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  1. E


    No quick reply to that so i think you've got your answer Miss B. I'm off home, take care. Don't let them give you shit
  2. E


    Well Hagis you'd know all about it if you were looking for a clitoris instead of a japs eye
  3. E


    That's how stupid he is
  4. E


    Just to leave you with stubs instead of fingers would ideal
  5. E


    Eh, no i'm just living, i don't need a website to make me feel good about myself. You probably pull over it
  6. E


    I'm sure it happens to you in person too. Lets hope i NEVER meet a girl like you. You are the type who give women the title 'Tramp'
  7. E


    or refrain from being a nasty bitch who seems full of herself
  8. E


    You're such a typical woman. Don't read into what i say. Maybe i felt sorry for you
  9. E


    So you must be the jock of thumped?
  10. E


    :o think it all ready has mate
  11. E


    I'll send you on a book of sexual innuendo meanings bud ok
  12. E


    I will fully accept on behalf of the male species that yes we sometimes find it hard to locate the clitoris. However if you would like to help me gain more experience........This is where you'd more than likely slap me across the face yes?
  13. E

    Wayne Rooney

    Almost normal, exactly. Trust me you don't want to read it, it's a load of bollox, it's enough that his fucking picture was glued to the back of the paper over the last few weeks, now we've to read about the fat fucker. Wait until the hype dies down I say and he starts slapping Coleen around or...
  14. E


    We found it between a crack
  15. E

    Ladyfest Table Quiz: Air Guitar for Your Brain.

    well done, highly impressed :)
  16. E

    Wayne Rooney

    Has anyone read the interview in the Sun with the new Gazza? fucking joke i'd say and his missus is puck
  17. E

    anyone else seen this

    That wouldn't surprise me, i saw a bus driver refuse to let a black guy on the bus before, claiming he was drunk. bullshit.
  18. E


    My ex girlfriends pussy went missing once, but we found it again :o :)
  19. E

    work on a saturday

    How about we save that 4 another day ;) i'm off in ten. bye kiddo
  20. E

    work on a saturday

    Since 5.00, I work in I.T. so we get odd shifts, there always has to be someone here in case of emergency which funnily enough never happens :rolleyes: :D QUOTE=ms.b.haven]their all tucked away in their leaba's (is that the correct spelling?). have you been in work long?