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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Roger Doyle Launches 'Cool Steel Army'

    Great evening Keith, thanks a million. I thought the two vocal pieces were spectacular, the soprano was amazing. And the free invite/beer thing was a brilliant idea, more people should do this I suddenly reckon now that I'm on the dole...:) Best of luck with the album, I hope it does really...
  2. Burgerbarbaby


    Yeah, nice idea Pete! I reckon Adrian could be persuaded to stick up some Huts On Stilts pre- and post-mastered stuff. He went to Emily Lazar at The Lodge, she made the thing glitter, it's amazing. I'll ask him tomorrow if he'll let us do it. I'm in the process of having something mastered...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    new music you're listening to

    The word genius is bandied about a lot these days... and Funny, yes. Quirky, yes. But there's real talent and real heart there too.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    beautiful unit album..

    Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Etc. (more of this type of thing this evening)
  5. Burgerbarbaby


    Anyone care to post links to a before and after situation? A pre-master MP3 and a mastered example of the same song? It would be useful to see what got fixed and how well it was done.
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    beautiful unit album..

    Hi again... Just to let you know, Brian will be playing live at the album launch! It will be a shortish set, and he'll be playing sometime between 5 and 7. He has a band, it's Brian on guitar/vocal/keys, Jimmy Eadie on bass/vocals/keys/effects and me on a couple of drums. reiterate...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    beautiful unit album..

    Brian is launching it on the 2nd of April, from 5pm to 7pm in the Joinery, Arbour Hill D7...It's close to Walsh's in Stoneybatter. Everyone's welcome, there'll probably be some fun stuff going on other than just reminiscing about the Idiots and heavy drinking and such, but I can't say just yet...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored In Work 352

    Take one part Darby O'Gill, one part NORAID and one part reconstructed mechanical astronaut... Matched only by the spectacular Murder She Wrote episodes set in Ireland...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Whirling Hall Of Knives - Electric Lava (Nute 003)

    I just listened to the MP3's brilliant. Track 9 is my favourite so far, horrorful. I think it would be great live...hint hint. ;) I'm going to go into Tower today and break my self imposed Wire ban. Proof if proof be need be that I'm stirred to me core. P.S. Is your signature that...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    bass pedal set-up..

    Re the bruising question...Sorry for weighing in late with an answer, hopefully you already have it sorted, but I found it an interesting question, so here's my two cents worth. This used to happen me when I was in a Death Metal band years ago, and again more recently when I was in other loud...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Road Records - A message from the staff

    What he said. I'd also like to add my thanks for your consistent kindness and decency to the deservedly long list already posted. If anyone needs a left-handed drummer for this benefit please give me a shout. :) Bryan
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    DAMO SUZUKI / MAKOTO KAWABATA December 02:::Crawdaddy

    This went on for about ten minutes longer...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    DAMO SUZUKI / MAKOTO KAWABATA December 02:::Crawdaddy

    Makoto was AMAZING...he picked up everything that was going on, made it a million times better then threw it right back at us. We did one slow piece where he completely took off, that was it for me, I was delighted for the reast of the gig. He claims not to practice. I think he's a witch...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    DAMO SUZUKI / MAKOTO KAWABATA December 02:::Crawdaddy

    Hullaballoooooo! HullaballOOOOOOOO!!!! That's pretty cool. See you tomorrow? Is your first name Steven?
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    DAMO SUZUKI / MAKOTO KAWABATA December 02:::Crawdaddy

    It would be really great if someone who is not directly concerned with this gig would bump it. What do people think? Also, we got Burr Oak supporting, a new band comprising the resplendent Johnny Dykes and the effulgent Karl Burke. Reminder: Doors are at 8, Damo is planning on a...
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    DAMO SUZUKI / MAKOTO KAWABATA December 02:::Crawdaddy

    Hey everyone! Holy shit! Best news EVER!!!! Damo Suzuki is on his way to Poole for a gig or some shit!!!! But before that he stops for one night only at Crawdaddy to play with Makoto Kawabata from Acid Mothers Temple. OMG! Fleshing out the sound will be: Paul Condon (Bass)...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    DEAF Opening night party - Nurse With Wound

    Re: DEAF Opening night party - Purse With Spoon Matt Waldron's singing was really great...very much the highlight of the show. I really enjoyed Rock'n'Roll Station too, for nostalgic reasons. I was surprised he did a straightforward tune, it was the perfect one. I also liked some of the...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Foggy Notions presents...Si Schroeder (Dec 14) & Jape (Dec 28)

    73 so far! Radical! BURRRP! So this is more of a soliloquy for an audience than a monologue in my head! Alas poor Yorick! Oh what can ail thee, knight at arms! Never give a fire a chance! RRRRUFFF! Ha ha, yeah. It's all good!
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Foggy Notions presents...Si Schroeder (Dec 14) & Jape (Dec 28)

    Lol! I know what you mean! And in what is unlikely to be the last bump this thread will see, ||||BUMP))) Come to Whelan's tonight. It would make an old man very happy. And, for those 20 or so of you kind and curious folk who will read this today, here's the most amazing thing....The theory...