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  • Before: Mar 3, 2015
  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

    some retirement home recreating film posters for their calendar
  2. HMD

    The first CD I ever bought online

    This was the first ones i bought online and this
  3. HMD

    Lord Edward to close - FALSE ALARM

    The restaurant was a bit pricy. We went on a Saturday a few years ago and we were the only people in it.
  4. HMD

    animated gif thread

  5. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  6. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  7. HMD

    2015 releases worth a listen...

    And Elder released a new one last week ">
  8. HMD

    2015 releases worth a listen...

    Also the Justin Broadrick remix of the new Pelican song The Cliffs is great.
  9. HMD

    2015 releases worth a listen...

    Out this week, the new Torche album is great Torche
  10. HMD

    What's wrong with

    Tapatalk is working again.
  11. HMD


    ISIS = emo/metal/goth for Muslim teenagers
  12. HMD

    Longitude 2015

    They used to do amazing DJ sets but I never really rated them as a live act.
  13. HMD

    Using adblockers on sites that depend on advertising

    Do I not get ads because I subscribe with cash money?
  14. HMD

    Who can you trust?

    @pete set up the forum where people could post anonymously again, it worked out last time.
  15. HMD

    I have the horn for...

    She's GoPro video of the week
  16. HMD

    Anyone using Forum Runner or Tapatalk apps?

    I haven't tried in on mobile safari since i had a tiny 5S, it looks much better now.
  17. HMD

    Anyone using Forum Runner or Tapatalk apps?

    i used to hate it but then they improved the UI and soon after they took a dislike to Thumped. What alternatives are there?
  18. HMD

    Anyone using Forum Runner or Tapatalk apps?

    Yeah, it's not working for me again in tapatalk. I tried logging out but now it won't let me log in. Thumped on tapatalk was the only thing keeping my movements regular these days
  19. HMD

    What did Kanye say?

    There's a pair of them in it.
  20. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread
