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  1. rumpus

    screw you guys!! ive found my future

    "There is no real teaching. There is only real learning. And real learning is learn to do good." ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
  2. rumpus

    Extra Special Urgent

    Just let go of the turd man for gods sake you're the only man I know who thinks womenses gick is sexier than women.
  3. rumpus

    screw you guys!! ive found my future

    A jet plane cannot fly too high. When a jet reaches a certain height where the air is too thin to support the jet's wings, the jet loses its balance and falls. A jet is balanced by its wings. If the air becomes too thin, especially at a very high altitude, the jet's wings will no longer help...
  4. rumpus

    El Diablo

    oh god oh giddy mother of devine honey baked christ help me :( :eek: :: :: ::
  5. rumpus

    Tycho Brahe mp3/video

    the tychos are just a class act and sweet production? don't get me started on the sweet production. that crow piece is exactly like one of those cool little snippets they'd put on between sketches on sesame street. :) :)
  6. rumpus

    El Diablo

    oh sweet chicken of jesus I hurt. what a nice night it twaz. Much Guinness and a then sitting at home at 4am in total denial about work as my wife (who has today off) dancing a grand jig in fast motion for me...and chilli fries...and ... oh the pain as a disgruntled BBC viewer would...
  7. rumpus

    El Diablo

    I never read the press i Just wanted to use 'the'
  8. rumpus

    El Diablo

    it's like that TV show, "Latest edition" know, the one about that guy who runs an equal opportunity law firm and he can turn into any animal, but he's really an angel of god.... My, I just reminded myself of Billy there.
  9. rumpus

    El Diablo

    It'll be great, so great reviewers are reviewing it IN ANTICIPATION. I must read the article so I know when the highlight happens. We settlerheads are playing too. Easiest. plug. ever.
  10. rumpus

    Some upcoming gigs...

    forgive my hypersensitivity I'm just used to people bitchin about his style...when all he is is a nice nice man with a great big fat imagination. :)
  11. rumpus

    Some upcoming gigs...

    Breakfast of chamions was a real 'stay up all night reading it and it changes you life book' for me. That and 'Player Piano', oh and 'Hocus Pocus', oh and slaughter house 5 are his best book...oh, and all his short stories are his best book too... He didn't over use the phrase you big...
  12. rumpus

    Boxes Album launch, Friday night, Tullamore.

    Can't make it, d'oh. Is it available in road yet? Is it available in road yet? Is it available in road yet?
  13. rumpus

    Come in, your time is up.

    yeah tell us Pete! or...or..I'll ban YOU!
  14. rumpus

    la la la la la la la

    The Jizzfascists debut album:- like a chicken on antibiotics
  15. rumpus

    Who art thou?

    Wormtongue feckin Wormtongue !
  16. rumpus

    Bored in Work (66)60

    ah yes
  17. rumpus

    Bored in Work (66)60

    :D :D :p :D
  18. rumpus

    This old chestnut

    mary margaret o hara sam prekap smogs new one lots of mp3s I got given the sound of these keys as I type... . . .
  19. rumpus

    How much...

    my's still there I've had lunch and the need to stab her is STILL there. ps - if anyone knows her, no offense....... but could you stab her in the jaw for me? dear me really do have some serious britney issues.
  20. rumpus

    Happy Bday Michaelknight

    conbobulations and facilitations to you I'm 30 - how's that for past it!