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  1. ostrichsyndrome


    who are you kidding? that gig was a load of arse. shit sound, couldn't hear anything but violin for most of the gig. The man himself was in good form so that was nice
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    no age on monday giving out some freebies (sorry for mentioning another website)
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    t-Shirt printing

    looks good. pity about the band though... (joking) 650's not bad. the place in dublin would've been slightly cheaper (dependings on shirt quality of course)
  4. ostrichsyndrome

    no age on monday

    thought they were very very ordinary when i saw them last time round...
  5. ostrichsyndrome

    No stage

    i've done gigs with a stage placed in the centre of a room (with PA at the end of the room) works better with no monitors. it's a question of EQ ing the PA properly to do it this way. I seem to remember Crayonsmith playing in the Lower Deck using a set of monitors as the PA. this can work...
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    t-Shirt printing

    had a look at that site, it is seriously good. just worried that the delivery over xmas might be a pain, and if the cost for delivery will run the costs up to make it not worth while.
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    t-Shirt printing

    how do their prices compare? Camden Clothing's working out around 5.50 a shirt... more or less than that?
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    t-Shirt printing

    haven't gone looking for them. i'm more of an internet dweller. will go seek them out, but they were there around 2-3 months back for definite.
  9. ostrichsyndrome

    t-Shirt printing

    camden clothing in Dublin. about to use them for a job, i hear they're ok. there's a pricelist at
  10. ostrichsyndrome

    Delorentos Meteor nominations

    you'd probably know a good gig if you were at it? thats not the point though
  11. ostrichsyndrome

    Delorentos Meteor nominations

    hush down vb... i bet no one was at all the gigs anyway so who cares...
  12. ostrichsyndrome


    any chance HTRK can go on at 8 and leave a 90 minute gap before liars, so that i can swing over to the pod? or if they wanna play in my gaf at midnight i'll invite everyone? No? ok didn't think so
  13. ostrichsyndrome

    Jim Carroll's article about Live Nation take over

    you think a monopoly like live nation is capable or willing to put on the bands the likes of MXJY, U:M and Skinny Wolves do? not very likely. If anything Live Nation will probably end up trying to recruit these guys if the major promoters here end up at war, overpaying acts and monopolising...
  14. ostrichsyndrome


    curses. i was planning on seeing HTRK then thurston. i'll be saving money then i guess
  15. ostrichsyndrome

    7" Vinyl Length?

    as in does it sound like vinyl? i suppose so. the CD side sounds like a CD(oddly enough). it seems a bit like glueing a lighter to a phone and making a lighter phone though.
  16. ostrichsyndrome

    7" Vinyl Length?

    i have a Vinyl Disc at home. most pointless format ever. CD on one side and vinyl on the other. made by some german crowd called Optimal Media Production... boo to digital...
  17. ostrichsyndrome

    GlasVegas @ POGO

    i reckon they're ok. but the amount of people who've been hailing them as amazing is just weird. sort of hard to listen to in a trainspotting way
  18. ostrichsyndrome

    GlasVegas @ POGO

    its hard to know what to make of this band. they've landed the next big thing tag. really odd sound...
  19. ostrichsyndrome

    7" Vinyl Length?

    yes it will be. how did you know?
  20. ostrichsyndrome


    Its a bag of balls but you know that already hermie. still they have made other fine albums and i havent seen them yet so i guess see ya there.