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  • Before: Sep 24, 2008
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Martin Parr Lecture

    Shite, just saw this now, tix sold out. if anyone can't go to this i'll gladly buy the ticket off them!
  2. sarah


    Shaney, I'm not a big fan of blue cheese either, but a recipe I really like is a blue cheese sauce with pasta...definitely not for the healthy heart conscious. Cook pasta something like the thick ribbon kind or fresh pasta goes nicely. melt a knob of butter and about 200 grammes ,or a good lot...
  3. sarah

    Fashion gripes

    ah yes the top-shop dressing room mirrors have that effect on me, I also heard sighs of despair from neighbouring dressing rooms. how come lights and angles are not worked out so as to be as flattering as possible? my room with lamp light = looking super glam. mirror of topshop bedraggled and...
  4. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    ! I actually think a combination of better cycle lanes and plain clothes cops on bikes would be deadly! having been car-doored one week, and narrowly missed being run over by a cab swerving into a contraflow-cycle lane the previous week (then screaming at me that it was a one way street). I...
  5. sarah

    Guess What?

    Broken Arm.. bang on! actually is in Berlin. Shitepipe had the right idea. Shay is right too!
  6. sarah

    Guess What?

    nope, not even close.
  7. sarah


    Cheers! although you'd have to be pretty unfortunate or clumsy with a camera to not come back with one or two cool pics from there. Those activity tours you did sound deadly will definitely have to check more stuff like that out next time!
  8. sarah

    Random Photos

    That hour or so last night when the sky kinda cleared up, and I pitied all those people from countries with clear blue skies and no clouds.
  9. sarah

    Guess What?

    this is probably way too easy for ya too
  10. sarah

    Guess What?

    you're way too good at this. here's an old one, while I try to find something more perplexing. Also I think it's your turn!:p
  11. sarah


    only saw this now, we had the most amazing time ever! Saw rainbow in a desert landscape, just up the road from where geysir is, another highlight was staying in this nice farm in view of Hekla, the still active volcano they had their own hot spring amidst a field of lupins .. stunning. That...
  12. sarah

    Ballroom Birthday Weekender - Friday 25th and Saturday 26th of July

    What time are they hitting the stage tonight?
  13. sarah

    Mini-Laptop - I so want one :-)

    Be interested in hearing which ones you go for wanting to pick up something more portable and less precious to cycle into college with. An accident prone person on bike with tendency to speed+ mac- insurance= very silly.
  14. sarah

    EARTH Tonight! (monday july 14)

    actually really enjoyed them, but way too long and not just cause I refuse to wear sensible shoes. but all in all .|..|
  15. sarah

    Random Photos

    must spread rep... I LOVE It!
  16. sarah

    CHDK hack for Canons

    Wow, I'd be really interested in seeing the results if when you get it set up, have been ogling HDR stuff on Flickr for ages, some of it is a bit too much but when it's good it's breath-taking. this guy in my contacts on flickr is mad into it, he stuck up a tutorial...
  17. sarah

    CHDK hack for Canons

    I don't have a Canon, so can't help... just curious what a CHDK is or does??
  18. sarah

    Help me out...

    I've got a black one, the finish is cack, matt weird plastic and seems to get marks from everything wish I'd gone for the ordinary one, would consider one of those skin things just to make it look tidier. go pro
  19. sarah

    Random Photos

  20. sarah

    Asking someone on a date

    I agree, also if she's like me and half of my lady friends who are equally as unbalanced as me, she might be weird about eating in front of a new person. It takes me ages to eat anything with someone I don't know (girl or boy) and I usually leave half behind despite being hungry cause I'm weird...