Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302] (1 Viewer)

I'd second everything in Goff's post and also offer another bit of advice which might seem insane but worked for me - could you afford to go away for a while? I know the logic of getting yourself on a plane/train, dealing with lots of strangers etc when you're getting constant panic attacks seems ludicrous, but it can really help to get yourself away from your usual surroundings and patterns. I went through a phase of being a total recluse in my teens due to the same problem, and only got out of it by going away for a month and forcing myself to do stuff, even though the shortest conversation was an ordeal. I'm not saying it "cured" me but it really helped me get out of a downward spiral.
antidepressants are fucking horrible...i was on them for a while and they just gave me insomnia and made me feel shit, and theyre really expensive
So I seem to have this weird mix of depression and anxiety. Beta blockers, anti depressants or both?

I hate the feeling that things are never going to be right again. And keeping busy all the time has actually just made things a little worse.

I used to take an antidepressant (SSRI) for a few years. Overall, I found it really good. I used to have that "the feeling that things are never going to be right again." It's a horrible feeling alright. If you haven't already, I'd recommend going to the doc. You don't have to take on board what they say, but it would be good to get it out into the open and they might have some good advice. I don't know what Beta blockers are tbh.
Right here's my 2 cents.

Dublin/Ireland can be a depressing place but they are fundamentally cool.There is a bad culture of binge drinking etc over here and it can be a real drag.If you go to France, Italy or Spain etc and see how people use alcohol its a completely different buzz.People go out for a meal with friends late in the evening and sit out side the restaurant.Its much more wholesome and human.

What do people do over here.Go out, get locked and ride someone wondering if your to numb to cum.Not very appealing eh? There's a lot of joyless sex in this country.

Also the weather over here is shit,everything on the tele is wank and the country is full of singer songwriters winning awards for reminding you how shit everything is.
(present company accepted)

So it can all leave you thinking, 'why is everyone playing out this alien show that ultimately makes us all feel like failures' Now add that to the parade of anxieties and regrets you call your imagination and what do you get?
A free ticket 'to staring at the void for one'.

If your depressed it means that you've just taped in to this every present frequency that's around you all the time."Left to wander this shredded mechanism unimpressed"
Its not your fault its caused by a lot of external factors.

So you may ask your self.Why do i feel like this , Why isn't everyone else going through this. There's no answer to this,everyone is different.It doesn't matter .Why isn't everyone able to sing?Why isn't everyone good looking.?Why isn't everyone really good at maths?
Who knows........

So we've established that we are surrounded by thousands of depressing factors.I think one of the most annoying things about life is that people don't acknowledge these elephants in the room.but that's life they have more important things to think about like Lilly Allen.

I have a lot of experience of depression.There where
lots of reasons for this, death in the family, crap teens , making friends with the wrong people when I left school, bad relationships and lately being in a mediocre band(that one really hurt).
But it made me strong and it saved me from being a
"another hungry ghost out there"

So I've been in a lot of the places described here.
I managed to get over it with a bit of luck.I never went to a counselor but sometimes i think it should be manditory.
Its something that has existed in lots of cultures, there was a time when you could go to a priest and talk about life.We don't have important things like that now but we have Ipods!

Here's some pearls of wisdom:

You get what you focus on! That's actual true.Lets say you have NTLs full package with 200 channels and you only watch eastenders, your gonna associate TV with albert square.That fair enough?

Theres so much beauty in the world , its not made apparent to you in your living room or on the internet, you have to search for it.You might not want to go on a big trip around the world when your feeling lonely because it might just be transposing loneliness and that's cool. You have to learn to see the beauty in front of you.

When you go in to Tower records you have to walk by a lot of shit bands to find Steely Dan's greatest hits.See what i mean.

People give you a lot of advice but there usually just regurgitating hackneyed expressions that they probably have little faith in .One gambler wins ,One gambler loses.Who's the better man?

Positive thinking is great.But you hear so many wankers saying that, its like something you hear on some poxy add but its true.You have to think whats my method of positive thinking.Also positive thinking is easier for idiots so smart people think its lame but its not!

Everyone in the world wants to be successful and be loved.If you life is leading you away from the things you want you'll have this nagging feeling on you all the time like you've left the heating on.

Well i don't know at the end of the day, who am i to give anyone any advice? Maybe try reading Dan Millman or buy a nice synth!

Hope that helped

Dublin/Ireland can be a depressing place but they are fundamentally cool.There is a bad culture of binge drinking etc over here and it can be a real drag.If you go to France, Italy or Spain etc and see how people use alcohol its a completely different buzz.People go out for a meal with friends late in the evening and sit out side the restaurant.Its much more wholesome and human.
that's bollocks. can't speak for italy or spain but the french are a bunch of pissheads. if i wanted that kind of uninformed pop wisdom i'd read the sunday supplements.

apart from that, not meaning to offend but your two cents is a steaming pile of wank.
that's bollocks. can't speak for italy or spain but the french are a bunch of pissheads. if i wanted that kind of uninformed pop wisdom i'd read the sunday supplements.

apart from that, not meaning to offend but your two cents is a steaming pile of wank.

I'm inclined to agree. It's more of a rant than anything helpful.
suspect it was drunk posting so don't want to be too much of a dick about it. but the pull your socks up and just be happy speech has been proven entirely useless enough times over at this stage.
anti depressants are think they do nothing...then someone says to you....the first few years i know you, you never said a word to me, now yer always talking shite about something...creeps up on ya....don't realise the difference.

personally i'm never NOT taking AD's again. All the really low times i look back on was when i was off them, (1 year, 2 year periods) . I don't know why i need them but i'm a very difficult person for people close to me to deal with when I don't take them so fuck it 40 quid a month or whatever - that's a few pints a week, course, im by no means perfect now either but its a lot better.

On the subject of doctors i think they will tell anyone to take them whether they say they are tired or whatever. Doctor I'm with tried to get me to go on to some new Irish brand and acted all pissed off when i didn't. Just repeat prescriptions for me for the last few years.

Anyway it's good now and I wish I realised what I know now 12 years ago when i first started taking AD's.
ah cipramil. i liked them. i was only on 10mg for about a year but they did the trick. remember a friend asking me what dose i was on and going '10 mg? that's fuck all boss'. i was like, em, ok yeah i'll just shut up about it then eh? cheers.
Right here's my 2 cents.

Dublin/Ireland can be a depressing place but they are fundamentally cool.There is a bad culture of binge drinking etc over here and it can be a real drag.If you go to France, Italy or Spain etc and see how people use alcohol its a completely different buzz.People go out for a meal with friends late in the evening and sit out side the restaurant.Its much more wholesome and human.

What do people do over here.Go out, get locked and ride someone wondering if your to numb to cum.Not very appealing eh? There's a lot of joyless sex in this country.

Also the weather over here is shit,everything on the tele is wank and the country is full of singer songwriters winning awards for reminding you how shit everything is.
(present company accepted)

So it can all leave you thinking, 'why is everyone playing out this alien show that ultimately makes us all feel like failures' Now add that to the parade of anxieties and regrets you call your imagination and what do you get?
A free ticket 'to staring at the void for one'.

If your depressed it means that you've just taped in to this every present frequency that's around you all the time."Left to wander this shredded mechanism unimpressed"
Its not your fault its caused by a lot of external factors.

So you may ask your self.Why do i feel like this , Why isn't everyone else going through this. There's no answer to this,everyone is different.It doesn't matter .Why isn't everyone able to sing?Why isn't everyone good looking.?Why isn't everyone really good at maths?
Who knows........

So we've established that we are surrounded by thousands of depressing factors.I think one of the most annoying things about life is that people don't acknowledge these elephants in the room.but that's life they have more important things to think about like Lilly Allen.

I have a lot of experience of depression.There where
lots of reasons for this, death in the family, crap teens , making friends with the wrong people when I left school, bad relationships and lately being in a mediocre band(that one really hurt).
But it made me strong and it saved me from being a
"another hungry ghost out there"

So I've been in a lot of the places described here.
I managed to get over it with a bit of luck.I never went to a counselor but sometimes i think it should be manditory.
Its something that has existed in lots of cultures, there was a time when you could go to a priest and talk about life.We don't have important things like that now but we have Ipods!

Here's some pearls of wisdom:

You get what you focus on! That's actual true.Lets say you have NTLs full package with 200 channels and you only watch eastenders, your gonna associate TV with albert square.That fair enough?

Theres so much beauty in the world , its not made apparent to you in your living room or on the internet, you have to search for it.You might not want to go on a big trip around the world when your feeling lonely because it might just be transposing loneliness and that's cool. You have to learn to see the beauty in front of you.

When you go in to Tower records you have to walk by a lot of shit bands to find Steely Dan's greatest hits.See what i mean.

People give you a lot of advice but there usually just regurgitating hackneyed expressions that they probably have little faith in .One gambler wins ,One gambler loses.Who's the better man?

Positive thinking is great.But you hear so many wankers saying that, its like something you hear on some poxy add but its true.You have to think whats my method of positive thinking.Also positive thinking is easier for idiots so smart people think its lame but its not!

Everyone in the world wants to be successful and be loved.If you life is leading you away from the things you want you'll have this nagging feeling on you all the time like you've left the heating on.

Well i don't know at the end of the day, who am i to give anyone any advice? Maybe try reading Dan Millman or buy a nice synth!

Hope that helped


I'd say you cause depression.
i've just re-read red dog's post and i think maybe he's had a funny e...will you check in in the morning so we know you're ok?
Right here's my 2 cents.

Dublin/Ireland can be a depressing place but they are fundamentally cool.There is a bad culture of binge drinking etc over here and it can be a real drag.If you go to France, Italy or Spain etc and see how people use alcohol its a completely different buzz.People go out for a meal with friends late in the evening and sit out side the restaurant.Its much more wholesome and human.

What do people do over here.Go out, get locked and ride someone wondering if your to numb to cum.Not very appealing eh? There's a lot of joyless sex in this country.

Also the weather over here is shit,everything on the tele is wank and the country is full of singer songwriters winning awards for reminding you how shit everything is.
(present company accepted)

So it can all leave you thinking, 'why is everyone playing out this alien show that ultimately makes us all feel like failures' Now add that to the parade of anxieties and regrets you call your imagination and what do you get?
A free ticket 'to staring at the void for one'.

If your depressed it means that you've just taped in to this every present frequency that's around you all the time."Left to wander this shredded mechanism unimpressed"
Its not your fault its caused by a lot of external factors.

So you may ask your self.Why do i feel like this , Why isn't everyone else going through this. There's no answer to this,everyone is different.It doesn't matter .Why isn't everyone able to sing?Why isn't everyone good looking.?Why isn't everyone really good at maths?
Who knows........

So we've established that we are surrounded by thousands of depressing factors.I think one of the most annoying things about life is that people don't acknowledge these elephants in the room.but that's life they have more important things to think about like Lilly Allen.

I have a lot of experience of depression.There where
lots of reasons for this, death in the family, crap teens , making friends with the wrong people when I left school, bad relationships and lately being in a mediocre band(that one really hurt).
But it made me strong and it saved me from being a
"another hungry ghost out there"

So I've been in a lot of the places described here.
I managed to get over it with a bit of luck.I never went to a counselor but sometimes i think it should be manditory.
Its something that has existed in lots of cultures, there was a time when you could go to a priest and talk about life.We don't have important things like that now but we have Ipods!

Here's some pearls of wisdom:

You get what you focus on! That's actual true.Lets say you have NTLs full package with 200 channels and you only watch eastenders, your gonna associate TV with albert square.That fair enough?

Theres so much beauty in the world , its not made apparent to you in your living room or on the internet, you have to search for it.You might not want to go on a big trip around the world when your feeling lonely because it might just be transposing loneliness and that's cool. You have to learn to see the beauty in front of you.

When you go in to Tower records you have to walk by a lot of shit bands to find Steely Dan's greatest hits.See what i mean.

People give you a lot of advice but there usually just regurgitating hackneyed expressions that they probably have little faith in .One gambler wins ,One gambler loses.Who's the better man?

Positive thinking is great.But you hear so many wankers saying that, its like something you hear on some poxy add but its true.You have to think whats my method of positive thinking.Also positive thinking is easier for idiots so smart people think its lame but its not!

Everyone in the world wants to be successful and be loved.If you life is leading you away from the things you want you'll have this nagging feeling on you all the time like you've left the heating on.

Well i don't know at the end of the day, who am i to give anyone any advice? Maybe try reading Dan Millman or buy a nice synth!

Hope that helped


Get into anarchy boss, it's the job.
On the subject of doctors i think they will tell anyone to take them whether they say they are tired or whatever. Doctor I'm with tried to get me to go on to some new Irish brand and acted all pissed off when i didn't. Just repeat prescriptions for me for the last few years.
Was it Citalopram, or something the doctor was trying to get you to take? I had the pharmacist try to get me to get those instead of the Cipramil prescribed, because it was cheaper (he knew I was a student), I wasn't particularly happy with him for suggesting it, presumably he's not quite as qualified as the person who prescribed them.

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