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  • Before: Feb 25, 2012
  • Users: Anthem
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  1. Anthem

    Major Complaints Thread

    I hate the sound of loud, furious bashing on a computer keyboard. I usually get that in those internet cafes if I ever have to use one. Really brutal when you have a hangover.
  2. Anthem

    What's the worst place you've ever visited?

    Puerto Rico Gran Canaria - place is a concrete block with a large McDonalds smack in the centre. Full of grubby little bars and tacky restaurants where the owners beckon and harass you to come in. Worst holiday of all time.
  3. Anthem

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    No McClean - unfuckinbelievable!! I agree in large part with your earlier post but some encouragement can be gleaned from K Doyles excellent substitute appearance against QPR last week. Hopefully this is a precursor for things to come.
  4. Anthem

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    Bring back David Connolly.
  5. Anthem

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. It's about the colonisation of Mars by humans escaping a nuclear devastated Earth. Bradbury has to up there with the all time greats - his other works The Illustrated Man,, Something Wicked This Way Comes and Farenheit 451 ( A Dystopian Masterpiece to...
  6. Anthem

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    Stephen Ireland is not the type of player that suits Trappatonis system, chances are he would be lucky to get his game even if he were in the team. Trap prefers those holding, direct, grafting, style of mid fielders ala Andrews, Whelan and Lawrence. Not as classy as Ireland by a long way but...
  7. Anthem

    Have you ever used an escort?

    Reminds me of this prank call from the Howard Stern show. Richard Christie recorded an audio of a male porn star cumming loudly and used it when he called a pharmacy.
  8. Anthem

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    There is no chance that fool will be playing for us under Trap and rightly so. Here is the video of that goal celebration:
  9. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night? I didn't download it, I just streamed it instead. This site gives you instructions on how to watch the film if you are having any trouble doing so (on the right hand side).
  10. Anthem

    Have you ever used an escort? are looking at her. Yup that's me in the avatar!!!!!
  11. Anthem

    Have you ever used an escort?

    Defo - that was when you mistook her cock for the gear stick..ahhh ..the good ol days.
  12. Anthem

    Have you ever used an escort?

    I was there but got squeezed on her hard shoulder and had to pull out at the last minute. Hate when that happens. i think he was a she..nice shoulder though.
  13. Anthem

    Have you ever used an escort?

    Just had a flick through The Sun and there is an escort from Hungary called Anda boasting about how she is going to make a fortune this weekend thanks to randy Rugby supporters. Well lads or girdles or trannies for that matter, have you ever used an escort and what did you make of the...
  14. Anthem

    Why Israel and not Iran represents the greatest threat to world peace.

    Don't do that - keep yawning! Just don't catch any flies okay? !zed
  15. Anthem

    Heading to America? Better lay off the twitter machine jokes so.

    Unreal wasn't it - yet Jewish extremist Andrew Adler publisher of the 'Atlanta Jewish Times' called for the assassination of Barack Obama in an article he wrote in his own newspaper. Not as much as a whiff from the secret service.
  16. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Also got to see the Descendants online, great film with some laugh out loud moments in it. I thought it wouldn't get into it but was pleasantly wonder as the directors last movie was the brilliant Sideways.
  17. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Seen it is the Savoy last week, really enjoyed it and yer wan is hot!!!!
  18. Anthem

    Cute Lifestyles

    Awww look at the poor cow... Poor cow...
  19. Anthem

    Why Israel and not Iran represents the greatest threat to world peace.

    Is that the yawning gap between your ears by any chance?
  20. Anthem

    Why Israel and not Iran represents the greatest threat to world peace.

    I see Bibi Nethanyahoo is propagating the same Zionazi fairytale re: Iran as he did with Iraq ie that Iran are busy building a nuclear bomb. This man is the world's leading terrorist and his country represents the greatest threat to world peace. Unlike Israel, Iran has not invaded any other...