Metallica Sues Band Over Usage Of E, F Chords (3 Viewers)

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haha. didn't realise there was fuckin' drama come up on this shit, i wasn't hidin' from nuthin', juz don't bother with this board to much cuz of this kinda pc drama crap, but thanks or dedicating that song to us at the poison idea show, that shit deep!!

only heard bout this shit cuz that lad jamie said somethin' me last nite bout it.

dunno why it bothers you that much, wasn't directed at you, your band, anyone you know, it was directed at a band that i used to rate but now have juz pussyed out completely.
ain't takin' nuthin' said back, not my way, & i ain't got problems with whatever people into, if it works for you go for it, i live my way & that's all i give a fuck bout. the rest of the world can go to shit for all i care.

and garyXknifed what's with that "stabmsterarson or whatever he calls himself" shit?!! i print my name at the end of every post, i ain't announymus. i'm sure you read post enuff times to see it!!

haha. didn't realise there was fuckin' drama come up on this shit, i wasn't hidin' from nuthin', juz don't bother with this board to much cuz of this kinda pc drama crap, but thanks or dedicating that song to us at the poison idea show, that shit deep!!

only heard bout this shit cuz that lad jamie said somethin' me last nite bout it.

dunno why it bothers you that much, wasn't directed at you, your band, anyone you know, it was directed at a band that i used to rate but now have juz pussyed out completely.
ain't takin' nuthin' said back, not my way, & i ain't got problems with whatever people into, if it works for you go for it, i live my way & that's all i give a fuck bout. the rest of the world can go to shit for all i care.

and garyXknifed what's with that "stabmsterarson or whatever he calls himself" shit?!! i print my name at the end of every post, i ain't announymus. i'm sure you read post enuff times to see it!!

It bothers me because the tone of it came across as spitefull.
Think about it. For someone who is in a band that has called themselves dublins premier hardcore band you'd think you could be a bit more responsible. What next? Paki's ,Coons ,Wogs, Etc? I'm far from pc myself I just like to credit myself with a bit of common sense and that tells me that using words like fag in such a manner makes you appear to be an idiot. It also does not make anyone less of a person because of there sexual preference or anything else for that matter. If you think metallica are now shit that's fine,but why the use of Fag?
You seem like a bit of a tough guy idiot to me who dho needs to learn how to use his head. Fag? pussyed out etc? and the "gangsta speak" !!!! did you grow up in the Gheto or the hood or something. Jesus christ tough guy! use your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[would they get slagged off as "heterotallica" ?
"heterotallica" - thats a classic!
As far as i`m aware, a fag is a slang term for a cigarette - down this way anyway...i blame Americain t.v. for the popular use of the word "Fag"....sad.
Anyway - i`m not in this discussion...
Ex-squeeze me.
It bothers me because the tone of it came across as spitefull.
Think about it. For someone who is in a band that has called themselves dublins premier hardcore band you'd think you could be a bit more responsible. What next? Paki's ,Coons ,Wogs, Etc? I'm far from pc myself I just like to credit myself with a bit of common sense and that tells me that using words like fag in such a manner makes you appear to be an idiot. It also does not make anyone less of a person because of there sexual preference or anything else for that matter. If you think metallica are now shit that's fine,but why the use of Fag?
You seem like a bit of a tough guy idiot to me who dho needs to learn how to use his head. Fag? pussyed out etc? and the "gangsta speak" !!!! did you grow up in the Gheto or the hood or something. Jesus christ tough guy! use your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why don't you get on with yo' life & stop tellin' me what to say, how to say it, & what kinda person i am!!

we ain't creditted ourselves with no title, we play hardcore straight, no bones & pull no punches. sorry we don't fit nicely into whatever you decide is s'psoed to be hardcore in this city. & why the fuck we gotta be responsible?! fuck you i say waht i want

i ain't said shit bout yo' band!! why you bringin' my boys into this?!!

you stressin' bout this makes you look damn stupid, are you the scene police now or some shit?

if you'd said my name at the poison idea show when you digged out on the sly i woulda come talked to you bout it then, but as i said didn't know shit bout it til saturday.

and how fuckin' dare accuse me of bein' rascist!!! i ain't ever said shit to no one bout they race or any of that shit so watch your fuckin' mouth. i guarantee you i know more people from many races & consider them true friends. think bout what you say before you write!!!

you don't know me, so keep castin' aspersions & you'll find exactly the sort of person i can be, it's easy for you to pigeonhole me which is funny cuz that's what your pissed at me for doin' & this s'posed to be hardcore innit? something away from the norm, there are no rules, only what you make for yo'self!!

in closing, i can say what the fuck i want, anytime i want, to anyone i want, difference between you me seems to be that i would have sorted this out face to face rather than in the fuckin' internet cuz this shit is whack & solves nuthin', you prolly got nuff you'd like to say to me right?!!! so many rules for me to follow. haha.

you stressin' bout this makes you look damn stupid, are you the scene police now or some shit? Probably some shit!!!!

and how fuckin' dare accuse me of bein' rascist!!! i ain't ever said shit to no one bout they race or any of that shit so watch your fuckin' mouth. i guarantee you i know more people from many races & consider them true friends. think bout what you say before you write!!!
How could he be racist when he is so obviously black and from south central L.A.!!

this s'posed to be hardcore innit? something away from the norm, there are no rules, only what you make for yo'self!!
The "norm" is referring to homosexual people as "fags" and maybe what "gary" is trying to "say" is that by continuing to use that word as an offensive term you are helping to perpetuate the "norm" of people seeing homosexual people in a negative way boyeeeeee! or maybe gary can speak for himself!

in closing, i can say what the fuck i want, anytime i want, to anyone i want, difference between you me seems to be that i would have sorted this out face to face rather than in the fuckin' internet cuz this shit is whack & solves nuthin', you prolly got nuff you'd like to say to me right?!!! so many rules for me to follow. haha.
If you really wanted to sort it out in private you could have used private messages.
Cormcolash said:
You sound like a total tough guy piece of shit. There is no room for that in the hardcore punk scene. Why don't you go nu-metal and just fuck off.

who the fuck are you to decide who can lizen to hardcore/punk?!
& who the fuck are you? yo' mates prolly know so you feel brave postin' bout not adding yo name.

i live more "hardcore" everyday than you could ever even concieve, do you trade demo's, live vids, link people shows in most euro cities?! what do you do that's so hardcore?! & got you an authority on the subject?!!

how do i sound like a "a tough guy"?! cuz of the way i speak?!
i juz speak different to you, should i stop sayin' what i want? i don't fuckin' think so!! cuz it seems you can say what you want!! & I have my own mind so i won't be takin' any suggestions from you on how to live my life, so stop telliin' me what to do & what sort of person i am, it's tiresome.

don't think i ever seen so much ignorance & wanting of segregration on one message board since that link to the stormfront board lil while back, you should register with them, they seem to be yo' type of people, they don't like different people either!! haha.

and next time you post print yo' name you brave soul, i ain't hidin' from you, so name & shame yo'self boy!!

Chunky D said:
Cormcolash said:
You sound like a total tough guy piece of shit. QUOTE]
You say it like it's a bad thing.

CHUNKY D- if this drags you into this bullshit i appologise, but thank you for seein' it ain't all justified attacks!! you obviously have yo' a mind of your own, thank you for usin' it!!

Yet again the internet is proving to be another way to make enemies.

I also disliked the use of the word "fag" and I appreciate Gary speaking out about it 'cos a lot of people just let those things go by unnoticed.

Apart from that and the homeboy speak, this guy doesn't seem that bad and in his argument I think he justified what he meant. I believe it's wrong to use derogatory comments like that about one's sexuality but we can't change the world and attack every person who says "fag" or "homo" or "dyke", can we?

So I think, in the interest of peace, now that his attitude's been confronted and he's replied with a fair enough reply (think about it- it coulda been a lot worse) we should leave him alone and let him live his life the way he does (ie, stop telling him what scenes he can and can't be in).
And instead, start to find those who really are homophobic and
who express their hate in a physical manner, cos we all know they're the real cunts.
Frankly, I find his use of double negatives appalling! !baggyyyy :) !bog :D !cheezy
Chunky D said:
oooops looks like i incorperated ( how does one spell that home-boys?) my cheeky coments into the quote by accident, oh well you get the message!

my previous post towards you still stands, but don't EVER include yo' own quotes into mine, i know you did point it out & thanks but you should have editted that shit out, it ain't from my mouth so don;t include!!

my previous post towards you still stands, but don't EVER include yo' own quotes into mine, i know you did point it out & thanks but you should have editted that shit out, it ain't from my mouth so don;t include!!


Personally I find this guys "home boy" way of writing pretty offensive!
Please tell me that he doesn't actually speak like this! And if he does that at least he's a yank?
Mathatma Scarfe said:
Personally I find this guys "home boy" way of writing pretty offensive!
Please tell me that he doesn't actually speak like this! And if he does that at least he's a yank?

what is it with people on this board & the way i speak, so what if i talk like this normally?!! you don't have to read this, no one is forcin' you to reply, so you're usin' yo' free speech to talk bout me & how i can't use mine. FUCKIN' HARDCORE!!!!!!!
such an open minded "scene" there is in this city!! hahaha.

what is it with people on this board & the way i speak, so what if i talk like this normally?!! you don't have to read this, no one is forcin' you to reply, so you're usin' yo' free speech to talk bout me & how i can't use mine. FUCKIN' HARDCORE!!!!!!!
such an open minded "scene" there is in this city!! hahaha.


I was quite serious when I asked because I honestly thought you were taking the piss!
Why on earth would anybody effect a fake accent?Do you think it makes you sound cool? Do your parents laugh at you or do you only use the "voice" when you're with your mates.
Honest to god I'm curious about this!
Mathatma Scarfe said:
I was quite serious when I asked because I honestly thought you were taking the piss!
Why on earth would anybody effect a fake accent?Do you think it makes you sound cool? Do your parents laugh at you or do you only use the "voice" when you're with your mates.
Honest to god I'm curious about this!

who says it's fake? shit i don't need to fake nuthin'!! you ask anyone who knows me. you ain't ever heard me to my knowledge so can the sarcasm & sly digs!!
my parents couldn't care less i talk, juz the person i am & that's straight up everyday. someone do right by be, i'll always do right by them.
how many can say that? no matter how they talk/type?!

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