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  • Before: Jan 8, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    THE IMMEDIATE / Debut album launch gig

    What bands are supporting ye in Whelans on Friday?
  2. Beanstalk

    What music did you listen to when you were a little kid?

    Way before its time...
  3. Beanstalk

    fallout bouy. dont switch over kids!!!! guilty pleasure thread..

    "I don't wanna runaway, baybeee..." That Shayne Ward autotune stuff is shameless. As for Shakira, no autotune there...thats the way she speaks all the time...Columbia has outlawed speaking in anything less than a semitone...Cher is revered as a God there.
  4. Beanstalk

    fallout bouy. dont switch over kids!!!! guilty pleasure thread..

    Was listening to Fall out Boy on the drive to work this sike me up, like...just the 3 singles...can't be bothered with the rest of the album. Also a fan of 'Bleed America" (or whatever that JEW album was called here)...that song about someones friend dying is only gorgeous ("Your...
  5. Beanstalk

    My 6am revelation

    pigeons = skyrats
  6. Beanstalk

    Q: What's this man thinking?

    Anyone watch the Sympathy for the Devil DVD free with Sunday Times last week? Would've preferred just an out n out documentary of the studio stuff...that studio looks like its made entirely of cardboard.
  7. Beanstalk

    Pissing away money on a daily basis..

    Top tip: Instead of wasting money on magazines like Heat why not photograph your mates leaving nightclubs at 3 in the morning, drunk as monkeys, looking like shite...then while away the hours by zooming in and circling their cellulite with Photoshop. You'll feel better, and your friends will...
  8. Beanstalk

    Things I Will Never Understand #1

    The worst. Especially when they speed up while you're trying to overtake they take it as a personal insult to be overtaken.
  9. Beanstalk

    Bored in Work 216

    Lego Puter Lego Geetar
  10. Beanstalk

    Listening to MP3 player in your car

    Like this one... Still bit expensive just to use the ipod...might try a DIY solution first.
  11. Beanstalk

    Listening to MP3 player in your car

    Fraid not...too rich for my blood. That sounds like the thing for me...I don't mind drilling a hole in the panel if it gives me direct access to a line in. Must have a look on e-bay...gonna be fun trying to find it.
  12. Beanstalk

    Listening to MP3 player in your car

    So I got one of those i-trips (shortwave FM transmitter) for my i-pod so I could listen to it in the car...but the quality of audio is muck, no matter what frequency I's noticeably worse than any of the other radio stations. My old car had a tape deck so I used one of those dummy tapes...
  13. Beanstalk

    Things I Will Never Understand #1

    People who say..."You can't have your cake and eat it". Drivers who don't pull into hard shoulders to let me overtake, when the hard shoulder is as big as an extra lane. Also, drivers who hog the OVERTAKING lane on a dual carraigeway...even if they're driving at the maximum speed limit.
  14. Beanstalk

    THE IMMEDIATE / Debut album launch gig

    Great gig in oldcastle there on Sunday. Although, I was let down by the fact that your be-smigged bassist/guitarist/singer never played the'd want to get rid of him...dead weight!
  15. Beanstalk

    Panic Attacks

    She's read a lot of bits and pieces about panic attacks herself alright, I guess I'm just curious myself about their workings. I think it is diazepam alright. Thanks to all for the advice.:)
  16. Beanstalk

    Panic Attacks

    She takes them everyday whether she needs them or not...I'm not convinced they do anything, and she's not sure either...but she associated taking them with trying to relieve the attacks so its hard to get her to let go of them...but her attacks can go on hours after taking the pills so I'm not...
  17. Beanstalk

    Panic Attacks

    Politapill, that sounds exactly like what my girlfriend goes through when she gets attacks...heart palpitations, tightness, and a general feeling like she's going to have a heart attack even though she knows logically that she's not. She is on some medication to deal with them (not sure what...
  18. Beanstalk

    Panic Attacks

    Anyone here suffer from them? Do you reckon the cause is chemical or psychological? Is the cure to be found in drugs, therapy, or books like this...
  19. Beanstalk

    Premier League Fantasy Football 06-07

    Sparta Stalk to reclaim the honours of the past this season..|..|
  20. Beanstalk

    The Thumped Cup

    No point, the winner is inevitable...