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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    KHATARINA/KIDD BLUNT irish tour 22-26 feb

    wow that's deadly. and for a few minutes i was doubting ed...
  2. R

    ladies urninals

    my ten year old sister wants to know what a blowjob is. We told her to ask her teacher tomorrow.
  3. R

    Thumped Oscars

    person who was a legend for a week: Martina Burke
  4. R

    50% off all books at red ink

    I got SO much erotica! thanks a squillion to the red ink peeps. If there are any zines you's do not want the Basta Distro will happily take them.
  5. R


    I have camel eyelashes. Long and straight slanting.
  6. R

    Gigs in March.

    Re: Red Sparowes - Belfast St Paddys Hall, St Paddys Day [/SIZE]
  7. R


    why complain about eyelashes falling out? you have an limitless amount of wishes at your disposal
  8. R

    Smart stupid bastards

    I hate how in public speaking (my only real class) all the people who have talent waste it by talking shite. Their chosen topics wreck my head... One girl talked very passionatly about how she's discriminated because she wears dubarrys.:rolleyes: I do feel for you Roisin! despite my never-study...
  9. R


    I dislike garlic too. I can stand it when it's mild like in a pasta sauce. What puts me off is the smell, it's like primary school toilets. Most people don't know how to chop an onion right. < deadly method the best method is to chop off the tip first, then keeping the onion held together...
  10. R

    Has anyone ever held a Garage Sale?

    "You must spread some Reputation around before lashing it into Roisin again." Flier it in your hood, ring the gossipy people about it. Old people LOVE sale of works. They swarm to them. Wait, is this just a your-junk yoke or is it a communal, anyone-can-set-up-a-stall yoke?
  11. R

    Almost Cliche Contact info

  12. R

    What school did you go to?

    The Petite Ami goes there. One day he was told that he needn't come back until he had his homework done. He took this as a challenge and gave himself a week off. Apparently the plays there are savage! I'm eternally begging my mammy to let me transfer, alas co-ed schooling would ruin me or some...
  13. R

    1am Saturday nite/Sunday morning impromptu LEGO shrine

    I won the wicklow regatta Lego competition when I was 5. I believe i made a space ship. I was too shy to collect my trophy so my mammy sent my brother up. He still gets ridiculed for it.
  14. R

    period pains, whats the story...

    warning, spas need not read anymore of my post nor reply with some insensitive comment. I got the mooncup in my local health shop for free because I did my work experience there. They have two sizes, type A for mammies and type B for non-mammies, as in people who haven't had a vaginal birth. I...
  15. R

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    I'm 16...and I'm only counting gigs that didn't include a punch and judy sketch or a magician.
  16. R

    What was the first gig you ever went to??

    I always dreamed of bikini kill reforming and that'd be my first gig! but. no. I was a late bloomer when it came to gigs and concerts so 2005 was my year of firsts. First concert: greenday last year at the point. I didn't really like Greenday prior but leaving the point... I was loathing them...
  17. R

    period pains, whats the story...

    raspberry leaf or sage tea and herbal pills are supposed to work well. I've got my texas chainsaw massacres at the moment and I get bad water retention, but i find herbal tea, curling up in a ball and being really selfish makes me feel better. oh and I am going to use my mooncup for the first...
  18. R

    Get Over Mushies

    Spirulina is a natural medication. They call it "chill pills" here. I find its great for calming my nerves but the pills are as long as my leg and my eyes water trying to swallow them. I fucking hate huge pills. You won't get high off it but i'm sure taking handfulls of them will help you relax...
  19. R

    what words make you feel sick?

    public speaking course tomorrow haven't prepared going to die
  20. R

    Mushrooms are getting banned from today

    ah don't worry. roll on next legal hallucinations plant! (there are more, ya know) I tried legal truffles once but they were quite weak. Maybe I only get a buzz when i'm being bold. But yes I agree, as a minister of health she's not exactly a picture of health herself. (oooh bitchy me) drugs...