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  1. Cormcolash

    Minor Pleasures

    Now to leave them sitting outside your bike shed for the next 2 years!
  2. N

    Minor complaints thread

    Really the technology is deficient if this kind of malarkey is possible. Very localised heavy rain. Went into town 7 miles away to watch our lads get beaten in hurling and it had barely rained.
  3. therealjohnny

    US politics

  4. Anthony

    US politics

    100% inevitable.
  5. Unicron

    Minor Pleasures

    Went out for food last night, had a pre dinner drink in the bar and had a nerdy chat about cocktails to the barman, ended up getting 2 free cocktails out of it.
  6. pete

    Just Signed up for Twitter

  7. T

    US politics

    I preferred chris burden’s original
  8. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    yeah my tv is wind dependent sometimes. if it's stormy i can forget about the english outlets
  9. ann post

    US politics
  10. ann post

    US politics

    Ex president at a public event, and some lad just chilling on a nearby rooftop with a gun. When the english royals (not the king/queen, the other ones) came to galway there were brit rifle secret service types on the rooftops who'd arrived two days before to check the whole area out.
  11. Jim A. Morrish

    People Who Died
  12. N

    US politics

    All this sounds more plausible than anything Trump says.
  13. N

    Minor complaints thread

    It is pissing rain here and the TV signal is gone. Didn't used to happenen with analog. Guarantee ya this will happen sometime when an All Ireland Final is level in injury time or a World Cup Final goes to a shoot out.
  14. N

    People Who Died

    Cop 1: He cut off my ears and he was going to set me on fire... Cop 2 (bleeding after getting shot in the stomach): Fuck you! Fuck you! I'm fuckin' dyin'! I'm fuckin' dyin'!
  15. S

    US politics

    My understanding is the M16 is supposed to be good at everything, and ended up being not great at anything. The AR15 is the prosumer version. It's still pretty good at shooting things. But what do I know.
  16. N


    I am not worthy of having a relationship with anyone regardless of gender. I have very little to offer. That is OK and certainly not bad. Let's just be friends is great - isn't it? I don't do high risk stuff - No drink, drugs, relationships, traveling, can't drive etc. etc. I also I am loner...
  17. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Id say they are printing up the merch already. Americans never miss an opportunity to sell shite to people. "Use promo code fight fight fight for a 10% discount"
  18. Kermit McDermott

    People Who Died Died on July 6th, age 77.
  19. JohnnyRaz

    US politics

    They said he had an AR of some description, unless you mean a proper sniper rifle? But yeah, it was a very close to target shot for an amateur