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  1. D

    Paper Cut Out/Tracer Amc/The Coldpoon Conspiracy gig

    yeah hag i'd love to get you up. heheheheh.... ahhh. seriously tho, yeah. but leave dublin before four this time, ok? ok. EDIT ah fuck. this is bernard, aka b, from the killing spree... stupid log in stuff. damn. that's bound to take away from the humour. fuck. damn. fuck. :)
  2. D

    Warzone Fest 2005

    Yeah...actually...I'm just an idiot....
  3. D

    Warzone Fest 2005

    So who's going to do someting to fill up the end of our summer months this year then? Me and Elaine had a big talk about it and it just seems in possible to do anything in Belfast that'll have such a free enviroment for drunkeness/nakedness/loud music/dodgy smells/etc........
  4. D


    Thankyou :)
  5. D


    Hey, anyone know this guy from Cork or is he even on here? He asked me to put on some french band and I said yup, but I cant find hid number or anything and need to know how the bloody hell you spell it. Evil. If he's reading this phone me or mail me at: [email protected] Thanks
  6. D

    Bassist Wanted

    where's carlow? Most of thos ebands you mentioned were amazing...
  7. D

    Meet Sepultura!!

    They suck more than I know. Deadly. Though Darren Greene likes Minor Threat and Refused. Deadly.
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    Vitamin X

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    Warzone Centre

    You cant remember mine? [email protected]
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    The Slackers

    I hear they endorse certain drugs and the posters have certain images of drugs on you'll be drinking with Gerry Glenon......
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    bush and blair for belfast

    I got bruised ribs :(
  12. D


    stuff, cool stuff Joe Ninety, Leif Ericsson and Blocko on tour in May too... Tues 27th May - Dublin(ask Damo) wed 28th May - Galway (amc) thurs 29th May - Belfast, Giros email:thesonicdeathmonkey doors: 8pm, adm: £3.50, support from Eva Destruction All Ages fri 30th May - Derry, Nucleus...
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    mcd presents capdown

    There no such thing as a truely original thought. At least that what my lecturer tells me. I like low grade metal. I like some pop.
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    G.B.H. -the temple - friday nite

    Hmmm, might give it a go, needa see Mr.Fajey anyhooo.
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    G.B.H. -the temple - friday nite

    Okay, I dont really like any of these bands, though the Swellbellies are nice guys, though Needles scarred me at first. I want out of Belfast, but will anyone else be there? How about Saturday cuz there's a free gig here I wouldnt mind attending on Fri. So my actual question is: does anyone know...
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    Sorry, the inner spide just got out.
  17. D


    Look, my da's top man and he'll av ya shaaaaot. Wha ya think o me hoods tat?
  18. D

    mcd presents capdown

    Fig 4.0 - will probably be back in a few months, think they're doing a split with Stand at the minute. Joe Ninety will back, bringing Leif Ericsson and Blocko. It will rock. Think the Dublin date will be the 27th May, the Belfast one is 29th May.
  19. D

    ballymahon info?

    I just posted that under the other thread, silly me. I want to know too, dont fancy a drive back to Belfast afterwards.
  20. D

    ballymahon info?

    So is there somewhere to crash in Ballymahon or is it sleep in your car/van/tent? Or no sleep?