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  1. S

    how many did you say?

  2. S

    how many did you say?

    ehhhhh anyone know FOR SURE how many no disco shows are left before leagues goes audio off for the summer?
  3. S


    photographer:"thats it darling now if you can just do that without you clothes on" model:"that wasnt the deal what sort of photo shoot is this?" photographer:"its art baby, its all good" model:"well in that case..."(disrobes) you too can be straddled by your very own naked chick in the name of...
  4. S


    HAHA! i knew it! i knew you'd find an opportunity to give an opinion you big ten pence peddling evil educated 80's bearded fecker:)
  5. S


    ok. seeing as i dont get no refund i may as well look at the dead languages thing and say....i aint heard it yet and it doesnt look like i'm going to either. someone said the copies sold out off the listening post in tower. maybe the designer can get paid now princess?
  6. S

    irish internet stuff

    i contacted the taoiseach, minister for enterprise and my local td's threatening my lack of support for their re-election if they did nothing about this internet deal and all i got was a crummy response from 2 lackeys...i mean PA's (not the ones you use for gigs) irish politicians suck
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    "i'd like to speak to the manager please, because this thread doesnt do exactly what it says on the tin. i opened it expecting to tuck into a juicy wonky discussion but instead all i got was dead languages crawling all over the place":)
  8. S


    yeh an i got asked by a freelance photographer if i 'wanted' (translation: want to buy) any photos he took of the wonky night. freelance=i can charge whatever i want because i am sooooooo exclusive:) i think i'll become a freelance something or other, maybe i'll tell my boss i've gone freelance...
  9. S


    i think their problem is that 600 people were not the punching bag they had hoped for and needed crap excuses to do some harm. maybe they thought by manhandling someone out the door they would provoke some sort of conflict. stupid bastards-they're all as predictable as the next...
  10. S

    Padre Pio

  11. S

    documentary meeting

    didnt see the email, nine heads reading through it somebodys bound to hit the delete button. yeh, we'll try and get some live footage, plus drunkcam (thats where you get the real bafta material). i'd say the no disco crew might be doing a bit of filming yeh?! c u der
  12. S

    documentary meeting

    why start with the there no gigs you can start recording before that? you may as well start compiling shit loads of footage cos you'll be surprised how much stuff gets gutted in the editing room. how u gonna do it? focus on bands or the dublin scene or irish music scene? or maybe...
  13. S

    Dead Languages

    havent heard it yet but i think the artwork is great. pity the chap who did it doesnt even have a copy to look at! yup..had to ask to look at his own baby on the night from a distance..not even visitation rights:)
  14. S


    chorus: "martin" "yes m'luds manifesto" "step on it martin or we'll be late for the ball" "there's a shiny new euron in it for you martin if you get us there on time" "YES SIR!, sir mattie" "good boy martin" :)
  15. S

    Posh cunts chillin' in da hood.

    wow! fastest conscience in the west
  16. S

    you're so money

    its amazing how well this escalated into a master debate:). all i wanted to know originally was 10 eurons worth it for the vicar? so is it? steve&cat i reckon it wont escalate into hatred in all fairness just a rush of expressive energy before weekend multi-pints!mmmmmm...freee pints pints...
  17. S


    i'm goin' home to fist myself front and back whilst looking in the mirror, cos i'm rachel! whoo! like this is a new song i wrote today... smelly cat smelly cat, rachels fisting herself with a baseball bat, we're all at work with lots to do, but would rather run up the bosses phone bill...
  18. S

    you're so money

    you say: but the point is that the sabbath is for CHARITY and if the vicar street gig goes ahead then the CHARITY may not make as much money as it could have. its a simple case of principles. to book a gig with the specific intention to rival a charity gig is just an asshole thing to do. and i...
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    girls in tree

    pity the embassy is on the 4th floor you'd need a crane to have any impact. maybe they could start a tyre fire outside the embassy? that would get their attention
  20. S

    you're so money

    answers: 1.dont know 2.quite probably 3.doubt it i've been informed that its not really the same line up (just two same acts) so i dont think sabbath is under threat and besides i'm getting abuse for passing on your concerns