Today's show at 2pm on 98.3fm (2 Viewers)

Centrifugal - show 197 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Dec 8th 2009, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. High in the cinema - Pens

2. Silver threads among the gold - Cheyenne Mize & Bonnie Prince Billy
3. Fleeting moments - Pocketbooks
4. Smother + Evil = Hurt - The Kissaway Trail (playing the Opera House, Thurs dec 10th)

5. Marlene - Lightspeed Champion
6. Hawai - Gablé
7. Organize your arms - Marvins Revolt (playing Cyprus Avenue, Wed 9th Dec)

8. Don't look down or back - Tunng
9. I saw her today - El Goodo
10. Bodyguard - Dawn Landes (playing Old Oak, Mon 14th dec)

11. Bright sunny south - Jack Rose and the Black Twig Pickers
12. Twilight Parting - Picastro
13. You know best - Ladydoll

14. Sidewalk - Hatcham Social
15. Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear
16. Swim - Oh No Ono

17. Nadine - Fool's Gold
Centrifugal - show 198 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Dec 15th 2009, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. A42 - Nedry

2. A Dune A Doom - Picastro
3. Electric Fence - Waiting Room
4. I feel your love comin' on - Chic (playing the Savoy, Thurs 27th May)

5. Bleed - Animal Collective
6. 1901 - Phoenix
7. Assembly - Wild Beasts (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 26th March)

8. Like Home - Musée Mécaniques
9. Viktoria - Swanton Bombs
10. Three Woman - Baby Dee (playing the Crane Lane, Feb 25th)

11. The Church - Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
12. Camera - Plasticines
13. Zorbing - Stornoway (playing the Savoy, Sunday april 18th)

14. Heaven Can Wait - Charlotte Gainsbourg
15. Acts of Man - Midlake
16. Put a penny in the slot - Fionn Regan (playing Cork School of Music, Sun 7th March)

17. Spy against bred - Le Club Des Chats
18. Radiorace - N.A.M.B.
19. Never been to Texas - Power of Dreams (playing the Pavilion, Sat 13th march)

20. Beards - Errors
Centrifugal - show 199 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Jan 5th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Scissor - Liars

2. Hopelessly Wasted - Shrag
3. You don't rock - Van Zit
4. Cold, Cold Heart - Tony Bennett (playing the Marquee, Thurs 8th July)

5. Pig & Sucker - Picastro
6. The Ladies' Bras - Jonny Trunk & Wisbey
7. Retreat! Retreat! - 65 Days of Static (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sun 16th May)

8. Happy Valentines Day - Billy Boy on Poison
9. Emotional Time - Niwel Tsumbu (playing De Barras, Friday 5th March)

10. A Rumour in Africa - Errors
11. For so long - Wooden Shjips (playing the Crane Lane, Wed 14th April)

12. The Morning i get to hell - The Duke and the King
13. Man of youth - Circus Cat (playing The Crane Lane, Fri Jan 29th)

14. Bye Bye Sides - N.A.M.B.
15. Stacey's Left Arm - Tubelord (playing the Quad, Jan 29)

16. Great Expectations - Toby Kaar
17. Brothersport - Animal Collective
Centrifugal - show 200 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Jan 12th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. A ke kee shoo - Fred Dutch

2. The summer of a dormouse - The Boy Least Likely to
3. Space shot - Ash
4. Worry work sleep - KVX (playing the Quad, Fri Jan 15th)

5. Snow song - Ralfe band
6. Down by the Water - Paul Curreri (playing the Crane Lane, Mon 26th April)

7. A sorrowful thing - Lost Idol
8. Until the sun dies - Crystal Antlers (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thurs April 29th)

9. End of the World - Stanley Brinks and the Wave Pictures
10. Split Head - Picastro (playing The Crane Lane, Sun March 28th)

11. Marlene - Lightspeed Champion
12. Felton Lonnin - Rachel Unthank (playing The Pavilion, Fri March 26th)

13. Francisca's theme - Charlie Alex March
14. Bitch - Plasticines
15. We were wasted - The Leisure Society (playing The Crane Lane, Thurs Feb 11th)

16. You! Me! Dancing! - Los Campesinos
Centrifugal - show 201 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Jan 19th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. And suddenly - The School

2. The Far Road - Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
3. I know my time now - Picastro (playing The Crane Lane Theatre, Sunday 28th March)

4. Splish! Splash! Sploo! - The Irrepressibles
5. Morning Light - Girls
6. Ba Bosana - Niwel Tsumbu (playing The Pavilion, Sunday 24th Feb)

7. Le Theme - The Chap
8. Insects - The XX
9. Cuddle Alone - She Keeps Bees & Sharon Van Etten (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues Feb 9th)

10. Buddy Bradley - Adam Green
11. So Ney - Cluster
12. Vacant Hearts - The Ambience Affair (playing The Crane Lane Theatre, Sunday 24th January)

13. Stone on the pound - Arch Garrison
14. Sound of love - Husky Rescue
15. Soundtrack - Alright the Captain (playing The Quad, Friday 19th Feb)

16. Hustle - Tuung
17. Revert to your old ways - Burn us Both (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thursday 28th Jan)

18. intuition - LoneLady
19. Cold Hands (warm heart) - Brendan Benson (playing the Pavilion, Monday March 1st)

20. Harmony around my table - Tindersticks
Centrifugal - show 203 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Feb 2nd 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. It's getting boring by the sea - Blood Red Shoes (playing Cyprus Avenue, Wed 21st April)

2. VCR - The XX
3. S is for Salamander - And so i watch you from afar (playing The Crane Lane, Fri 12th feb)

4. In the sun - She & Him
5. A thousand eyes - Crystal Antlers (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues 29th april)

6. Somedays we are - Celestial
7. Neva - Picastro (playing the Jolly Roger, Sherkin Island, Sat 27th March)

8. Hate my telephone - N.A.M.B.
9. Who cares about sunshine - 202's (playing The Crane Lane Theatre, Sat 27th Feb)
10. Save it for someone who cares - The Leisure Society (playing The Crane Lane, Thurs 11th Feb)

11. Cluods in the Haed - Vincent Oliver
12. Revival - She Keeps Bees (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues 9th February)

13. Storm - Django Django
14. Honeybadger - Alright the Captain (playing the Quad, 19th Feb)

15. Heaven Knows - At last an atlas
16. Elvis ain't dead - Scouting for girls (playing the Savoy, Mon 19th April)

17. Fiesta Song - Ralfe band
18. The Earlie King - Baby Dee (playing the Crane Lane, Thurs 25th feb)
Centrifugal - show 204 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Feb 9th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. No winter, no autumn - Moscow Olympics
2. Mysterious woman - Niwel Tsumbu (playing The Pavilion, wed 24th feb)

3. Advantage - Omo
4. Tomorrow's Paper - Mick Flannery (playing the Pavilion, Fri 26th Feb)

5. Apply - Glasser
6. Sylvia, a melodrama - Wild Beasts (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 26th March)

7. Gray Death - Xiu Xiu
8. Kiss me - Bass Clef (playing the Liquid Lounge, Fri 26th feb)

9. Goes out - Play people
10. Save it for someone who cares - The Leisure Society (playing the Crane Lane, Thurs 11th feb)

11. After many a summer - Regards
12. Black Night - Deep Purple (playing the Marquee, Wed 30th June)

13. Angry Young Man - Get well soon
14. Start to dreaming - Wooden Shjips (playing the Crane Lane, Wed 14th April)

15. Fortune - Midlake
16. Vital Signs - Frank Turner (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sun 30th May)

17. Higher Higher - Juice Aleem
Centrifugal - show 205 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues Feb 16th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Anxiety - Eddy Current Suppression Ring

2. Blessa - Toro Y Moi
3. The wind began to switch - Sone Institute
4. Hooting and Howling - Wild Beasts (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 26th March)

5. Lewis takes Action - Final Fantasy
6. We're all gonna die (have fun) - The Candle Thieves
7. Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric (playing An Cruiscin Lan, Thurs 11th March)

8. Uterus Water - Kria Brekkan
9. Hetero (British Sea Power remix) - The Witch and the Robot
10. Balkan Jig - Txutxukan (playing the Crane Lane, Wed 3rd March)

11. Some misunderstanding - Soulsavers with Mark Lanegan
12. Fifteen - Standard fare
13. Meet on the ledge - Fairport Convention (playing the Pavilion, Fri 12th March)

14. Romance is boring - Los Campesinos!
15. Apples and pairs - Slow Club (playing Cork april 2010)

16. Poplar Moon - Fursaxa
17. My will is good - Port O'Brien (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 9th April)

18. The Be Colony - Broadcast
Centrifugal - show 207 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues March 9th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. What you do to me - Blackroc

2. F W R - N.A.M.B.
3. Fax me - Supertalented
4. We still got the taste dancin' on our tongues - Wild Beasts (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 26th March)

5. A Rumour in Africa - Errors
6. WOR - Django Django
7. Here comes my ship - Wreckless Eric (playing An Cruiscin Lan, Thurs 11th March)

8. Sylvia - The Antlers
9. In this shirt - The Irrepressibles
10. Suttee - Picastro (playing The Jolly Roger, Sherkin Island, sat 27th march & The Crane Lane, Sun March 28th)

11. Sweet Sister Delia - The Loves
12. Age of Cannons 2 - B. Spoerri
13. War - Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (playing the Pavilion, Fri 16th April)

14. Found love in a graveyard - Veronica Falls
15. Tin Man - Future Islands
16. Pick up sticks - Jon Kennedy (playing the Crane Lane, Fri 26th March)

17. Hundreds of Sparrows - Sparklehorse
18. Hope in your heart - Clancy
19. Anyone's Daughter - Deep Purple (playing the Marquee, Wed 30th June)
Centrifugal - show 208 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues March 16th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. You're not supposed to - Field Music (playing Cyprus Avenue, Wed 8th Sept)

2. Pirates declare war - The Bundles
3. Another kiss - Plasticines
4. I see a darkness - Bonnie Prince Billy (playing Skibbereen, Sat 31st July)

5. Orderly Violence - The Predicate Production Guild
6. Doggy - Animal Collective
7. Deep Blue Sea - Grizzly Bear (playing the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

8. When it falls apart - Barzin
9. Abbreviation is the way forward - Burn us both
10. Becoming a Jackal - Villagers (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri March 26th and the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

11. She walks - Choir of young believers
12. Victoria - Adrian Crowley (playing the Crane Lane, Sun 28th March)

13. Hustle - Tuung
14. Popinjay - The Joy Formidable (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thurs 27th May)

15. Silverfish - Signals
16. Young Bride - Midlake (playing The Marquee, Fri June 25th)

17. Vivid Youth - Pastels/Tenniscoats
Centrifugal - show 209 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues March 23rd 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Taxi from the airport - Grovesnor

2. Three Thirty Five - Mark Beazley
3. I saw you blink - Stornoway (playing the Savoy, Sun 18th april)

4. Prism - Trail
5. Year's not long - Male Bonding
6. Suspended from class - Camera Obscura (playing the Marquee, fri June 25th)

7. Zebra - Beach House
8. Lemonade - Coco Rosie
9. All the kings men - Wild Beasts (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri March 26th)

10. Kobwebz - Gonjasufi
11. Brother - Murder by Death (playing the Crane Lane, Mon 14th June)

12. The way my heart beats - Good Shoes
13. Alyo - Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (playing the Pavilion, Fri 16th April)

14. Burden of tomorrow - The Tallest Man on Earth
15. Olympians - Fuck Buttons
16. Heavyweight Champion of the World - Reverend and the Makers (playing Indiependence Festival, July 31st)

17. Kamphobo - The Very Best
18. Chance of time - Josh Ritter (playing the Pavilion, Sat May 1st)
Centrifugal - show 210 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues March 30th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Laredo - Led er Est

2. Clusterfuck - The Manhattan Love Suicides
3. Swan Ocean - Nedry
4. Isabel - Frank Turner (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sun 30th May)

5. Supernatural Lancashire 3 - S. McLoughlin
6. Stephen - Veronica Falls
7. Rise up and Fight - Crippled Black Phoenix (playing the Crane Lane Theatre, Fri 30th April)

8. D Motherfucker D - Quack Quack
9. Caught by the sun - The Soundcarriers
10. Tonight the streets are ours - Richard Hawley (playing the Pavilion, Sat 24th April)

11. Crime Sound 8 - The Crime Sound Orchestra
12. The Ring - Jamie Lidell
13. Bandits - Midlake (playing the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

14. Ice the Levant - Stump
15. Let's start a fire tonight - The Dead Flags
16. Cavalier - Silver Columns

17. Do the Method - The Method Actors
Centrifugal - show 211 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues April 6th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. 103 - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

2. Sleeping Samurai - Kluger/Vangarde
3. Preuss - Xeno & Oaklander
4. Treny - Jacaszek (playing Trinity Presbyterian Church, Little William St, off York St, McCurtain St, Cork, Sat 17th April)

5. Odessa - Caribou
6. Woo-boost - Rusko
7. Oslo Campfire - Port O'Brien (playing Cyprus Avenue, Fri 9th April)

8. Sashimi - Tunng
9. El Toro - Bonobo
10. Balkan Jig - Txütxükan (playing The Pavilion, Thurs 8th April)

11. What's in it for? - Avi Buffalo
12. Still remember love - The Duke & The King
13. Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear (playing the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

14. Attack Music - These New Puritans
15. Tom Tom - The Hundred in the Hands
16. Lose the instructions - Citizen Fish (playing Pine Lodge, Sat 15th May)

17. Allotment Song - Trevor Moss & Hannah Lou
18. Keep your eyes on the road - Lone Wolf

19. Jezebel - Recoil
Re: Todays show on Freak FM (Cork)

Centrifugal - show 212 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues April 13th 2010, 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. I was playing drums - Efterklang

2. What to say - Born Ruffians
3. Big Pen 2 - J. Robinson/I. Rainford/C. Pearson
4. 01110101101010010 - Continuous Order of Battle (playing the Quad, Fri 16th april)

5. Three Eleven - Mark Beazley
6. Another kiss - Plasticines
7. Wooden Floor - Boa Morte (playing the Crane Lane, Sat 1st May)

8. You don't have to be lonely - Erland and the Carnival
9. Sundowners - Christy & Emily
10. Taxidermy - White Lies (playing Indie-pendence Festival, Aug 1st)

11. War Pigeon - Midas Fall
12. Voluptuous Life - Extra Life
13. Bring down - Midlake (playing the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

14. Nag Nag Nag - Sudden Infant (playing The Pavilion, Tues June 22nd)

15. I woke up - Pearly gate Music
16. Givers - Lucky Dragons (playing ESB Substation (triskel), Wed 23rd June)

17. Swim - Surfer Blood
18. Pish! - Exit: Pursued by a bear (playing The Pavilion, Fri april 23rd)

19. Sweetheart - The Wave Pictures
Centrifugal - show 214 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues April 27th 2010, 1-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Jack of none - Quack Quack

2. Clock - Silicon Arc
3. Madame Van Damme - Lightspeed Champion
4. Victory - Stellar Om Source (playing Fred Zeppelins, Sun May 30th)

5. Still to keep - Chris T-T
6. L.O.V.E. - The Bobby McGees
7. The one that got away - Black Carrot (playing the Crane Lane Theatre, Sat May 29th)

8. Jet - Shonen Knife
9. Lightworks - Cibelle
10. Togetherness - Mantler (playing the Crane Lane Theatre, Sat May 29th)

11. New Years Sky - At Last An Atlas
12. Spell it out - The Sunshine Underground
13. Cut me down - David Hope and the Henchmen (playing Charlies Bar, Sat May 15th & The Roundy, Thurs May 20th)

14. Girls with guns - Tender Trap
15. Sea Serpents - Babeshadow
16. Soft Hand - Willard Grant Conspiracy (playing the Crane Lane Theatre, Thurs april 29th)

17. Open Eyes - Sleepy Sun
18. Giving up on love - Slow Club
- ident -

Hour 2:
1. New Theory - Washed Out
2. This aint the way to live - Funki Porcini
3. Cold Hands, Warm Heart - Brendan Benson (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues 28th Sept)

4. Double Edge - Emika
5. We won't run - Sarah Blasko
6. Going Underground - The Jam (PW playing the Marquee, Sun 27th June)

7. Cherry Moon - Lorn
8. New York is killing me - Gil Scott Heron
9. Priceless Prize - Boa Morte (playing the Crane Lane Theatre, Sat May 1st)

10. War Bells - Royal Bangs
11. A sun - Tweak Bird
12. Not simple - Jogging (playing the Quad, Fri May 7th)

13. Carol Brown - Flight of the Conchords
14. Kentucky Pill - Johnny Flynn
15. Chase Scene - Broken Social Scene

16. You fool no one - Deep Purple (playing the Marquee, Wed 30th June)
Centrifugal - show 215 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues May 4th 2010 2-3pm
Text: 086-1778197
online stream:

1. Four Floors (diplo vs Sunday Girl) - Sunday Girl

2. Science Fiction 10 - Ackermann / Thusek
3. Four Fourteen - Mark Beazley
4. Whirring - The Joy Formidable (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thurs May 27th)

5. Kings & Monsters - Christy & Emily
6. Back and Forth - Operator Please
7. Iggy the Biz - Neon Flea Circus (playing The Pavilion, Thurs May 6th)

8. 17 - Midas Fall
9. Gossamer Hair - Pearly Gate Music
10. Retreat! Retreat! - 65 Days of Static (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sun May 16th)

11. I think i like U 2 - Jamaica
12. Bad Love - Booka Shade
13. We are men - Cap Pas Cap (playing Triskel/Esb, Sat May 8th & The Quad, Fri June 11th)

14. Candy Girl - Ganglians
15. Hopscotch - CocoRosie
16. Cop it - The Vital Spark (playing The Crane Lane, Sat May 15th)

17. Long Hair - Dum Dum Girls
18. Round and Round - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
Centrifugal - show 216 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues May 11th 2010 2-3pm
Text: 086-783-9800
online stream:

1. Touch me i'm sick - Mudhoney

2. Beesmouth - Lost Idol
3. I am the sun - Swans (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thurs 21st October)

4. Little Bird - Eels
5. Saro - Sam Amidon (playing De Barras, May 30th & Cyprus Avenue May 31st)

6. Landslide - Unbunny
7. The Roamer - R.S.A.G. (playing Cyprus Avenue, June 16th)

8. Year's not long - Male Bonding
9. The Detonation tonight will be S-Ray-20 - Black Carrot (playing the Crane Lane, Sat 29th May)

10. Snowflake - Malachai
11. The Parson - The Frank & Walters (playing The Jolly Roger, June 5th & Cyprus Avenue June 18th)

12. Friends - Junkboy
13. Forced to love - Broken Social Scene
14. Killing Time - Moon Duo (playing the Crane Lane, Sat 24th July)

15. Restoration - The Acorn
16. Little drops of poison - My Evil Ex (playing The Pavilion, Thurs May 13th)

17. Baby Lee - Teenage Fanclub
18. Living by the gun - David Hope & The Henchmen (playing Charlies Bar May 15th & The Roundy Bar May 20th)
Centrifugal - show 217 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues May 25th 2010 2-4pm
Text: 086-783-9800
online stream:

Hour 1:
1. Super Group - Shonen Knife

2. Journalist Writer - S. Bagcan
3. The Pulse - The Magic Numbers
4. Better Days - Brendan Benson (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues 28th sept)

5. Less Words - Elite Barbarian
6. Everlasting light - The Black Keys
7. Death - White Lies (playing Indiependence festival, August 1st)

8. D Motherfucker D - Quack Quack
9. All I want - Sarah Blasko
10. O True Believers - James Blackshaw (playing Cyprus Avenue, Thurs 21st oct)

11. Bad Nostalgia - Pearly Gate Music
12. Running on - Villa Nah
13. The Fade - Megafaun (playing Cyprus Avenue, Tues aug 24th)

14. World News - Local Natives
15. Kanetown City Rips - Jumbling Towers
- ident -

Hour 2.
1. Psychic City - Yacht
2. Bad Blood - Black rebel Motorcycle Club
3. Island Best - Stellar Om Source (playing Fred Zeppelins, Sun 30th May)

4. Black Hoodie - Extra Life
5. Heroes (aphex Twin remix) - David Bowie & Phillip Glass (PG playing City hall, Sat 26th June)

6. Shoeing the bones - Cate Le Bon
7. Givers - Lucky Dragons (playing Triskel's Esb gaff, Wed June 23rd)

8. Giving up on love - Slow Club
9. Semi-memories - Mantler (playing Crane Lane Theatre, Sat 29th May)

10. Taxi from the airport - Grovesnor
11. Simple Man - Bonnie Prince Billy (playing CorkXSW, Sat 31st July)

12. Feel so real - Ben Rusko feat. Ben Westbeech
13. Let's write a book - Field Music (playing Cyprus Avenue, Wed sept 8th)

14. Leap Year - Port O'Brien
15. Boy Decide - Murder by Death (playing Crane Lane Theatre, Mon 14th June)

16. Nice Guys - We are Scientists
Centrifugal - show 220 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues June 15th 2010 2-3pm
Text: 086-783-9800
online stream:

1. USA Boys - Health

2. Take off that dress for me - Micah P Hinson
3. Lightwerk - Lost Idol
4. Sonic Infusion - Mudhoney (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sept 30th)

5. Beachy Head - Veronica Falls
6. Do you want a boyfriend? - Tender Trap
7. Ship of promises - Villagers (playing the Marquee, Fri 25th June)

8. Little Johnny Brown - Sam Amidon
9. As she entered - The Predicate Production Guild
10. Deep Blue Sea - Grizzly Bear (playing the Marquee, Fri 25th June)

11. Another girl - Hot City
12. Move your feet - Maker
13. Wooden Floor - Boa Morte

14. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
15. The Weekenders - The Hold Steady
16. Drifting - Recoil
Centrifugal - show 221 - playlist

The Odds 'n' Sods show on Campus Radio // 98.3fm \\
Tues June 22nd 2010 2-3pm
Text: 086-783-9800
online stream:

1. Fierce Pit Bosses - Enemies

2. Colours - B. Spoerri
3. A Minor Place - Bonnie Prince Billy (playing Skibbereen, Sat 31st July)

4. O my love! o my god!! - The Dead Flags
5. Brassneck - The Wedding Present (playing Cyprus Avenue, Sat 27th Nov)

6. Strawberry Hill - Stiff Kittens
7. Shorter Shorter - Field Music (playing Cyprus Avenue, Wed 8th Sept)

8. Lady Gasoline - Chris Singleton and the Distractions
9. Keep it clean - Camera Obscura (playing the Marquee, Fri June 25th)

10. While we're young - Department of Eagles
11. Somniphobia - Sudden Infant (playing the Pavilion, Tues 22nd June)

12. Only a mother - Cherry Ghost
13. Forget romance let's dance - We Should Be Dead (playing The Pavilion, July 16th)

14. Lying - Factory Floor
15. Lover of Mine - Beach House
16. untitled - Family Battle Snake (playing the Pavilion, Tues 22nd June)

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