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  1. wesleey currie


    I aint bad at all rob,thing's are getting better by the month,hi jill, hi corm,hope your all good and coursing a muck,anyway i will try and get over some time soon to see you all again,cheers for the laugh's and thank's to rob for eating all my bread,are you still a (hardline) vegan? or do you...
  2. wesleey currie


    I'm not bad! Just wondered how rob was doing,i was surrposed to come over and visit but could not be arsed.
  3. wesleey currie


    For people that know me,i just wanted to see how your all getting on?
  4. wesleey currie

    Could this be the end for the Magpie house?

    What like they had respect for the people they battered on may day? The slaughter continues....
  5. wesleey currie


  6. wesleey currie

    you dont see much of this round here....!

    i went to see madball,with a bunch of other band's playing,knuckledust and xsworn inx,and lots of this shit went on,it's fun to watch but after a while it's get's a bit annoying,i ended up getting a elbow to the jaw,and one of my teeth went into my lip,the guy who did it,hit me on purpose...
  7. wesleey currie

    cops/ nazis/ oly spud and what the fuck is pc.

    have you been watching donnie darko by any chance?
  8. wesleey currie

    cops/ nazis/ oly spud and what the fuck is pc.

    But thats not the point,it's the point of how you live your life,wheather your an arsehole and not willing to make a change or a nice person willing to make a difference,or just stand back and watch it all rott.people do die, so what. It's about what you do before you do.
  9. wesleey currie

    dead kev

    and just imagine,people in the scene actully trying to be nice to each other,that would be a novel.but i guess some people are just born to be a cunt.
  10. wesleey currie


    ok i won't
  11. wesleey currie

    cops/ nazis/ oly spud and what the fuck is pc.

    but what is pc. everyone has different levels that they will sure theres jokes that make you cringe or say thats abit much?.is that you been pc . pc is nothing but a word made up to slag someone, for what they beleive in,we all have different levels of what we can and...
  12. wesleey currie


    No wheeler.i know iam a cunt but iam that that rude.i would not have run past you,i would have run.
  13. wesleey currie


    That's nice but maybe while your at it you could steal a sense of humor.
  14. wesleey currie


    over here on one of the board's knifed where mentioned,they where saying a lot of good thing's about mero and the boy's,just thought i would say.
  15. wesleey currie


    yes i know,hows it going down in gloom town.
  16. wesleey currie


    oh yeah hello jill and phil,and kareen. happy know phil.
  17. wesleey currie


    prick? what for? iam just trying to get a message to some old friend's. And you call me a prick. go take your face for a shit,because your talking out of your arse.
  18. wesleey currie


    To ian, steve, kev, rob,james,richie and wheeler.
  19. wesleey currie

    dead kev

    well that's nice, you my son are a geebag.
  20. wesleey currie

    dead kev

    dead kev,you my son are a girl. wez