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  • Before: Feb 25, 2012
  • Users: Anthem
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  1. Anthem

    Rock Docs - The Ramones End of A Century.

    I only joined up a couple of months ago - yeah i should have checked first. Ah well.
  2. Anthem

    Rock Docs - The Ramones End of A Century.

    I love a good Rock documentary and I consider this to be perhaps the greatest of them all. The Ramones End of A Century. It has everything, great anecdotes, huge egos, fallouts, betrayal but most importantly amazing music. It's poignant too which I think adds to it's power because the main...
  3. Anthem

    Ireland vs Argentina

    Only to undo all that magic by being caught for pace all throughout the game by Higuain who score a double hatrick after McShane accidently floors Shay Given. Leaving Shay with a Fucked up shoulder again. Ireland lose 7 -3.
  4. Anthem

    The Official Feel Sorry for Yourself Thread

    Or try a jar of liver.
  5. Anthem

    Fight Like Apes - new drummer?

    Yeah he only has to count to 3 and that it Bam! your gone.
  6. Anthem

    Ireland vs Argentina

    I think Given being relegated to second choice is because Mancini doesn't want to throw him in at the deep end too early after that injury, at least i hope so. McShane is as you say not up to international standard and should never be considered. How many times has he been caught for pace, out...
  7. Anthem

    Clown Lifestyle Forum

    Its like stepping into an alternate universe, the weirdest and funniest forum I think I ever read. Just don't show it to this lady.
  8. Anthem

    Good Morning

    Maybe even tooty fruity?
  9. Anthem

    can't sleep.

    Could be a song in there!
  10. Anthem


    Will I bring my bunsen burner?
  11. Anthem


    Thanks igorchil.
  12. Anthem

    george w bush slipping back into public lfe

    He's looking very chilled out in that video.
  13. Anthem


    Just booked a flight in Wraclow with my wife Aug 20 - 27th with Ryanair, was in Krakow about 6 yrs ago and loved it but have heard some great things about this place as well. Has anybody been? also I was thinking of getting my accommodation when I get their rather then online. is this a bit...
  14. Anthem

    Comic Books

    I have Batman comic where Robin dies. Got it in Forbidden planet around 17 yrs ago. Say it's worth a few quid now.
  15. Anthem


    Thats right and it was once the in thing to wear amongst the Bromley contingent. I remeber reading something about it in Johhny Rottens biography which is brilliant by the way. I think Bowie also got into hot water wearing one in the 70's or was that Bryan Ferry?
  16. Anthem

    Pleasure is....

    A good shite.
  17. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Crap overestimated film and Frailty is one of the most formulaic and cliched movies out there.