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  • Before: Jan 8, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    Setting up a basic home studio

    I agree with Red Tape...if you need the recordings anytime soon (which I presume is a yes) then put some of the cash towards paying an experienced sound engineer to record your band, and some of the cash towards your own setup...get some half decent mics for, upgrade the RAM in your laptop, and...
  2. Beanstalk

    No of albums sold by a few bands

    Anyone want to attept an Albini-esque financial statement for an irish band? I'd be interested to see a breakdown of costs.
  3. Beanstalk

    No of albums sold by a few bands

    I'd imagine all of the previous Frames albums individually sold more than the latest one...not much hype bout them anymore...I'd say some folk didn't even know they had a new album out.
  4. Beanstalk

    pro-tools advice (continued)

    I'd imagine the USB route would work if you have the latest drivers for the keyboard. Chances are you'd be using a compatible soft synth within Pro-tools anyway.
  5. Beanstalk

    How do I transfer text messages from phone to a puter?

    Sound thanks..|..|
  6. Beanstalk

    How do I transfer text messages from phone to a puter?

    Is there any way to do this? I'm getting a new phone and have a load of text messages saved in my archive folder on my current phone that I don't want to lose. Would like to know if there is a way I can transfer/send them to a pc. Its a Nokia 3220...
  7. Beanstalk

    Zen Drumming

    Pretty cool, but I'd say there would be some learning curve on that thing to get to his level.
  8. Beanstalk

    why are all the meteor nominees on british labels?

    2 million fucking dollars! :eek::eek::eek::confused::confused::confused: That really is disgusting. I'd love to see the cost breakdown of that 2m.
  9. Beanstalk

    How important is the QUALITY of recording in a song?

    I've been listening to "Homework" in the car all week...soooo good...I have it turned it up twice as loud as other albums and the kick pumps without the rest cutting my ears...class.
  10. Beanstalk

    How important is the QUALITY of recording in a song?

    I love rough edges too...I don't want a world full of slick squeaky clean polished recordings...just care taken when carrying out the recording/mixing basics.
  11. Beanstalk

    How important is the QUALITY of recording in a song?

    I find myself put off by a lot of music these days by the quality of their recordings. Maybe its because with myspace, its very easy for bands to upload their demo recordings, so after trawling through a lot of poorly recorded stuff, the well-recorded stuff stands out, even if the well-recorded...
  12. Beanstalk

    Buying External Hard Drives?

    I read a lot of negative posts on Audio Forums about Lacie drives, but I was targeting a Lacie drive at the time so maybe if I looked for another specific brand I would also find just as many bad reports...who knows?
  13. Beanstalk

    why are all the meteor nominees on british labels?

    I agree...Brits out.
  14. Beanstalk

    Buying External Hard Drives?

    Nein, Lacie have ein schlecten reppen. For writing from audio apps anyway...maybe they're OK for just back-up storage transfer.
  15. Beanstalk

    Laptop Bags

    Got a laptop bag in Tescos last week for €9...grand job.
  16. Beanstalk

    there's an Eddie Grant tribute band on in the pub in Rathfarnum

    The man got out at the top of his game. Just like Zidane. Minus the headbutt.
  17. Beanstalk

    unappreciated puns

    Puns aren't designed for laughter. Unless you work for The Sun, you must stop all this willy-nilly punnery.
  18. Beanstalk

    there's an Eddie Grant tribute band on in the pub in Rathfarnum

    So is he just gonna sing "Electric Avenue" and "Give me hope Jo'Anna" all night? I hope he's a white fella who blacks himself up with shoe-polish and dreads. .|..|
  19. Beanstalk

    Rewire / Logic midi thing

    Not sure about recording the rewire straight onto a track using rewire, but instead of exporting your Reason file as a WAV and dragging it into Logic, is there not a way you can solo your Reason track in logic and then 'export' it directly in using Logic. You can do it this way in Cubase so...
  20. Beanstalk

    Any experience releasing a record/CD in Ireland?

    It must be shit. :eek: ;)