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  • Before: Dec 15, 2015
  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    animated gif thread

  2. HMD

    The HMD Radio Show

    Episode 152 is now streaming The HMD Radio Show 152 | Radioactive International Beers reviewed: Napar Pale Ale, Robinsons 9 hop IPA New music from Danzig, The Moth Gatherer, Mother Mooch, Zombi, Mammatus, Motorhead, Mondo Drag and a few others that are not so new.
  3. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 6

    ok, anything else?
  4. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 6

    was there any new footage in that?
  5. HMD

    animated gif thread

  6. HMD

    animated gif thread

  7. HMD

    Thumped Christmas Pints 2015 - 23rd Dec 2015

    It's the day after my work do and the day we finish for xmas so i'll be hungover and drinking from about 11am that morning so i wouldn't make any sense or remember it so it's a maybe from me but you never know how the day will pan out.
  8. HMD

    animated gif thread

  9. HMD

    What's wrong with

    It's November twenty fucking ninth and there's snow on the site. Fuck sake Pete, you've changed.
  10. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

    It has always been about the merch, i kinda like seeing how brands will try use it to shit their shit but that's just me. Star Wars Marketing Tie-Ins Have Jumped the Gundark With Lucky Charms, Lipstick, and Crocs
  11. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

  12. HMD

    Pete, can I change my username?

    Everyone loves a bit of Bob
  13. HMD

    Best Gig/Album/Song of 2015

    Right i'm going to start compiling my list, there's been fair few decent albums out this year i might have to do a two show special
  14. HMD

    The HMD Radio Show

    Here's this weeks show: episode 151 The HMD Radio Show 151 | Radioactive International Beers: Wicklow Wolf: A Beer Called Rwanda (coffee brown ale) and Brewdog: Candy Kaiser New music from Wizards Of Firetop Mountain, Big Bad, Adrenochrome, Saviours, Mammatus, Fuzz, and a classic from Suicidal...
  15. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    When i was a child I used to get compared to monchichis
  16. HMD

    Best Gig/Album/Song of 2015

    That Elder album is great and will be in my top 5
  17. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    Is there drinks this year?
  18. HMD

    Pete, can I change my username?

    I'm open to suggestions as to what I should change min to.
  19. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

    New one for the sith
  20. HMD

    animated gif thread
