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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Solas: I would clear your name

    my word pope but you do come accross as quite the string of shit. Stop letting the internet make you act you meaner than you really are. ;)
  2. rumpus

    Ballroom of Romance - Terrible News

    goodonyiz lads and who may I ask will foot the cleaning bill for my tear and snot coated keyboard? .|..|
  3. rumpus

    Ballroom of Romance - Terrible News

    nooooo :( :( :mad: :( The ballroom has been my fave thing to do on a friday night for the whole time it has ran. Ther MUST be another venue. I agree it would have to be just as out of the way.
  4. rumpus

    pro-war slogans

    see that pic of the american cannon with 'payback time' written on the side? I have that carved into me lad yeeeah!!
  5. rumpus

    Work Bollix

    that's halarious we give our time to these people for 8 hours a day and they treat us like we're all a big weird family with no sense of personal dignity I love team spirity stuff, it makes me laugh
  6. rumpus

    Early Warning...HOOT NIGHT

    well done mr feeacraw nnnnnnice
  7. rumpus

    Day X

    I was watching CNN / NBC or what ever the fuck circus show at 1.00 this morning as the dealine passed.... they counted it down like new year's eve. :confused:
  8. rumpus

    Leagues gets Tooned

    very touching and brave as I watched my first reaction was to scream "yes! yes I will!"
  9. rumpus

    Stoat, Mumblin' Deaf Ro, Capratone

    a great gig this will be like yoda I speak top draw songwriters ahoy!
  10. rumpus

    Solaris - yay or nay?

    I think the section 8 films are intelligent while being slick. I find them well concieved and well made, while being glossy. To say that the company's motives are anti-hollywood isnt spin, kstop. It's true. True in the sense that they contradict the production methods and processes commonly...
  11. rumpus

    rte guide, page 97

    I did, there's a personal: "Young male seeks couple for friendship, long walks and most likey more. Call Barry" :D is a things tour thing supposed to be in there?
  12. rumpus

    Solaris - yay or nay?

    I liked Solaris alot. Twaznt schmaltzy. Maybe Geroges dashingness is a little distracting but it is a good idea well done. A friend told me Iv'e seen the older movie version with him, but I have no memory of it....can't have been too great. Not fair to call it 'Hollywood doing thought...
  13. rumpus

    Cock of the Walk, Fri 21st of March The Village

    This is gonna be a great gig, and I'm going to buy one album for each ear. .|..| .|..|
  14. rumpus


    snaky aint here man, he off work... Wooly, I'll pm you his mobile number - cause he wont be in work this week oh, and wooly, a biiiig thanks in advance! ;)
  15. rumpus

    whatcha listenin to?

    In work with me: Yo la tengo - and then nothing turned itself inside out Pullman - turnstiles and junkpiles (I think you'd like this conor!) Low - Trust (getting more and more obsessed) The Rachels - mixture of stuff The ben folds - live album Bonnie Billy - master of none + ease down...
  16. rumpus

    Holy Shit

    well MAYBE I WILL if that's the way you feel! But know this! if walk out that door I'm not coming back unless you say you'll have me.
  17. rumpus

    Holy Shit

    I saw smog in Melbourne (yes I know he's small time in comparison) but: for 60 aussie dollars I got the gig PLUS a three course meal at a table near the stage in a place much nicer than vicar st. bloody bloody Dublin
  18. rumpus

    The Thrills

    I get others to do all my thinking for myself for me. I didn't even write this post.
  19. rumpus


    squint your ears :D I've done that to so many albums on first listen
  20. rumpus

    Work.. how do you stand it?

    Skerries eh? baaa baaa! dont that mean your're from meath really and have to get a passport to enter the city and all that?