ready and fully-equipped for what the company calls “a Zombie Apocalypse.”

Zombie fascination is also bouncing around the internet, recently becoming the third most-popular search term on Google. Conspiracies and expectation of the Zombie Apocalypse have even forced the US Center for Disease Control to address the American public and deny the threat.

But the move has obviously failed to calm the situation down.

Hornandy say their bullets are sure to kill for good.

“Be PREPARED – supply yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse with Zombie Max ammunition from Hornady! Loaded with PROVEN Z-Max bullets… MAKE DEAD PERMANENT!” – says the promotion on the company’s website.

Company spokesman Everett Deger told WWJ Newsradio 950: “We decided just to have some fun with a marketing plan that would allow us to create some ammunition designed for that … fictional world.”

He also added that Zombie Max and Z-Max bullets are Hornady’s most successful products.


But it’s not just weapons. Principles of theoretical defense against zombies are also proving popular in the US right now. A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Class is being offered in the city of Conover. About a dozen people paid between $50 and $75 to take the first lesson Thursday night, WCNC.com reports.

"We focus on self-defense, firearms and how to handle apocalyptic situations. It could be anything from a nuclear bomb to a hurricane to an enemy invasion," says Jack Simons, Jr., the course creator.

He added that it is "Basically, a survival course with a zombie theme."

A recent outbreak of bizarre attacks triggered zombie conspiracies across the US. Some blame drugs, others believe it’s a psychiatric issue, but macabre zombie-style crimes have put the country on undead alert.

Last week, a man in Miami attacked and ate the face of his victim – a homeless man, and was shot dead by police. The victim survived, but doctors are having a hard time piecing his face together. Then, an engineering student in Maryland allegedly stabbed a man to death and ate his heart and brain. In Canada, police are on the hunt for a porn actor who reportedly slaughtered, dismembered, sexually violated the body and then ate his victim.

The zombie paranoia inspired two young men in Miami to stage a prank: video shot by an operator hiding in a parked car shows a young man wearing a blood-stained shirt. The“zombie” approaches passers-by with a roar and attacks them from behind. Vividly recalling recent bloody events in the city, most locals run away in a panic. The video quickly became an online hit.
Wasn't this stuff sold in Head Shops? I think theres a touch of hyperbole here.

New 'bath salts' zombie-drug makes Americans eat each other
Published: 07 June, 2012, 23:38

Move over, mild hallucinations! The newest narcotic ravaging the US isn’t bought on corners or pilfered from pharmacies, but sold legally in stores under an unassuming name. Bath salts are all the rage, but are users becoming flesh-hungry monsters?

In 2010, the American Association of Poison Control Centers received only about 300 reports relating to the usage of “bath salts,” a man-made substance available across the country that, if consumed, can cause extreme side-effects. By the end of 2011, poison control received an additional 6,000 calls about the drug and now, after a rash of bizarre incidents where the substance was believed to play a role, bath salt abuse is becoming a nation-wide epidemic.

By May 1, 2012, the US Poison Control Centers have seen 1,007 reports already this year related to bath salt abuse — nearly four times what they experienced in all of 2010.

Bath salts are still legal in much of the United States, but a string of recent episodes where Americans believed to be under the influence of the narcotic engaged in zombie-like behavior has brought the drug to the forefront of the public’s attention.

"Bath salts can cause psychosis, agitation and paranoia. They can basically turn a person into a wild beast. I have treated bath salt users in the emergency department who have extreme paranoia and super human strength to the point that they can break through handcuffs," Dr. Daniel Bober, a psychiatrist, tells Miami’s KPLC News. And distributors, he says, are able to continuously find markets for the drug because it is easy to make, cheap to sell and easy to deter law enforcement.

"Bath salts is the name street chemists are giving the drug in order to skirt the law and fly below the radar of law enforcement," Dr. Bober adds.

This week, the Marine Corps Times published an article claiming that bath salt abuse among members of the US military was on the rise. Navy Lt. George Loeffler, chief psychiatry resident at Naval Medical Center San Diego, says that not only is the drug “so popular in the military,” but that “They actually market it to the fact that that they don’t pop positive on the standard urine drug screen.”

In early 2011, newspapers in small towns such as Cranford, New Jersey and Easton, Pennsylvania were reporting that users were snorting, smoking or injecting bath salts to get high, only to be transformed into an uncontrollable psychotic state. Last March the mother of William J. Parisio told the Star-Ledger that her son was believed to be under the influence of bath salts when he was charged with the murder of his girlfriend; a PA couple made repeated 911 calls for help in catching a nonexistent criminal a month later after experiencing severe hallucinations, Lehigh Valley’s The Morning Call reports; elsewhere, the use of bath salts was linked to an incident where a man slayed a goat while wearing woman’s underwear.

Last month, however, the now infamous encounter between a homeless man and a suspected bath salt user reignited discussion of the drug. On May 26, a 31-year-old man stripped a homeless person naked under a highway overpass and attempted to eat his victim’s face for minutes until police shot the suspect dead — but not before he devoured three-fourths of his fleshy feast. Officers investigating the Miami, Florida incident say that they believe bath salt use could have played a role, and less than a month after that episode, similar accounts have been reported: police say that, across the US, there have been no fewer than three incidents since late May where persons high on bath salts tried to literally eat other humans.\

“The packaging would say something like ‘DEA Compliant’ or ‘Not for Human Consumption. If Consumed Call the Poison Control Center,’ ” Louisiana Poison Center Director Mark Ryan tells the Christian Science Monitor. “It was almost like the manufacturer was thumbing their nose at us.”

“People thought: ‘How bad could it be? It’s called bath salts,’ ” Chief Deputy Troy Morton from the Penobscot Country Sheriff’s Department in Maine adds to the Monitor. “Once it got here and people learned about it, it took off like fire because it was legal, and it was extremely cheap.”
What people are paying, however, is hardly a bargain. Ingredients in bath salts — usually concentrated with a substantial dose of methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) — can cause hallucinations, psychosis and dangerous behavior. As the drug first a surge in use, authorities described its effects as a high similar to LSD-induced trips that could sometimes include amphetamine-like palpitations and paranoia. After the latest outbreak of bizarre incidents, though, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was pressed to publically say, no, the “CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms).”
Witnesses of bath salt abuse think they might know what is to blame, though.

"I never thought I'd find her in the condition she was in," Tonya Phillips tells Virginia’s News Leader of encountering her daughter during a bath salt binge. "I was shocked. Her eyes were sunk back in her head. She had sores, almost like boils, on her body from the bath salts. It just eats them up. You could tell by looking at her she was dehydrated, she was just skin and bones. She was hallucinating bad. It was horrible."

The US Congress is currently considering legislation that, if passed, would ban many MDPV as well as mephedrone and dozens of other chemicals found in bath salts and synthetic drugs. North of the border, lawmakers hope to MDPV as a Schedule 1 narcotic of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, making its possession and trafficking on par with that of heroin and cocaine.

Notwithstanding roadblocks, bath salts — or at least its main ingredients — will be banned in Canada by this fall. Because the man-made core ingredients of the designer drug are usually factory-created compounds that emulate the effects of other narcotics, though, scientists that can continue to one-up law enforcement by synthesizing drugs quicker than the feds can identify them.
Face-eating victim 'recovering well'

Ronald Poppo (65) shows the extent of his injuries for the first time while in hospital in Miami, Florida. Photograph: Jackson Memorial Hospital/Getty Images

A homeless man (65) who was the victim of a gruesome face-eating attack in Miami is temporarily blind but recovering well after suffering devastating injuries to nearly half of his face, doctors said.

Hospital officials released two pictures of Ronald Poppo, who remains in the hospital in stable condition after the horrific Memorial Day weekend attack on the off-ramp of a bridge in downtown Miami.

One picture showed his face covered in scabs and missing most of his nose and both of his eyebrows and his eyes covered - one with gauze and the other with a skin flap. In a second picture, he is seen walking with help from hospital staff.

"He's had quite a bit of surgery," said Dr Nicholas Namias, a trauma surgeon at Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital. "He's feeling well. He's eating. He's walking around."

Police are investigating the attack that involved Rudy Eugene (31), who was found naked and chewing on Mr Poppo's face. Police shot and killed Eugene when he failed to respond to orders to stop attacking the man.

Police have speculated that Eugene may have been under the influence of a synthetic stimulant known as bath salts, which the US Drug Enforcement Administration has linked to side effects ranging from impaired perception of reality to agitation and delusional behaviour.

When Mr Poppo arrived at the hospital, "you couldn't really make out his identity or what his facial features were," said Dr Wrood Kassira, a University of Miami plastic surgeon on the medical team treating him. Even now, she said, "when he smiles, it's hard to see who he really is."

The attack has left Mr Poppo blind in at least one eye and facing the risk of losing his vision permanently, the doctors said. His "left eye was essentially destroyed and needed to be removed," said Dr Kassira. "We're hoping that in the future there may be some hope of some kind of vision but it's unclear if he'll recover any of it."

Mr Poppo also suffered a brain injury in the attack. It did not result in any permanent damage but suggested the brutal nature of the incident. "It's the sort of thing we see in car crashes usually," Dr Namias said.

Mr Poppo was treated for two puncture wounds in his chest that doctors said could have been from a bullet but were unable to determine what caused them. Since his arrival, the victim has undergone at least three surgeries and is expected to require more. In one operation, doctors removed skin from his forehead and scalp area to cover one of his eyes.

However, Dr Namias said Mr Poppo was coping well with his injuries and had only briefly brought up the attack in a nighttime conversation with nurses. "He's really just sort of living in the moment and wants to talk about routine things," he said. "He's very upbeat. He hasn't said one thing negative to me."

College-educated and a New York native, Mr Poppo has lived on the streets of Miami for years. No family members have visited him since he was hospitalised, Dr Namias added.

He is expected to remain in the hospital for a few more weeks. Where he is moved after his treatment will depend on his medical needs, the doctors said. A fund set up by the Jackson Memorial Foundation to help Mr Poppo with his medical costs has raised about $15,000 (€11,974). He is also expected to qualify for Medicaid and Medicare, hospital officials said.
Now its a Cannibal Drug!

Woman high on 'cannibal drug' dies after police use stun gun
A woman high on 'bath salts', the same drug used by the Miami cannibal who ate his victim's face, died after police used a stun gun on her following a naked rampage in which she choked her son and attacked neighbours.

Pamela McCarthy went into cardiac arrest after being taken into custody

By Oliver Carmichael5:11PM BST 15 Jun 2012

Police were alerted after neighbours reported that Pamela McCarthy was punching and choking her son in a violent frenzy.

The police have said that McCarthy was 'violently combative' as they arrived at the scene, growling at them and attempting to bite one of the officers. After attempts to subdue her with pepper spray had no effect, the 35 year-old mother from Munnsville, New York, USA, was tasered and handcuffed. She went into cardiac arrest after being taken into custody and later died in hospital.

A further report confirmed she also attempted to strangle her own dog. An eyewitness told WSYR local news website: 'She was rolling around on the ground with her legs wrapped around it – she was strangling the dog.'

McCarthy's son was taken by ambulance to hospital in Syracuse to be treated for minor injuries. Jason Williams, McCarthy's boyfriend who rushed to the safety of the three-year-old later confirmed his partner had a history of drug abuse.

'Bath salts', a synthetic amphetamine are believed to be behind a recent outbreak of horrifying attacks across the USA. Last month, Rudy Eugene was shot dead by police in Miami after they found him eating the face of homeless man Ronald Poppo.

Elsewhere in Miami, a 21 year-old man allegedly tried to bite off a police officer's hand after he was arrested for disturbing customers in a restaurant. Further cases include an incident in Louisiana when a man was arrested after biting a chunk out ofhis neighbour's cheek.

Health professionals in America have expressed their concern at the rising number of cases involving bath salts. "These drugs perhaps in some way turn off the higher functioning areas of the brain and really reduce people to a very primal instinct," said Dr. Alexander Garrard of the Upstate Poison Control Centre. Statistic released by the centre show that in 2011, 118 cases were reported whilst in contrast 141 cases have been reported in the first five months of 2012 alone.

New forms of bath salts are emerging all the time as manufacturers and dealers seek to stay ahead of the authorities, preventing doctors from effectively keeping track of the drug's composition.

"We as public health care providers really don't know what to make of it. We have an idea how to manage it, but there is no anecdote for something like this. That's the scary part," Garrard said.
'Zombie' attacks continue? Man under the influence getsnaked, bites off chunk ofman's arm
Posted: 06/21/2012
By: Kristal Roberts, WFTS

PALMETTO, Fla. - The latest in a string of “zombie” like attacks
happened in a Manatee County home Wednesday night after a
man under the influence went into a fit of rage and bit a piece of
someone’s arm off during a visit with his children.

Much like the Miami face-eating attack, 26-year-old Charles Baker got naked, ate human flesh and wouldn’t go down
without a fight, according to a Manatee County Sheriff’s Office report.

Authorities say Baker went to his girlfriend’s home on 25th St in Palmetto to visit his kids at 10:15 p.m. They say he
was high on an unknown substance when he knocked on the door, then barged in, began yelling and taking off his

He was screaming and wouldn’t calm down, then began throwing furniture around the home. Jeffery Blake, who lives in
the home, attempted to restrain Baker, but the suspect bit him, taking a chunk of his flesh from his bicep. Blake, 48,
was able to get Baker to the ground and kept him there until two deputies arrived.

When law enforcement came inside, Blake released Baker. Baker got up, but would not respond to deputies orders. The
suspect instead faced the deputies, tensing his body, clenching his fists and screaming.

Baker, still naked, acted like he was going to rush the deputies, according to the report. Deputy Wildt deployed his an
electronic control device after giving a verbal warning.

Baker fell to the ground, and then tried to get back up, so Deputy Wildt deployed the device again. Baker pulled the
probes out, so deputy Blake deployed his electric shock device.

Those probes were also pulled out, and Deputy Wildt deployed a second cartridge. By this time, several other deputies had arrived on scene and were able to hold him down and handcuff him.

Baker was taken to Manatee Memorial Hospital for evaluation before being transported to the jail.

Drills of the dead: Maine prepares for zombie attack
Published: 25 June, 2012, 07:41

Emergency officials in Maine have taken part in a training exercise in preparation for a zombie apocalypse. This comes just weeks after the federal government publicly denied the existence of zombies.
Around 100 emergency responders from eight different counties participated in the event in the quiet city of Bangor.

The premise: an unknown virus originating from Jamaica has reached Maine, turning the infected into zombies. Once infected, the virus quickly spreads to the brain, and turns the host into a full-fledged zombie, who has only one thing on its mind: biting other people.

The officials were armed with two would-be vaccines – one to prevent the infection from reaching the brain, and one to bring the zombies back to life.
“We have identified in several states, particularly Texas, New York, Illinois outbreaks of these civil disturbances and biting,” one official said. “And in conjunction with that there are also widespread power outages.”
The event may have been a staged act, with locals playing zombies, but it gave emergency responders an opportunity to prepare for a real life epidemic.

“This gives us the opportunity to do something a little bit different, but it still has the same principles that would apply in a real situation,” Kathy Knight, director of the Northeastern Maine Regional Resource Center told the Bangor Daily News. Emergency workers "need to figure out what they need, how they’re going to respond and how they are going to share their resources to respond to the disaster. They need to know who to go to outside their community to find the resources they don’t have, so it’s a different twist.”

The training exercise comes just several weeks after the US Center for Disease Control publicly denied the existence of zombies.
Rumors of a “zombie apocalypse” have been on the rise after a series of disturbing incidents.

In Florida, police caught a naked man chewing on the face of another person. They eventually shot him dead after unsuccessfully trying to push him away from the victim.

In Maryland, an engineering student allegedly stabbed a man to death and ate his heart and brain.

In Canada, a porn actor was detained on charges that he had killed and dismembered his lover. He is alleged to have recorded a video of himself copulating with some of the body parts, and consuming others. He is also suspected of sending the limbs of the victim to the headquarters of political parties, as well as two schools in Vancouver.
'He was found with blood and fur all over him': US man on synthetic marijuana chases neighbour while growling before 'strangling and EATING dog' in new zombie-like attack
PUBLISHED: 13:07 GMT, 26 June 2012 | UPDATED: 18:46 GMT, 26 June 2012

A drug-fuelled rampage led a man to attack several people and chase around a neighbour while growling like an animal - before he brutally killed and ate a dog.
Cops arrived at a home in Waco, Texas, on June 14 after a man called 911 to report a man living in his house that was 'going crazy.'
Police said that Michael Terron Daniel told his housemates that he was 'on a bad trip' after taking the synthetic drug K-2 and began attacking them.

'Attacker': Michael Daniel, pictured on his MySpace page, left, and in his booking photo, right, has been charged with animal cruelty in the gruesome killing of a dog in Waco, Texas
Outside the home, Daniel allegedly assaulted another man who lived at the home.
Sgt W. Patrick Swanton of the Waco Police Department told MailOnline that when a neighbour tried to intervene, Daniel got down on his hands and knees and 'began barking and growling like a dog.'

Horrific images show dogs being killed, cooked and served up as a meal in a sick Chinese tradition
City holds Zombie Apocalypse Day to prepare officials for invasion of undead (well, it is Stephen King's hometown)
British dealers are supplying America with the drug behind wave of horrific cannibal attacks feared to be 'zombie apocalypse'
Horrific images show dogs being killed, cooked and served up as a meal in a sick Chinese tradition
He then chased the neighbour, who ran into his house.
As horrified witnesses watched, Daniel allegedly turned his drug-fuelled rage to a medium-sized Spaniel mix, who belonged to one of his housemates, beating and choking the animal.

Tragic: Police said the dog killed in the attack was a Spaniel mix, like the one seen here

Scene of the crime: Daniel allegedly attacked others in his home before chasing a neighbour while growling like an animal
Sgt Swanton said that Daniel then 'took a bite out of the dog, ripping pieces of flesh away and eating them.'
Police showed up to find Daniel sitting on the front porch with the dog's carcass on his lap.

Drug: K-2, also known as 'spice,' is a mixture of herbs and spices that is usually sprayed with a compound similar to THC
Sgt Swanton said: 'There was blood and fur around his mouth, blood and fur on his clothing.'
He added that Daniel was in some kind of a catatonic state and did not respond to the officers at first, but when he snapped out of it, he asked the officers to Tase him or fight him to snap him out of the 'bad trip.'
Sgt Swanton said the officers declined, and an ambulance took him to a nearby hospital, where he was treated and later released.
Daniel was arrested on Monday at the Waco store where he worked and was charged with cruelty to a non-livestock animal, a felony.
His housemates declined to press assault charges against him.
He is being held at the McLennan County Jail on $5,000 bond.
Sgt Swanton said that Daniel has been in trouble with the Waco Police Department before, but would not elaborate on any past cases against him.
K-2, also known as 'spice,' is a mixture of herbs and spices that is usually sprayed with a compound similar to THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, according to the DEA.
Side effects include paranoia, panic attacks, giddiness and in rare occurrences – violence.
Recent zombie-like attacks, like the gruesome face-chewing attack in Miami, are believed to have been caused by ingesting bath salts, a potent hallucinogen.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...g-high-synthetic-marijuana.html#ixzz1yzy6DDTa

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