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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    didn’t take long for us all to adapt to a new reality where videos of grumpy soldiers or burning russian military hardware are the hot new genre of zippy viral content, one more flavour added to the endless scroll
  2. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I suspect this is a pure ukrainian morale-booster/propaganda type of effort, not a real large-scale thing... but I do appreciate the mordant wit: replacing road signs so that all roads lead to the hague
  3. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ...of power? with what real points of leverage? on this, I again find the pretext pretty dubious: there were many more far-right supporters of the *last* ukrainian government (poroshenko’s kleptomaniac regime). there are still nazis in ukraine, they still have power, you still have things like...
  4. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    also, the first link for donations on that list is to pay for the ukrainian army, up to you to decide if that’s where you want your money to go
  5. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    was just talking to russian friend here who is organising stuff for the polish-ukraine border, she’s saying they basically don’t really need more stuff, they need money. mostly to be spent on petrol to get the stuff there and the people out. also you should all of course be careful sending money...
  6. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    so now the russians are explicitly blaming liz truss, of all people, for the nuclear alert — what’s going on here?
  7. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ok whatever
  8. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ...favour. doubtless rigged, faked, absurd. but hardly some kind of 99% north-korea type of outcome. and in this hall-of-mirrors type of situation, it *does* matter to show that people elsewhere in europe are paying attention. hence the russians and belarusians protesting at the embassy. but...
  9. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ...guerilla warfare. alongside that, plenty of representation from every reactionary nationalism throughout central and eastern europe that is *not* russian nationalism. also plenty of placards asking for a no-fly-zone, which is tantamount to requesting a nuclear war. people waving nato flags...
  10. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    total end of the fucking world type shit here, this is so utterly insane that this is a real thing happening more or less a day or two’s driving from where I’m sitting right now
  11. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    whatever man, this kind of social media cosplay shit isn’t helping anyone, it’s just weird
  12. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    i was at the ukraine-poland border back in 2009 and it was super depressing even then being stuck for hours trying to get through to the polish side in the middle of the night, I can only imagine what it must be like there now, fuck sake
  13. T

    Hellworld Thread

  14. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    one way to get an idea of things is to google-translate the front pages of some of the biggest russian newspapers and tv stations. not the foreign-propaganda ones like RT, the actual russian ones. for example, KP is reporting at least some of the reality, and although they’re being fairly...
  15. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    yep, that style of thing, for sure — I had just never seen it done before as a fade. or at least I don’t think I had. normally it’s switched via a cut or scene change. thanks for the video though!
  16. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    kokon very sweet lovely movie, coming-of-age type of story. slow and meditative. worth a go. it’s on vimeo on-demand with subtitles. also, quasi-spoiler and question:
  17. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    yep, I really didn’t expect this to actually happen and it’s really happening. it’s insane.
  18. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the development of the donbass was seemingly more of an industrial-revolution-era thing: donetsk used to be called yusovka (hughesovka) because it was basically built out of nothing by, of all people, a welsh guy called john hughes in the 1860s. before that it was known for centuries as the...