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  1. ostrichsyndrome

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    celebrities aren't people, they're eye candy...
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    Is there gonna be a Thumped Christmas party this year?

    excellent. there's a few other places worth considering anyway
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    agreed. can we drop this topic now?
  4. ostrichsyndrome

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    you're a celeb? sweet...
  5. ostrichsyndrome

    Skinny Wolves night this Friday...

    sounds a bit too sexual for ladyfest
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    Is there gonna be a Thumped Christmas party this year?

    also, here's an idea for somewhere closer to town ormond quay
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    Skinny Wolves night this Friday...

    i forgot this was on. now i know so all other plan have been changed it will be good
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    Is there gonna be a Thumped Christmas party this year?

    mine just got booked the other one is on north circular road and not really good for getting to
  9. ostrichsyndrome

    Skinny Wolves night this Friday...

    This is tonight. i'm hoping this is going to be magical. it will be
  10. ostrichsyndrome

    Is there gonna be a Thumped Christmas party this year?

    why dont we have it in your house? someone should've asked me for a venue...
  11. ostrichsyndrome

    NTL - 2nd National Broadband Breakdown in a week. WTF!!11

    change to smart, its magic...
  12. ostrichsyndrome

    The Academy

  13. ostrichsyndrome

    Is there gonna be a Thumped Christmas party this year?

    whats the deal with this then? is it happening or not? when? can we digitally exchange mixtapes, i dont like carrying things anymore
  14. ostrichsyndrome

    Jape is "best new band" in nme this week

    jape is grape
  15. ostrichsyndrome

    Mastering engineers

    wav mastering mid atlantic digital fergal davis sounds like a truely nobel project. you're setting yourself up for an emphatic session of disheartening results.
  16. ostrichsyndrome

    Great New Band!!!

    The bin perhaps? stop plugging yourself
  17. ostrichsyndrome


    i must go up to this balcony. cos the sound downstairs has been muck for the last 2 gigs i've been at there (co-incidentally animal collective and thurston) both those gigs were far from clear, fair enough its at a perfect level to enjoy. animal collective was very poor too, loads of emphasis on...
  18. ostrichsyndrome


    that wasn't the guitars feeding back. that was a very poor engineer. did you not notice the feedback between songs. sound in the front bar was actually ok. so maybe balcony and the front were good, but with the sound system they have in there its designed to be good all around the building...
  19. ostrichsyndrome


    first 4/5 songs, loads of violin, no drums, awful guitar sounds after that violin disappeared for a while. i was standing behind the sound desk too. should've went to HTRK instead, waste of time......