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  1. rumpus

    Fncay Taht

  2. rumpus

    thank you for the music

    It was the future of music and no mistake Poor derrick devines amp was a casualty though, andy broke it's brain. what a top day and nght that was. the dudleys, the tychos, mr cresote, bullets, united bibles...all ecksellent :D .|..| :)
  3. rumpus

    johnny cab rip

    I've been known to do a mean hand show performance of the entire Jacobs ladder. that's how great I am.
  4. rumpus

    johnny cash rip

    ok, get this Jonny cash dies John ritter dies Now, look John riiters dad , tex, wrote this song years ago: Hillbilly Heaven by: Tex Ritter Year: 1961 I dreamed I was there in hillbilly heaven Spoken: Last night I dreamed I went to hillbilly heaven. And you know who greeted me...
  5. rumpus

    johnny cash rip

    god help me the next time I see the video for 'Hurt' this is very sad news...I usually don't care much when stars die...
  6. rumpus

    johnny cash rip

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  7. rumpus

    Who Is The Best On Thumped

  8. rumpus

    new herv mp3

    yeah, old's doing the devil sign where the horns are on the side of the head. either that or he's just measured his lad
  9. rumpus

    100 Greatest Guitarists

    52 Lou Reed ?? he wrote some nice ditties, but he aint no special guitarist
  10. rumpus

    new herv mp3

    me mail [email protected] deeeaaadly
  11. rumpus

    new herv mp3

    mmmmmmrhythmswithinandbetweenrhythmssmmmmmmmm can't wait for the alblulm old, is that avatar the picture I think it is? :) can you send it to me?
  12. rumpus

    power-mad skeleton

    heh heh
  13. rumpus

    feedback on music

    "Taaaaaake me, in the mijdgic of the moment" ...a tear to my eye
  14. rumpus

    Boxes album in Road Records

    :) ...ah buh we did have my lovely lady wife dance a circle round us like some incontinent pixie
  15. rumpus


    cool, keep thumping when you go .....we could meet up for a pot of pale ale. mmmmm
  16. rumpus

    Boxes album in Road Records

    oh what fun WOULD YA LOOK AT THAT! THEY'RE FLYIN' HOUSES Old, you too hit those notes like a man possessed. possessed by note hittage.
  17. rumpus


    I lived ther for 6 months and I'm sorry to say I only found a couple of venues and not a very many interesting bands...then again I may have missed stuff. The Hopetown Inn (somewhere near surrey hills) is good so is The Landsdown, but not always. ...check out events in areas like 'Glebe'...
  18. rumpus

    Boxes album in Road Records

    I'm listening to this album a LOT. and I'm fucking loving it. .|..| The instrumental is hypnotic, and the production is unirish in it's goodness.
  19. rumpus

    Bored in Work (Commodore) 64

    auw yeah
  20. rumpus

    Y'know what...

    hushed groanism