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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
  • Order by date
  1. mc moley


    this gig is a bit different as usually we have all 'established' punk bands from around the area and kilcoole. but for this one we thought we'd give loadsa newbies a chance. they ain all new but alot are...we're working on travelling bands at the moment...just waiting to hear back from a few...
  2. mc moley

    tour please!!

    hello there. us and kid blunt are touring europe in late aug. we were wondering if anyone who has a van of some sort be interested in driving? we'll cover all travel costs and all that shit. and you'll probably just have to pay for essentials like beer and such. it will be in england for ten...
  3. mc moley

    This friggin' Thing

    yeah bushie just got in some deadly vinyls...i got a dc '86 punk comp for 2 euro, an aphex twin rec for 5 and tubular bells for another 5. go on the bushie indeed. he's also got a great collection of zines. and i mean great. so dont be a fooline and go and support him...buisness has been a...
  4. mc moley


    right so after a two hour meeting(!) we've got the full line up and dates... foot in mouth (7inch gig release by the way!!) so ill post it all up here within the next few days i gotta make sure certain bands can play. it is on valentines dont have to wear red but i will :p i also...
  5. mc moley


    will selling them for six. i also got some estel 7inches and dead letter dept anthologies, and some new margin of error badges if your interested. got some new zines in too. pm me john boy!
  6. mc moley


    we havnt put up any fliers or anything as far as i know. it looks like it will be on in the first week of feb. ill put up a date soon enough. we had a tiny meeting last night but it was about bands not the date. so any band who has ever asked to be put on a gig in kilcoole is now on a list. we...
  7. mc moley

    kitchen gig...

    yeah i flaked at about eleven... i was feckin knackered. so i went home to me mammy and had a nice warm glass of milk and then got tucked into bed. .|..| insert oly's yo momma remark here:
  8. mc moley

    kitchen gig...

    did everyone have a gud time at the kid blunt puget sound release gig (eoins kitchen)? twas a gud night. the cd sounds fuckin deadly too....pugets drum tracks are fucking insane.
  9. mc moley

    where to find extra big stapler?

    u can borrow mine if u want? saves ya splashing out on one,they're pricy enough mine was 23 euro...for a stapler! grrr
  10. mc moley


    no they let ya off if you have a piercing or a patch on...god stephen i think its time you read the aul punk rock rule book again dont you?
  11. mc moley


    thank you least someone's copped it! ive said it before and ill say it again.... its a buisness ya gotta know how to play it!
  12. mc moley

    the strange birthday?

    nah dont worry bout him he's corporate emo....he doesnt really have feelings he's just trying to cash in on the fact that people might think he does! :p
  13. mc moley

    One Life Crew

  14. mc moley


    yeah so what? it wasnt even cold in there....little bitch. ill smack him again if it needs be.
  15. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    the gig is gonna be on the first week in feb now due to some unknown reason. hurray for disorginisation!
  16. mc moley

    Regarding the Converge gig...

    i dont think everyone realises how important the work is that damo does for the scene. he puts on like 90% of the gigs. i think unless people are making an effort themselves to put on and bring over bands then they have no right to bitch at him. so feck off and leave my baby alone! if yez dont...
  17. mc moley

    Against! Me! Tour!

    hahah i reckon if i heard the new one and never heard their old stuff i would think its ok...just ok though. their old stuff was so so good, they really did it for me. now this newstuff is just disapointing. its sad. all my favorite bands are either going shit or breaking up. is this happening...
  18. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    oh yeah the soliders take half are also playing. (emo to the maximus)
  19. mc moley


    nah the good thing about kendo is he's naked in soliders take half and was in s.shitless too. he's a naked young man.
  20. mc moley

    Anyone ever done a Bungee jump??

    friend of mine did one and he said when your up there and the rope is dangling beneath you before you jump you can feel it pulling you. he said thats the worst part about it.