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  • Before: Oct 22, 2014
  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD


    Anyone watching it? Noel is some cunt.
  2. HMD


    Shit buzz
  3. HMD

    Thumped Christmas Party 2014

    Are we going to Kreator?
  4. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    I'm going for the 64gb iPhone. The plus is too big.(i might change my mind in a couple of months)
  5. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  6. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  7. HMD

    2014 releases worth a listen..

    I'm loving the new Dwarves album The Dwarves
  8. HMD

    The Ice Bucket thread

    I've just been nominated. they can get fucked
  9. HMD


    I could possibly make you one if Pete doesn't have one.
  10. HMD

    5 years on...

    are we there yet?
  11. HMD

    Jaysus cycling!

    Yeah it's separate. it's the 3rd smallest one. Years ago i changed the middle ring on the front and it kept slipping. The bike mechanic said it was because the chain was worn/shaped with the rest of the cogs and i'd need to replace the lot. Was he talking shite?
  12. HMD

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Almost finished the first season of Hell on Wheels. Will watch the final episode tomorrow. It's very enjoyable but it feels a bit Deadwood lite
  13. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    Sure it will.
  14. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    It is when you consider we'll be doing the same thing this time next year
  15. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    They're mental prices. I'll wait and see what discounts you get with a contract.
  16. HMD

    Jaysus cycling!

    The ones I'd use (28c) are €35 so I'd say I'll get one. Only need a back rupee for now. Is it ok to change a cog on the cassette with out changing the whole lot?
  17. HMD

    Jaysus cycling!

    Cheers. I might stretch to that.
  18. HMD

    Jaysus cycling!

    Where does one get tyres with kevlar in dublin at a decent price?
  19. HMD

    Thumped Christmas Party 2014

    I'll setup a gotomeeting for us all. Who's doing the powerpoint I think you ended up in our gaf that night.
  20. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    So are you going for the 6 or 6 plus?