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  1. Jim Daniels

    Giving up the MP3 Player

    Two days now as a Zen free pedestrian. I was worried about my ears, so I took the plunge. Thought I'd go mad, but its great! Real life sounds deadly! And my ears are speaking to me again. :cool: Anybody else tried it? Wondering how long I'll last before caving in.
  2. Jim Daniels

    The Smith Westerns

    Like them! They sound exactly like somebody like T-Rex but its young and fun and the video is nostalgic .|..| Going to buy the album.
  3. Jim Daniels

    Goodfellas is on the telly tonight

    It was a glorious time....
  4. Jim Daniels

    Eating Animals

    Reading the book at the moment and am not dealing to well with the meat on my plate this week. Especially pork and chicken. I won't go into details, but Jesus.... Any recent newbie vegetarians out there? Is it worth the stretch? Any lapsed ones? The brother gave up meat after a bet with my Da...
  5. Jim Daniels

    Bill Cullen has lost it

    On the Pat Kenny tv show now. He reckons we're all molly coddled. The audience is going mad. Hilarious .|..|
  6. Jim Daniels

    The sky is on fire

    Anybody see it?
  7. Jim Daniels

    Wanna buy Polly Harvey's yellow dress

    On E-Bay for Haiti: £460 and rising. The pink shoes are thrown in too...
  8. Jim Daniels

    What's the Irish for "Same to You"?

    Somebody send me a Happy New Year text in Irish. How do I say, "same to you. Its going to be a great year". Cheers!
  9. Jim Daniels

    Love Irish Food

    The sister shops in Aldi and told me recently that she buys UK milk :eek: Times are hard and she has kids and all, but if just one third of households in Ireland (that’s 400,000) spent an average of €1.67 more on an Irish item each week for a year, we would generate €35 million for the Irish...
  10. Jim Daniels

    Battle of the Sexes

    On RTE 1 at the moment Irish men are crap at everything! Can't dress ourselves, don't do the dishes, are useless beneath the sheets!
  11. Jim Daniels

    Scariest Songs Ever

    These two always shivered me timbers Smog - I Break Horses This Mortal Coil - FYT
  12. Jim Daniels

    Yo La Tengo Ticket going for free

    Got a ticket to spare. Can't make it. If anybody wants it, just pm me. No charge
  13. Jim Daniels

    Public versus Private Sector

    It was world war 3 on that Pat Kenny show tonight. They hate each other! Is this the new sectarianism?
  14. Jim Daniels

    Arthur's Day

    You have to hand it to them. Nine quid to get into a pub after 5.00pm. It seems to be totally sold out. Some marketing trick. Me and the work mates have ended up with the Church bar and some tragic band called Spring Break. Maybe it will be fun in an ironic way.. Would rather go to Anseo...
  15. Jim Daniels

    Septemberfest - drinkin' in the park

    This weekend in the sun in Phoenix Park. Hmmmm Beeeer .|..| Not to be confused with the Septemberfest the lads on Eyecore are talking about! (or maybe, to be confused with...) For the second year running Bord Bia is...
  16. Jim Daniels

    Fleet Foxes in Vicar Street

    That was the best gig I've been at in years. Unbelievable musicians and singers. Good humoured bunch too. .|..|.|..|.|..| Included a version of Two Headed Boy.
  17. Jim Daniels

    Ever kicked anyone out of your band?

    Heard two lads on the 51C tonight, discussing the best way to tell Nugent he had to go. Its going to happen tonight. One of them hated "doing this shit". Wonder how they got on? Are you out there lads (or Nugent)? It reminded me of this..
  18. Jim Daniels

    Willie Deville R.I.P

    Another one :( The Associated Press reports that Willy DeVille, founder and frontman for...
  19. Jim Daniels

    Rat is on TV3 at the moment

    Maybe I've just had a tough week in work, but this is making me laugh... Its on whatever TV3 is called these days
  20. Jim Daniels

    Laser Eyes

    Got the eyes zapped last week. Best thing ever - the things ye can see! Eyes felt like chopped onions for 3 days, but I get to wear shades again. Perfect timing :)