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  1. fiona poke

    Bush Protest next week

    I don't think the cops will leave anyone within a mile of Shannon but sure, we can give it a go. Then ye can all come drinking at our gaff!
  2. fiona poke

    some nice photos

    I want some of what Pubs is on
  3. fiona poke

    FAO: Kids that went to Tunisia

    Why? What happened? Was it the safari type thing?
  4. fiona poke

    Need a bike?

    Nah, they were free. There were Rice Crispies ones too but those rice crispie fellas weren't cool at all.
  5. fiona poke

    The Specials in Cork

    forget the specials ,just heard on the river of soul , Horace Andy is playing in dublin ,in may.wooooooooooooohooooooooooooo
  6. fiona poke

    urgent re: dunchee

    Tunisia photos, smellies! I tried to post the url up on the Knifed guestbook but the links are broken, boo! If ye have any more send 'em to my email address or post them. It's only my own photos that I've got up there so far so ye'll all be sick of looking at Mickey!
  7. fiona poke

    kilkenny gig!!!

    Uk ska band eh? Might that be the Splitters??
  8. fiona poke

    Leatherface in Limerick

    Who's coming down to Limerick for Leatherface? They're on this friday in the High Stool
  9. fiona poke

    GGI FEST - some help

    I'm supposed to be working for the fest weekend and the help weekend but I reckon I'll definitely pull a sickie for at least one of them!
  10. fiona poke

    africa - three more on board so come on -you know you want to ....

    Africaaaa! yay! I read that Port El Kantaoui was the best place for drinking in all of Tunisia cos there's a micro-brewery there! It's an affront to Islam to sell alcohol on a friday though so we'll have to stock up (like as if every friday was good friday) :D