The fucking cops (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Since 2000
Nov 6, 2000
Snuffling for truffles
On my way home, around the corner from my gaff, a couple of black dudes pulled over by the cops, I stopped to observe and I was threatened with a variety of criminal justice acts by our Garda friends. They let the dudes go and then i was the fucking focus of their operations(I had still not opened my mouth). I was told by this cop cunt bint that if i didnt move on that I was in violation of section fuck of the criminal justice act? When I protested that I was simply making my way home I was told that I was lucky to be not spending the night in a cell. Serious question: is it a crime to walk home? I am so so so so so angry. Got her badge. Doesnt make a difference. FUCKING BASTARDS
Make a complaint.
Write down everything, as detailed as you possibly can, what the cops said, what the lads wore, what they were doing, everything. Leave a blank line between each line so you can add stuff.

And, then go straight in with a complaint. Demand to speak to a high ranking officer (Sargent probably). Take up his time but be exceptionally polite, this will irritate him and hopefully he will take it out on the lads below him. Concentrate on the intimidation angle, that you felt threatened and abused by the Gards, and you are willing to say this in court. (Court wont happen, of course, but this will focus the guys attention.)

If they did it to you, they will have done it to others.

Tell them that if there is any more attempts of intimidation you will be seeking legal representation, and will use this complaint as evidence.
Vinnie! But no! Not Vinnie! That's fucked up. Do make a complaint.

The criminal justice act thingy, as far as I know, is a sort of blanket thing that they can use to keep people from loitering in places where they would offend the wealthy or otherwise 'legitimate' citizens. Like kids on benches, homeless people at bank machines, etc. I think. I could be wrong. The eirecore lot tend to be pretty up on their police stuff because they deal with a lot more of it.

Be a little wary when you make your complaint. They tend to circle the wagons, and the sergeant won't necessarily be sympathetic to your face, but once they see that they could have to explain themselves, they'll have to take it seriously.

At the moment, I'd say that they're being told to be racially sensitive, and the fact that those two gards chose to intimidate you like that suggests that they knew they were gonna get totally busted if you blabbed. so blab. They don't deserve to have jobs if that's how they're going to abuse their power. But they seem to be trained in 'guilty until proven innocent' and 'there are no innocent victims or innocent bystanders', which means that they will listen to what you say and look for ways to trip you up and bust you for something.

I've never had anything but really negative experiences with cops in Dublin. They also don't seem to give a fuck about people being nasty to immigrants, by the way. I had a cop stand there and practically hold me down while some cunt of a taxi driver told me to go back wherever I came from. And she didn't give a toss. When I rang the sergeant the next day, she was like, "Well, you're welcome to file a complaint, but I'll tell you now that it's your word against hers. So it's up to you." In other words, "I dare you to make us enjoy having you deported."

I really, really, really hate the cops here. They're awful, awful people and they're spoiled smug little culchies. Never met one who didn't act like a self-important farmboy in checked shirt who thinks he's so big because he captained the team that won the Macra five-a-side. Or farmgirl who is like, "I'm brilliant because my daddy says I always do as I'm told and I did really well on my Leaving". They seem to join the gardai so that they can put some muscle behind their belief that they're the good girls that always follow the rules. Only they are the girls who follow the rules when someone is watching, and then they sock you in the jaw as soon as it's safe to do so and then lie about it so if you call them on it, you look like a criminal (that's what the bitch cop did in case I called the sergeant, which was frightening). They're all as bad as each other.

Oh, and another time, we thought it would be funny to have a cop in our voxpop, so the photographer and I stopped two of them in Temple Bar.

"Hi, we're doing a piece called 'My Dublin' for a magazine."

In think country accent. "It's not my Dublin."
Pig number two chimes in, "I'm not laying claim to this kip."

Me: blink blink blink. Wow. They laugh in my face the way school bullies do in the movies.

Pause. Me: blink blink blink. The photographer: :eek:

"Anyway, we're responding to a call. Bye."

Um, now, cops laughing in people's faces is not all that cool, but if that's how it's okay to treat people, then they really shouldn't have their jobs. But what made me more upset was that he thought it was hilarious to say he doesn't give a shit about Dublin, which makes me wonder about his fitness for policing the city effectively.

In other words, Vinnie, you are great and they are shit. And you didn't deserve to be harrassed by anyone, least of all them. It must have been a really horrible thing to witness in the first place, and then really scary and disempowering to know that they would abuse their power like that. It's fucking terrifying that these people can behave like that and that they ever get away with it.

But do remember that they've brought in the Ombudsman and the Inspectorate, who are there for dealing with complaints. If they get all, "We're right because we're the cops," you can remind them that if the cops were always right, there would be no need for the establishment of these new positions.

I hope your complaint is taken seriously. That's just so fucking shitty and you must feel like poop.
Also, Vinnie: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Big hugs for Vinnie.

I hope something really nice happens to you today.

PPS: We should all remember that there are decent people like Scutter and everyone else who posted on that "what would you do?" thread, and there are Vinnies, all of whom would make much better cops. Just nice to know that they exist, like.
I was told by this cop cunt bint that if i didnt move on that I was in violation of section fuck of the criminal justice act?

I assume she was threatening to charge you with loitering. I heard that some prick cop tried to threaten the diceman with this before. So, what he did was begin to walk very very slowly. Cop still charged him but he eventually won the case. .|..|
"Hi, we're doing a piece called 'My Dublin' for a magazine."

In think country accent. "It's not my Dublin."
Pig number two chimes in, "I'm not laying claim to this kip."

Me: blink blink blink. Wow. They laugh in my face the way school bullies do in the movies.

Pause. Me: blink blink blink. The photographer:


Actually I grew up with cops my whole life, my dad was one. The job either attracts pricks orif u are not already one turns u into one.

vinnie, you're probably lucky enough; when I lived in dublin I ended up in a cell in kevin street for over three hours one night with two friends. our crime... walking home after a few pints in town. friend tries to make a call in a phonebox on thomas street. phone is broken of course... phone eats his money. he slams the phone down pretty hard but nothing rediculous. we've all done it.. zero damage caused etc. I was about six feet away from the box; my other friend wasn't even looking in the same direction.

meanwhile some OFF DUTY detective who's sitting across the road calls it in. we're walking down james' street when two cars, and unmarked and a regular squad car come racing down the road up onto the footpath, triangling us against a wall. all of a sudden we're in the back of a car handcuffed. they drove us to the phone booth, where the old sixty year old CUNT of a detective told us we were being charged with VANDALISM and whisked us off to kevin street. even the cop driving us admitted it was a rediculous situation. "but don't worry, you'll be out in half an hour" etc etc

I won't go into the details, but the next three hours was a merry go round of verbal abuse and a light smattering of civil rights violation. I couldn't believe the asshole behaviour. abusing us because we were scumbags from limerick etc. unreal. they eventually gave us a choice. stay in jail for the night, or sign the charge sheets. the new charge... "hmm, we can't really charge these three fuckers with vandalism. but they've had a few pints.. I know... DRUNK AND DISORDERLY!"

I lost all respect for the gardai after that. as a final insult I had to go down to the staff sargeant a couple of days later and apologise, in the hope that it might help us avoid being called to court. after that it was a matter of whether the cops had filled their arrest quota for the month. yes, arrest quota.

so in summary, to quote a wall in limerick about 10 years ago: "fuk da gards"

I really, really, really hate the cops here. They're awful, awful people and they're spoiled smug little culchies. Never met one who didn't act like a self-important farmboy in checked shirt who thinks he's so big because he captained the team that won the Macra five-a-side. Or farmgirl who is like, "I'm brilliant because my daddy says I always do as I'm told and I did really well on my Leaving".

Be a little wary when you make your complaint. They tend to circle the wagons, and the sergeant won't necessarily be sympathetic to your face, but once they see that they could have to explain themselves, they'll have to take it seriously.
a friend of mine was up in some town in donegal before, visiting his girlfriend; anyway, they were just strolling around town, in the daytime, minding their own business when two plainclothes cops pulled up and started harassing them, saying they were going to search them etc. my friend refuses and asks for id, which if I remember correctly they refuse to show at first. a bit of verbal aggro follows... I'm short on the details at the moment, but they eventually leave. the guys feel suitably initimidated enough by the whole experiece to go to the station to file an official report. another hostile interaction followed in the station when they tried to do this... I'm not evn sure that they even filed the complaint as a result. fast forward a week or so later, the girl is walking through town, car pulls up, the two cops... "tried to complain us eh?" followed by the usual, "we know you and where you live" line. don't think anything ever happened after that but... unbelievable shit.
I think there's a bit of the remaining crap from when the church ruled the land, and the local priest and the local garda would keep people in line. Just like there's original sin that is forever the priest's trump card, the gardai have their 'original crime' card that they play whenever they want.

Which makes it a profession that suits bullies down to the ground.

They're a bit like those rich twat bullies from 80s movies who drive around and are like, "eat my dust!" to the underdog hero bratpacker, but then finally get their comeuppance. Only in the real world they still get away with it.

That's really crazy, Plug. I'm glad it didn't get worse for you guys, and I hope nothing else happened to your mates.
a friend of mine was up in some town in donegal before, visiting his girlfriend; anyway, they were just strolling around town, in the daytime, minding their own business when two plainclothes cops pulled up and started harassing them, saying they were going to search them etc. my friend refuses and asks for id, which if I remember correctly they refuse to show at first. a bit of verbal aggro follows... I'm short on the details at the moment, but they eventually leave. the guys feel suitably initimidated enough by the whole experiece to go to the station to file an official report. another hostile interaction followed in the station when they tried to do this... I'm not evn sure that they even filed the complaint as a result. fast forward a week or so later, the girl is walking through town, car pulls up, the two cops... "tried to complain us eh?" followed by the usual, "we know you and where you live" line. don't think anything ever happened after that but... unbelievable shit.

This didn't happen to be the late nineties did it? There was a lot of random stop and searches in North Donegal (centred on Letterkenny) going on just after the Richie Baron/Frank Short cases came to light. Cops trying to paint a good picture of themselves by getting drug busts up when in reality all they did was intimidate people.

ACAB and Donegal cops are some of the worst.
remind them of the last pig ta cross ya




check out this blokes song bout the pigs
I have mentioned this before, but the thread seems to have a kind of hopeless us and them buzz about it right now, so I will say it again.
Irish coppers are not universally great guys, out of the (relatively few) people I know that have gone on to be cops, some have been weak little bitches that have left me in very bad situations. Most have been good guys though.
This is anecdotal and not really important though.

Jane said that she has had nothing but negative interactions with Irish cops. And that's pretty unfortunate.
I have lived in Ireland for most of my life and, it has to be said, have done some not smart things. In that time I have had 1 or two bad interactions. Both were pretty bad though. One time when a cop drove through red lights on the wrong side of the road through a junction without any sirens and milled me out of it on my motorbike coming through the right way. When I said I was going to put in a complaint he got a load of mate in to demonstrate how hard they are going to lie, and the Sargent said if I would proceed he was going to make my life miserable, and the judge would rule with the cops.
That was one, the other involved a kind of mate getting beaten very badly having been caught doing a ram raid. He was released after interrogation (dunno why), and came in to where I worked in the inner city with injuries including a massive boot mark on his back, and a fractured skull.

So that's two. One didnt really involve me though, but it was bad.

But, I have also been treated very well on occasion by Irish cops. Especially considering the shit I was up to.
I took the rough with the smooth. Any abuse I got was reasonable and called for, and had a purpose.
I never really lost respect for Irish cops as a whole.

Sorry about the length of the post.
Now, for my point.
I have had two really bad interactions with NYPD in the same night. I am not even sure of the total count of amazingly bad interactions with NJ/Port Authority/NY PD. Its a lot though.
And I am white. And it is not a foreigners thing, because a fair number of them started before I opened my mouth.

A lot of the cops here are appallingly bad.
I am not going into more boring anecdotal details, other than to say that a large number of the cops here really are more like a dangerous intimidating swaggering gang that believe and demonstrate they are above the law and can do whatever the like.
I have interacted with a strung-out junkie cops, jeering gangs of cops, physically threatening cops, verbally abusive cops, and cops that lie and smirklingly admit to lying to my face.
Now, I have only been here a few years, and have specifically stayed away from cops because if I get charged, I am out of the country.

And that is fucked.
These cops are beyond the edge, and I dont think they can come back.
I have absolutely no respect for these guys on a fundamental level, and am actually scared of them. (As pathetic as it sounds.)

The Irish cops have not reached here yet. Unfortunately if people dont keep them in check I see no reason that they will not end up like NYPD.
So, people have to do this. People have to mercilessly hold the Gardai accountable for their actions.
Its really important.
It's well known that the Millstreet Guards in Galway especially the younger ones taking their agression out on random drunks. I had a friend beat up, they took him in as he was being 'cheeky'. he was due to repeat his exams in college three days later.

They beat 75% of his right kidney in, he ended up three months in hospital with other damage after he spent the night in hospital. He asked for an ambulance leaving as was told to get out he was stinking up the place with sick by a female guard. I know of many more stories. He missed a full year of his life repeating the college year and recovering due to missing the exams. There is no record of him being in that cell that night and they have tried everything but when its the Guards together its too hard.

When the Ombudsman open I remember the news saying they can only deal with reports from 2 years previous, staffing levels mean only up to 50 cases a year get processed. They received 500 complaints on the first day.

Now My question is..........

Has anyone had a good experience of dealing with the Guards?
Has anyone had a good experience of dealing with the Guards?

i have, but i'm not going into any details. I've heard as many nasty stories about them as anyone else, but i've never had a problem in any of my dealings with them personally.
Now My question is..........

Has anyone had a good experience of dealing with the Guards?

in amongst that far too long massive reply up above there I mentioned that I have.
I'll say it again though.
I behaved in a really silly way for a while, and I was fucking begging for trouble.

Mates of mine stepped in, and told me I was being insane, but I seemed to ignore them. It was actually (more than one) Guard that told me that he would charge me, but it was pointless since by the time he would have me up in court I would be dead.

There were a few other times that Irish cops have helped either myself or my family, and in fact there have only been two major bad cop instances for me.

Actually, I got my face smashed by a log once, and looked fairly beat up for a few weeks, and cops were begging me to let them help me "deal with the person who did this".

That was the point of my post. That almost all interactions Irish cops that I have had have not been negative.
I've always thought them fine in general myself. I grew up in a very GAA oriented environment though so knew an awful lot of them personally. I think that enabled me to see that the gardai are no different from anyone else. Mostly they are good people, as with any profession or walk of life. There are bad eggs though, again like in all walks of life. The difference in this case is that when a bad egg has a bit of power to wield, and the 'victim' is pretty much helpless against it, well that magnifies the badness of that particular egg.

Completely independent of the gardai I know personally, I've had a few dealings with them (never been in trouble with them though) and pretty much all those dealings (apart from one) have been positive.

I got breathalised last night on my way into town, for the first time ever. Its poxy hard blowing into that yoke long enough for it to register a reading. I'd imagine its nigh on impossible if yer locked.

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