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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    Wet Leg - Wet Leg (2022)

    look at them having SO MUCH FUN being in a pop groop... doing spins! seriously, I love them, and my seven year old niece loves them too
  2. T


    we are mostly men on here, and men are often weirdos when it comes to loneliness, and interpersonal things generally. I try to keep some steady friends around. it can be hard work.
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    Wet Leg - Wet Leg (2022)

    went to try to get a ticket to see them play here. I realise now that I had the implicit expectation that they are a medium-level-of-prominence kind of band. but I understand now that they are actually a crest-of-a-hype-wave band. tickets impossible to get. being resold for crazy money. almost...
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    It’s next on the list!
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ok, my feeling on this is that what murphy says here seems perfectly reasonable and prudent, I support it and I’m glad that someone is saying it. but! I get that this is an emotional topic, at an emotional time, and I don’t want to bicker on thumped. I understand that you have genuine and...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the US (plus UK and France) drove the entire city of Raqqa back to the stone age not even five years ago, we don’t even know how many people died but it was most likely in the thousands, possibly much more — and that was all just a sideshow from the other wars and proxy wars in afghanistan...
  7. T

    Prince RIP

    habitual ‘be’ allows for increased precision in making grammatical reference to time and recurrence, and... quite possibly derived from hiberno-english, via Irish migration to the caribbean luv 2 str8en out the habitual b
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    on a roll now. re-watched three colours: blue last night, for the first time in probably twenty years. I’m more and more convinced that kieślowski basically invented the entire visual style of the 1990s. every music video of that decade was basically an attempt at ripping off something that he’d...
  9. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the russian devastation left behind in bucha and outside kiev is probably just the beginning. I dread to think what they’re doing in mariupol. and this stuff (from some twitter dude, caveat emptor) about fresh graves in kherson just sounds incredibly grim.
  10. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I presume the editors vetoed the original title, “Capitalism howls for blood sacrifice”
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    yep, though it always makes more sense to me to presume they are well-informed and cynical rather than credulous — or, rather, that they are able to doublethink their way through being both also (tinfoil hat alert) — I’m curious how directly stuff like this connects to UK spooks and other shady...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    azov must have got some new PR agency that’s trying to rebrand them as “moderates” it really is impressive how this kind of thing can be churned out on command by jolly london media types
  13. T

    New Autechre

    he’s talking about autechre but his chair wants to be autechre
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    that’s one of the central mysteries of this war (along with the question of why the hell the russians had their giant traffic jam outside kiev)
  15. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I’m also technically on zero, though I had one ‘bad cold’ and one ‘food poisoning’ over the last few months that seem... iffy. but no positive tests.
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    yeah, I get the feeling that a lot of these people are not only thrilled at the prospect of a new cold war, they’re also somehow *emotionally comforted* by the idea. it’s like they get to put back on a pair of comfy slippers after having been politically barefoot for the last thirty years.
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Tony Connelly from RTÉ has been pretty disappointing throughout this whole time. Seems like the whole ukraine situation has brought out some sort of inner Atlantacist-NATO-war fan in the man. He’s been retweeting people like Anne Applebaum and similar professional cold-warriors. And today he’s...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    this seems more like some kind of outcome of a western obsession with the trope of poison-mad russians than any actual real thing. It seems like it barely got out of the gate and people are already trying to distance themselves from it. (if nothing else, what the hell would the russians hope to...
  19. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Double Life of Veronique very beautiful movie about intuition and... mysterious connection, I suppose. very hard to describe. like if the cocteau twins were a movie. Kieślowski was such a miracle-worker. all looks very 90s now, in a way that’s difficult to articulate but still luscious to...
  20. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    just wait til we get martial law declared in russia next week, and the videos of panicked muscovites trying to get on planes will begin